Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Joyce Leiphon Witchcraft practices

It's been two years since I left Light of the World Church and Joyce Leiphon.  I've wondered if writing this blog has had any impact in warning others about this church and the pastor worship that occurs here.    Since this is Holloween and Joyce and her Light of the World Church will be having their service tonight to honor the Money Cometh God, I thought it'd be appropriate to write a post. 

A couple things happens in the month of October that costs the members of this cult more money than other months.  I don't know the origins of this, but October has been pastor appreciation month since 1992.  Joyce has her private servant send out emails concerning this as I posted earlier.  In short, pastor worship, oh yes, I understand you should appreciate your teachers and leaders, however, used by Joyce Leiphon, it became an enslaving tool of witchcraft.

Not to be out done, but October 23 is Joyce Leiphon birthday, and she again has her private servant send out emails for this too  In short, pastor worship again, and yes, I understand you should appreciate your teachers and leaders, however, used by Joyce Leiphon, it became another enslaving tool of witchcraft.

When I was there, October was a month our family did without.  This is nothing short of pastor worship as we were compelled to give and give until it hurt!  It seemed her followers tried to out do each other in our "seed sowing"  Funny how "seed sowing" refers to money cometh.  Her man of gawd, Leroy Thompson would tell us "Don't send me a birthday card without no money in it!"

Witchcraft, yes, I said it.  I have now come to realize that Joyce Leiphon practices witchraft under the disguise of christianity.  When you are calling, saying, yelling, shouting at an object (money) and commanding it to come to you (MONEYCOMETH to ME!).....that's witchraft.  When you have your subjects take pictures of money, checks written to Joyce Leiphon in $10,000.00, and post them all over your house....that is witchcraft.  Stand in a circle as a group and holding hands and command money to come to you and your  brothers and sisters, and most of all, to the leader.....that is witchcraft.   When you speak spells against persons by name, (those who have left her cult)....that is withchraft.

So on this day, I would admonish those who would never think their church would be involved in witchcraft, let alone idolatry (pastor worship).  I would say, run, run and run!  Oh, by the way, nothing was ever mentioned about the Cross, Jesus, God, the Blood of Jesus, or Salvation by Grace.  Everything was focused on Joyce Leiphon and money cometh!


  1. Bill, I want to thank you for posting what you do. the more truth that is on this site it helps someone somewhere. We may never know who it helps but if it frees one soul from the clutches of the devil it is well worth it. Keep up the blog as long as you feel the LORD has it on your heart.

  2. If you want a eye opener go to youtube put in Johanna Michaelsen listen to her testimony.Think you can't be deceived.For even more details get her book The beautiful side of evil. This will shock you.Because she thought she was walking with Jesus, and finally the GRACE OF God set her free from Satan.Saw all kind of miracles even praying in the name of Jesus, but lying wonders false miracles.Well worth your time.

  3. So let me ask you a question. Does your pastor practice witchcraft? Has he/ she ever implied that when he/she decrees a thing it is established instantaneous-ly? Has he ever instructed you to speak prophetically to your offer-ing? Has he ever told you God is going to ma-ke you a slum-dog millionaire, provided you make a few down-payments to the church? If “yes” to any of the abo-ve, then your pastor is operating in a time-honoured tradition of using witchcraft on his congregation

    how long will you try God? How long will you trust the words of mere men and woman when the truth of the Word of God is freedom not more bondage. Wake up before it is to late . Those who practice witchcraft even unknowingly will parish

  4. So let me ask you a question. Does your pastor practice witchcraft? Has he ever implied that when he decrees a thing it is established instantaneous-ly? Has he ever instructed you to speak prophetically to your offer-ing? Has he ever told you God is going to ma-ke you a slum-dog millionaire, provided you make a few down-payments to the church? If “yes” to any of the abo-ve, then your pastor is operating in a time-honoured tradition of using witchcraft on his congregation

  5. I wouldn't give and give and give to this crook until it hurt. I would tell her where to go and walk out.

  6. If someone is shouting at money and commanding it to come to you, there are plenty of openings available in mental health facilities.

  7. Phil 3:9 "And be found in HIm , not having my own righteousness, which is of the Law, but that wich is through the Faith Of Christ, the Righteousness which is of God by Faith"

    A great truth here is given to us at least if we understand what the Great Apostle is saying (Paul). He is saying that it was not sins that he had to surrender to win Christ, even though that definitely was done, but rather his own personal righteousnesses. Christ died not only to expaitate and abolish our sins but also to expatiate and abolish our righteousness. The Righteousness which is from God is offereed to the sinner in Christ, and secured by him by faith as opposed to works.
    this was taken from Jimmy Swaggart's book "A WORD FOR EVERYDAY. The scripture was taken from the KING JAMES Bible. JFC

  8. One has to wonder why Joyce Leiphon's followers are apparently not intelligent enough to figure out that this woman is nothing but a scam artist. Do they stay with her because they truly believe they are going to get rich or are they actually afraid of her?

  9. Wonder why in the world this gal keep the name of her last husband, Leiphon. She has no kids with him and he is the 5th hubsand she has divorced. One would think she would just take back her maiden name. That way, when Gawd tells her to divorce the next husband, she won't have to change her name again.

  10. Found this on has a lot about what I would this pastor is doing involving witchcraft

    I. Opposing Marriage – Witchcraft always opposes anything that operates under the authority of God such as marriage. Beware of any church or pastor that does not promote marriage and its survival. If you are in a church where the pastor does not work to keep a couple together, you may be in the wrong place.
    If a couple is going through some things, and the pastor says, “Leave your spouse because he is not the right one,” if he encourages the other spouse to do the same, it is not consistent with the Word of God (Matthew 19:6; 1 Corinthians 7:9-14). When a pastor says that the wife should leave the husband because he is not on her spiritual level, this is not in line with Scripture (1 Peter 3:1-2). Beware of churches with female pastors who have either been hurt by men or divorced. They will usually spread that hurt to the women in church who are having problems in their marriages. She will encourage couples to be apart rather than be together. The witchcraft spirit loves to gather other hurt women. The Spirit of God always encourages marriages to stay together.

  11. But 5 husbands? The problem can't possibly be with all of them. I would say this pastor has a few screws loose, actually more than a few. She obviously has something missing in the upstairs compartment.

  12. I will not say she has any screws loose I would say however from reading all these post that she does want to be God. What a shame that anyone could believe they are that holy and righteous to want to be God or even treated as we would think we would treat God if he were present in our lives. I thank God everyday that He is God and I am not. Seems to me she has the same problem that cause the fall of man in the beginning. Didn't Eve want to be like God isn't that what Adam wanted also? Anyone who desires to worshiped as it appears this woman does well I would run as it is idolatry. I have read many articles on witchcraft in the church appears to me she is practicing witchcraft,.

  13. You are absolutely right; Joyce doesn't have any "screws loose" She is actually extremely intelligent, as most sociopaths are; they do not think that the laws and rules that the rest of society have to follow apply to them and they think that they are special and better than everyone else. Sociopaths think only of themselves and their own needs; they have no conscience whatsoever when it comes to how they treat others; and that fits the "most holy one" Joyce Leiphon to a tee.

  14. Before I would join any group or church I would truly check out the fact about this group or church. Now is the group all about money or preaching the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. I listen to a variety of preachers including Jimmy Swaggart also Charles Stanley. Now some say Dr. Stanley isn't teaching the true gospel but if you go to and find life 30 principles and read the vast wealth this Man of God has on this site you will find that men and women like Joyce Leiphon and others are not the called leaders of God but they are doing the work of satan. Greed is a sin sin begets sin. While on intouch web site I found an article on the Quality Leadership. Read Nehemiah, is your leader in the same quality as this man was or is he or she about themselves.

  15. I found this article on So many good articles you who belong to Joyce Leiphon's church should truly check this site out.

    The Bible teaches that the spiritual worker deserves to be paid:

    The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honor, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching. For the Scripture says, "Do not muzzle the ox while it is treading out the grain," and "The worker deserves his wages." - 1 Timothy 5:17-18

    I believe it is reasonable to assume that Paul the Apostle meant only fair wages, not excessive wages, and that Paul would have agreed with what Peter the Apostle wrote:

    To the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow elder, a witness of Christ's sufferings and one who also will share in the glory to be revealed: Be shepherds of God's flock that is under your care, serving as overseers-not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not greedy for money, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. - 1 Peter 5:1-3

    Obviously one of the ways greedy pastors can extract money from God's people is via excessive wages. The amount of which they will often decide themselves, or have conferred on them by their sycophants (via the church board, or the church wages review committee, for example).

    No honest pastor would have a problem with his congregation knowing how much their church pays him, or at least what range his wage fell in, like say "between $50,000 and $60,000". This is normal. Openness regarding the pastor's stipend has been a practice of the Christian church for hundreds of years, and continues today. Only those pastors who have an excessive wage would be reluctant to let the amount become public knowledge.

    If your pastor refuses to be open about his wage then be very suspicious. It is likely he knows that the amount would be considered excessive. If it is excessive, then watch him dodge the issue like a sweaty politician.

    Be even more suspicious whenever you hear a pastor's wage being justified by comparing him to a CEO. If you hear this CEO nonsense then you can instantly know two things: first, the pastor's wage is massive; second, you are being scammed. A pastor is not a CEO no matter how big his church empire is; a CEO runs a for monetary-profit organization, a pastors serves the people of God - they are not the same thing.

    By the way, if the pastor claims to be a CEO, then you must be a shareholder. Shareholders have full rights to the accounts, including how much their "CEO" is earning.

    Your Counter Strategy: Find out how much your pastor is paid. If he will not reveal the information then stop giving to that church until it is revealed. Especially stop if you hear any of this "CEO" rubbish.

    1. I remember years ago when Joyce was trying to get me to start giving to her ministry, she told me that the government wanted pastors to earn big salaries like the "CEO'S of BIG company's. Now, at the time I told her that if you can't preach the Gospel Of Jesus Christ for free you have no business preaching at all. I told her then she was wrong. I still know today with out going to this site she is wrong. So if you are following this false teacher beware. With where the the USA is headed today I am saying if not judgment, chastisement is coming to this nation. I truly believe it will start with JUDGMENT against these types of false teacher. Just like in the days of old when Israel followed false gods the One true God sent JUDGMENT. Beware it is coming. History does repeat its self. Please for the sake of your eternal life run from this false teacher. I pray for Joyce and those who follow her to repent and turn from this false teaching. I also pray for other family members who are also follower of this false teacher.

  16. Luke 4:18
    The Spirit of the Lord [is] upon Me, because He has anointed Me [the Anointed One, the Messiah] to preach the good news (the Gospel) to the poor; He has sent Me to announce release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to send forth as delivered those who are oppressed [who are downtrodden, bruised, crushed, and broken down by calamity
    reading these posts it appears to me so many have forgotten this scripture. Jesus the Messiah was sent to set captives free. Jesus came to set all captives free not just some but all.
    This country is in the shape it is in because we have left our first love and want to be gods ourselves. We believe we can speak things into existence. We as a nation is not worshiping the created being instead of the Creator. Judgement is coming to this nation as a whole and the false teachers will be the first to feel the effects of God's Righteous Judgment. We as a nation and as His church have believed the LIE. Are you ready to choose Jesus Christ as you LORD or are you willing to listen to what man says instead of the Word of God. There is none righteous no not one. Read it in Romans Chapter 3. Then tell me you are righteous.

  17. Isn't it about time for Mrs. Leiphon to change her hairdo on the LOTWC website? This is a woman, nearly 60 years old, trying to look like a teenie bopper, with that long jet black hair hanging down to her whatever. If only these mature women who try to look like a teenager could only realize how silly they look.

  18. She's just trying to look sexy, waiting for husband # 6 to come along (so that Gawd can tell her to divorce him too)

  19. I am not concern about how long Joyce grows her hair. I am concerned about the condition of her soul. There is only one God with Three divine person in this one God. IF you truly understand what Jesus Christ did for all human beings you would Never put yourself on the same level as Jesus the only Son of God or in the level of the HOLY SPIRIT the third person of the Godhead or as the Father knowing all things. It is idolatry to place anyone in this position. One of the commandments of the Lord God is do not have any other god before me. Have you placed yourself or any other person before the Most HIGH GOD. IF Paul the Great apostle did not consider Himself to become god how can anyone who claims to be following Jesus Christ claim this. Some of my family will not talk to me or even come to family gatherings because I will not worship my sister Joyce Leiphon. Yes I do have family members following this false teacher. They say I do not have the Love of God in me since I come against her teaching. I say I do have the love of God in me for my family since they are believing the same Lie that Eve has believe and Joyce has gone even farther then that as I received and email that she puts her name in scripture that pertains only to the LORD JESUS CHRIST. I pray for those who are following this false god. The Spirit that is in the antichrist is who Joyce is following and all those who are following her is not following the King of Kings and the LORD of LORDS. I pray God to open your blind eyes and your deaf ears that you may HEAR the Truth of Gods Word and run from this false teacher this false god.

  20. Do any of you who are following Joyce Leiphon realize what you are doing? Reading the posts on this blog you would think you were reading about Jim Jones or one of the other cult leaders who committed mass murder. I am having a problem with anyone who places their name in Scripture pertaining to the LORD Jesus Christ. I read the medical aspects of Jesus Christ from the site named on this post. It truly made me realize just how much God loved me. So Joyce Leiphon I am calling you to repent of your sin. God so loved the World that HE Gave HIS ONLY Son to die on the tree for all men. All we have to do is believe in HIS finished work on the Cross. Ask in faith of Christ that the Holy Spirit teach lead and guide me into all truth.I will join with other and pray that the LORD remove the blinders from the eyes of the followers of this false teacher. I am asking Joyce Leiphon to repent and turn for her evil wicked ways turn from the greed and the antichrist spirit

  21. If Joyce has made up her mind that she would prefer to live in wealth on this earth, preachng a false gospel, and trade that for glorious etenity with the Lord, so be it. She has made this decision on her own, so we don't feel sorry for her. The choice was hers. She has made her own bed; now let her lie in it!!!

  22. Anonymous I do agree with you. what she does is her choice. However, when she is leading souls to hell, all who know she is should be speaking out against this false teacher. This is an email I received the other day. Read these scriptures for yourselves. How can it be speaking of Joyce Leiphon. MY Bible clearly states these scriptures are pertaining to God and Jesus Christ. does Joyce truly believe she is Jesus? You who are following her do you believe she is God the father son and holy Spirit? If you do you are lost!!!! JFC

    I'm going through my bible and found a couple of other verses where we put her name in place.

    Jeremiah 33:9 KJV

    And Pastor Joyce shall be to me a name of joy, a praise and an honour before all the nations of the earth, which shall hear all the good I do for her, and they shall fear and tremble for all the goodness and for all the prosperity that I procure for her.

    Psalms 45:1 KJV amplified

    Pastor Joyces' heart overlows with a goodly theme, She address her psalm to a King. Her tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

  23. Joyce Leiphon is extremely mentally ill.

  24. If this Leiphon lady is leading all of these souls to Hell, then all of them must want to go there. Othewise, they wouldn't be following her. Apparently they don't have enough sense to walk away from all of this insanity.

  25. I think Joyce Leiphon TRULY BELIEVES that she is JESUS CHRIST.

  26. From what I am reading on this post I agree with you that she truly believes she has become Jesus Christ. However she fails to see the Jesus Christ him self is seated at the right hand of God the Father. The Holy Spirit was sent back to lead and guide us in the way we should walk. No another Man. the Holy Spirit gave Paul the Apostle the message of the Cross which is the means and only means for any one to come to the LORD

  27. Listening to the news this morning and the fact that Israel it appears to be at war, are any of you willing to believe that Jesus Christ return is not just around the corner. With so many nations in the middle east wanting all Jew to be wiped off the face of the earth and now with the attacks from the Gaza and Israel defending herself. I will be on my knees seeking the LORD. Asking Him to hold off coming so our love one can come to know the saving Knowledge of Jesus Christ. I myself as crying Come Lord Jesus I am ready but so many of my family are lost. Give us more time LORD to bring them in to you.

  28. I found something odd on Joyce Leiphon church site. I copied it and will post it here then I have a question for this pastor

    God has called Pastor Joyce to train people to live by the Word of God. Her assignment is to teach people "who they are in Christ." Our mission is to preach, proclaim, warn, encourage and instruct everyone in all wisdom, which is comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God that we may present every person mature in Christ the Anointed One. Colossians 1:28

    Now according to your words above you say God called you to teach people who they are in Christ. Yet I read on this post that you have a sister who wants to talk to you about what you are preaching yet you refuse to talk to her and have other family not talk to her. How then can you say you are being obedient to the LORD. Who can you refuse who ask? What gives you the right to chose who should be taught and who can not be taught? Just wondering if you can answer this!

  29. I don't quite understand how someone can be FORCED AND COMPELLED to give and give and give until it hurts. All one has to do is say enough is enough and walk away. Was Leiphon holding a gun to your head?

  30. The gun these preacher use on their members is the law of Moses. Which Jesus Christ fulfilled on the Cross of Calvary. God no longer lives in the temple made by men that needs to be cared for. God through the HOLY SPIRIT lives in believers hearts. God ask us to give to promote the gospel of Jesus Christ not the wealth of the Preacher.

  31. It says something on her website about learning to live with God and EACH OTHER. That being the case, why does this screwball have 5 ex-husbands?
