Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Joyce Leiphon and Light of the World Cult

I was asked recently how could anyone stay under someone and give mo' money until it hurts.  Unless you've been there it would be hard to understand.  If your pastor/teacher/mentor exhibits any of the following characteristics, you too, may be in a cult.

Signs Of Cult Behavior:
  1. Cult members are focused on a living leader to whom members seem to display excessively zealous, unquestioning commitmentThe leader is a strong-willed, domineering character who rules the group with tight control. She lets it be known in subtle ways that she is “in charge” of the movement. She makes the plans, she orchestrates the movements of the group or groups (sometimes she exercises her sway over several groups). Frequently, they even begin to imitate her mannerisms in terms of dress, voice inflection, language patterns, aggressive attitudes, etc. They become “clones” of their esteemed leader. It is not uncommon that the leader knows of weaknesses or past problems of people within her group and uses intimidation and fear to keep them under her control.
  2. Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged, and there can be pressure or social punishment when there is disagreement with the “boss.” Those who disagree are made to feel as though they are stupid or inept. They are brainwashed with the notion that they do not have the knowledge or experience to question the leader. Younger people are particularly vulnerable to the leader’s “anointing.” No matter how radical the leader becomes in her decisions or actions, the cult members will not criticize her. Even if there should be mild disagreement, no specific expressions are voiced. The members feel that although she may be mistaken in some of her judgments, but the overall good she accomplishes outweighs any minor flaws. Members are taught to “rationalize” the conduct of the leader.
  3. The leader is preoccupied with money. There is always a need for increasing finances. New projects are always “in the works.” Members are strongly encouraged to greatly sacrifice for the leader’s pet projects. There is always pressure to give; members of the group must be kept excited on a continual basis. The cult leader always takes the major credit for the movement’s accomplishments. Members become psychologically dependent upon him. “What would we ever do without our spiritual mother?,” is the cult mentality.
  4. The cult leader generates within her members “a polarized” mentalityHer people evolve an “us-versus-them” mentality. Little-by-little she criticizes other groups with which her members might tend to associate, undermining confidence in them, attempting to discredit anyone who could have influence over her “flock.” Cult members become suspicious. No one is really as “sound” as “we” are. We are an “elitist” group. And so, seeds of isolationism are sown. The movement leader discourages reading any material, examining any ideas that hedoes not initiate.
  5. The cult leader has a clearly defined “anti-authoritarian” disposition. Within the context of the church, for instance, she would have an “anti-elder accountability” attitude. Elders would be recipients of constant critical remarks. No cult leader would affiliate himself with a congregation having elders to whom she must be in submission. “Control” could not be maintained in such an environment, so Elders are rendered impotent, or non existent.  The cult leader would constantly criticize preachers, particularly those whose knowledge of the Scriptures eclipse her own. Members must be made to feel that she is the “chief authority” in spiritual matters.
  6. Cult members are seen occasionally to take on a new personality. They begin to act differently. They become increasingly antagonistic to family members and long-time friends. They may even boast that, “I am not the old [name] that you used to know; I am a new person now.” And indeed they are. They have become strangers to those who knew them well. They have been transformed into the image of their leader.
So there you have it, potential cult members. Take the time to climb through the Word of God as your pimp is twisting it from the pulpit. Read it in context – don’t just flip to the verses she tells you to read. If you still believe that your pimp descended from the right hand of the Father, then stay.


  1. Thanks Bill. People do not realize they are in a cult and when someone points it out to them they refuse another contact with that person even if it is a family member. It truly reminds me going up as a Catholic. We were truly told never to listen to anyone but the Priest. Do not for if you do you will loose you soul. Again this year I have a family member who belongs to this cult, she will not be coming to our Thanksgiving meal as I didn't tell her the truth in LOVE. I pray for her and others to find out the truth about the LOVE of God. As I understand if you tell some one the truth of Gods Word that is love. It is only when you are making God into a mushy gooey love you are leading souls astray. Again Thanks Bill for all you are doing to get the truth out about this cult

  2. If the cult leader starts mixing up a batch of "Kool-Aid" like Jim Jones at the Peoples Temple in Guyana did, WATCH OUT!

  3. Look at the mind control Charles Manson had over his "family."

  4. Pimp? Oh my goodness, that is funny. Well, I guess there are greedy money pimps like J. L. and then there are other kinds of pimps.

  5. The devil made her do it !

  6. no I believe it is called self or maybe even self-righteousness of course greedy

  7. From My understanding form the Scriptures Jesus did not become a recluse or an ascetic. Jesus Christ did not cut himself off from society. Jesus was called a glutton and a wine-bibber. Our Lord never allowed anything to interfere with HIS consecration of spiritual energy.
    The counterfeit of consecration is the conscious cutting off of things with the idea of storing spiritual power for use later on. this is a hopeless mistake. the greatest blessing spiritually is the knowledge that we are destitute;( deserving hell) until we get there Our Lord is powerless. Even Paul only Preached Jesus Christ and Him crucified.( Gal 6:14) Is this what your preacher is preaching or is she or he adding his or her own twist to the scripture? Why do so many preacher tell their followers not the have anything to do with those who do not accept their teaching when Christ never told His followers to avoid those who did not believe them.

  8. I read somewhere in these post about a book called, " A DIFFERENT GOSPEL" BY D.R. McConnell. I found the book and golly did it open my eyes. I truly now believe all the Word of faith Doctrine is truly a tool of the Devil. All of them may not teach Jesus died spiritually. All of them may not believe they can become a god. For me I chose to get out of this type of false teaching. Get the book and read it with an open mind. I did. My life will never be the same. Praise God for my Savior Jesus Christ and what He did for me on the Cross.

  9. Another sure sign of cult behavior within this group is when Pastor Leiphon throws out this crock of crap that people will get cancer or come into some kind of bad luck if they dare speak against her. And forbidding her "followers" to communicate with anyone who does not agree with her teachngs about money. Clearly cult control tactics. That sociopathic crazy man Jim Jones of the Peoples' Temple controlled his "followers" in the same manner.

  10. On page six of the booklet of The light Of The World Church.There is a statement,"The light of the world church is on a mission to change lives by the light of God's Word.God desires to have a body of believers who will grow into their sonship and be Him in the earth".E.W.Kenyon and others in the word of faith movement also teach that we become g-god.In 1st John 3:2 It states Beloved, now we are sons of God,and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.Also in 2nd Cor.4:7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God,and not of us. And you can look up Revelation 19:10. We never become little god's, and never become Jesus.If truly born again,then sons of God. Still just vessels of clay for Him to work with. By HIS grace will mature and let Him live His Life in us,unless we believe the Lie that Eve believed You SHALL BE GOD.And self stays on the throne of our heart and follows the false teachers of the word of faith movement,all the word confessions,giving to get rich and many other dead works, to get from God. It is finished Jesus has been crucified we are sanctified at the CROSS, and if we are in HIM the Holy Spirit will lead and guide us in all Truth. If we will come to Him and his Word and quit following man.Read the Word of God Chapter and Book with the Holy Spirit,He will show you what he is talking about, God first not man.

  11. You know I have been thinking along these same lines about becoming god. I know when we adopt children our blood is not in them they do not have our heredity yet we love them as our very own children. they will never be from my blood line. Yet these children we have adopted have all the rights of children born from our bodies. I have to compare this to the fact that we have become adopted children of God. We have the right of children of God with Jesus Christ being the first born. HE is truly God and we are his adopted children. Jesus made this possible through his shed blood. I do not understand how anyone who is sane could ever truly believe they can or have become a god of any kind. Weird
