Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Will 2014 be any different for the follower's of Joyce Leiphon? You need to be at church on New Year's Eve or else!

This was what expected on New Year's Eve under Joyce Leiphon.  If you didn't participate, you would be missing god and could have an impact on how your year would go.  I remember when several of our worship team decided not to come and was instructed to sit them down as a form of discipline.

We would show up several hours before the midnight to set everything up.  Everyone was asked to bring a dish of food to share with the group.  We again were asked by the event coordinator to bring a gift and some money for Joyce.  It was important to sow your money to Joyce at the beginning of the New Year!

Joyce would have her man of gawd, Leroy Thompson Money Cometh video playing on the big screen to set the mood.  We'd eat and fellowship, talk about those who didn't show up, and all they'd be missing out.

We would join hands in a circle, read a bunch of scriptures placing Joyce Leiphon's on high in praise to her and what she'd done for us in the previous year.  We'd go on for maybe 30 minutes or so, then as Joyce would walk around the room praying in tongues, we would follow her every move.  Some of her personal assistants would actually shadow her in case she would lose her balance.  She'd be drunk in the spirit and sometimes would be held up.  She'd blow on people and they would faint to the floor.  I wondered why no one fell when the catchers weren't in place to catch them?

We'd do the countdown to midnight......then shout out loud, "Money Cometh to Me Now", sometimes we'd do the "money pull", we'd jump up and down, run around acting as if we were rich.

Yes, her followers would try to be the first to give her money in the new year.  She would recognize those to the rest of the group who gave much money.  It seemed we were in competing for her blessing on us as we'd try to outdo each other in our giving.

Pretty exciting New Year's Eve yes?  Nothing but the money, didn't do much for the lost, the hurting, the poor.  It was all about Joyce Leiphon.  Things may have changed since Joyce is now streaming her shows online at LOTWC.......No, I don't think so, it's all about the money, has been, always will be.

Happy New Year!


  1. I went to church last night ( New Years Eve). We sang some songs, worshiped the LORD Jesus Christ! We rang in the new year making it all about who He (Jesus The Christ) is, was and ever will be. He is the one who set men free. There were testimony's from two men on how they were before coming to the saving knowledge of all that Jesus Christ had done for them. The miracles the LORD had done all their lives even before knowing the one who died for them. there was no mention of money or wealth or power of any Kind other then the fact that Jesus Christ and only Jesus Christ can changer lives. There was no offering taken no mention of Money or anything special concerning these men. Just the face that Jesus Christ had set them free from the Law of sin and death. It was through the Grace and Mercy of the Most High God that these men were saved. Had nothing to do with how much money they gave to the preacher to get what they wanted or needed. It was the LOVE of God that drew them. It was the Love of God that saved them. It was the fact that Jesus Christ being tested in all points as we that He Freely gave his life that all men be saved. Before we ended the service to let the old year go and bring in the New Year looking to Christ for all our answers we did receive Communion. To me this was the best New Years' Eve I have ever celebrated. All it cost me was the little gas to get to the church. I am free from the Law of sin and death. I am free from lying preachers, I am free from the bonds of sin. All because of one man the Man called Jesus the Christ. I ask those who follow any preacher or any man other then Jesus Christ are you free?

  2. As I read Bill's post and jfcecil' comment. Couldn't help but see one life the Adamic life of self. The other declaring the life of Jesus Christ and the peace that comes from Him, that then brings a new heart that is filled with PRAISE to and for Jesus.

  3. There is liberty in Christ Jesus that you will never find in cults,or any type religion. It does appear to me that Lotwc is a cult, and a " religion" called "money". Money is the god with the preacher being that god's minister. The God I server never will bless this cult or religion no matter how much you want to believe He will. All blessing come from Jesus Christ like the above post states the one that Died to set all men free from the law of sin and death. With the love of Money that this preacher has will bring destruction on to herself and her followers. I pray they all repent and turn to the LORD while there is still time. Once there is death it is to late.

  4. All of this control sounds like a cult to me. If Joyce Leiphon acts in a manner such as this, and permits such bizarre behavior to go on in her church, it's pretty obvious what an extremely mentally disturbed woman she is.

  5. I heard Joyce Leiphon in her teaching on New Years' Eve mention the " rapture". I have not heard her mention this in the past teachings. My study of the Word tells me the " rapture" or " catching away of the Church" is the next prophecy to be fulfilled. My question for Joyce and others is: If according to the Word of God the Rapture could happen at any time should we be so concerned about money, material possessions and the power that wealth gives. Should we not be looking to the Lord Jesus Christ coming. The marriage feast. What good is the money going to do any of us once we either go in the Rapture or if we miss it all together. Just some thoughts if anyone who attends this group would care to answer. I know Joyce won't. I cannot stand to listen to her whole teaching as she is constantly contradicting herself.

  6. From all that on her website teaching she and her group will need all the money and bunkers and guns they can get. For Jesus is not coming back for this CULT. Those that are following her are giving up their free will and making her their god not Jesus. They have torn 2Tim 2-15 (part of it ) study to show yourself approved of God rightly dividing the word of God. There are many other scriptures that they ignore and allow her to control them, all will answer to God someday.

  7. All the documentaries about cults that I have seen on TV seem to point to exactly what is going on in Leiphon's distorted mind and bizarre world. Just like cult leaders Warren Jeffs, Jim Jones, and David Koresch, it is or was all about control and manipulation, just like Joyce Leiphon is doing to her followers. This woman has already had such a psychotic breakdown and lost complete touch with reality, I just wonder how soon it will be before she does something horrible to someone for not following her "teachings," just as these other cult leaders have done. This woman has to be a ticking timebomb waiting to snap. Scary.

  8. She and her followers are already punishing those who leave her cult. They are shunned. They are not acknowledged as even being alive. Some she call's the Child of the devil and that you must avoid them. She said that she doesn't have a heart for anyone who leaves her cult. I also have seen many of this documentaries about these cults. Seems to me Joyce is getting worse by the day. One lie begets another until she has no idea of the truth.

  9. I wonder if Joyce Leiphon ever thinks about all the starving and freezing homeless people during winter. I doubt it because all she is concened with is getting "rich." This gal does not even come close to being a human being; SHE IS A HEARTLESS MONSTER !

  10. Worse than a heartless monster. She has divorced 5 husbands, screwed around, treated her stepchldren like crap, put at least one set of in-laws in their graves, broken up families, tried every way possible to get money that she was not entitled to, asked for cash to be given to her "outside of the church," and has blamed everyone else for her bratty daughter's behavior. And then calls others a "child of the devil."

  11. How many people who are following Joyce Leiphon realize that like Joyce they are offering the same sacrifice to the Lord that Cain offered? The money you are giving to Joyce because she says that is what you are to do is the same sacrifice that was rejected by God. I want to believe that those who have left this cult have gone before the Lord and offered the only Sacrifice that God would accept like Able did. Are you going to allow Joyce Leiphon to steal, kill and destroy you? Or will you realize that the Savior is Jesus Christ and it was and is HIS sacrifice that offerd a sweet smelling aroma into the nostrils of the Lord God. Are you doing without so you can sacrifice your money to Joyce as though she has a right to your sustenance. If so you are doing what Cain did? I do not believe Joyce will ever repent. She has found a way to be worshiped by a few. She has found a way to control everyone around her. It is called Witchcraft. She knows what she is doing and is so selfish and self-centered she demand total obedience from those who follow her. Even Jesus Christ never demanded anything from anyone He said "come follow me". Which sacrifice are you giving the one that is being rejected by the most High God like Cain and Joyce Leiphon or the one that Able offered unto the Lord which is and was the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and Him crucified?

  12. Adam given choice free will to obey or disobey God. All know how that turned out, we now have death. Look at Matt. 10:34-39, Luke 9:23-25 and see what Jesus said was necessary. Then Rom.1:16-19 see what God has done. Rom.:2-4-8 each given a choice.Rom. 10:8-10 believe in heart and confess with mouth.Now because of Jesus one can have life. Since the Bible is the Word of God and is TRUTH, even if one does not believe it. Joyce and her followers need to read it and know that Joyce can not do it for them. She is just a human being that is going to die just like everybody else, even if she like Eve has believed the LIE you will be like God. She can declare things all she wants but has no power to make it happen. Only thing she can do is con her followers out of their money, because they must not be able to read the word of God for themselves. She controls them because they let her.

  13. The fact that Joyce Leipon has treated others so horribly over the years, without conscience, yet has the audacity to call others a child of the devil is very typical. This is clearly inidcative of what a lethal sociopath, not to even mention hypocrit that she is. These members of society think they can get away with anything but woe to anyone who crosses them. The only devil here is Joyce Leiphon.

  14. I know Joyce leiphon is a former Roman Catholic. I also am a former RC. From what I hear her preach I honestly can not distinguish her teaching from the RC. However, She has either become Jesus Christ himself or the Pope yet it seems they both claim to be god. Anyone who can use the Written Word of God and twist it for their own personal gain is truly evil. Religious Evil is the worst kind. You can not reach this person. She is above all even God, so she thinks. She claims that what she preaches isn't religion well I suggest you ask some of the ones that have left this cult and gone on to find a church teaching the TRUE gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. My God is a loving God and He will accept anyone who repents ,turns away from their sin. Joyce I suggest you repent from your Idolatry, Die to self and pick up your cross and follow Jesus Christ instead of Leroy Thompson. If you do a word study on Greed and Covetousness you will realize that this is Idolatry according to the Word of God. God never stops loving His creation even if they choose not to follow Him. God will prick the heart of those truly seeking him. Or he may do as He did with Pharaoh whose heart was already hardened against the most High God. No matter what God did to show He was truly God Pharaoh would not bow down to Him as creator of all things. Joyce will you bow down to the Most High God or have you exchange the truth for the lie as Eve had done? I have headr out of your own mouth that many have come to tell you what you are preaching is wrong yet you refuse the life line the Lord has sent you. You turn your back on those who oppose you. When you cannot accept correction from anyone you have become unteachable. Repent again I say Repent of you evil wicked ways

  15. Joyce Leiphon is so full of fear that she has to control those who follow her in every thing they think or do. I have been to many churches who teach as Joyce does and just like when I was a Roman catholic I was told by the Lord to get out of there. I left Word of Faith doctrine and the prosperity gospel that was taught in the 70's. Our Dad left both of these cults. However, Joyce has always been full of herself thinking she was something no one can be. I have never sneaked around and done anything my whole life. Now that I do have a relationship with the LORD Jesus Christ I do speak out against false teaching that is leading many astray from the truth of the Whole Word of God. I do not pick and choose which one I believe, Joyce does I pick the whole truth the whole book. I left church because as with Joyce the preachers only wanted money. They really do not care about those who are sitting and listening to their ramblings. So with Saying this Joyce I will never fall for the trap you are allowing Satan to lead you and your followers. I have been there and do not intend to ever return there. I am looking forward to the Return of the Lord Jesus Christ and being reunited with my earthly dad. He was the most Godly man I ever knew and thanks to Him in getting saved and teaching me that the LORD Jesus will teach me all truth through the Power and working of the Holy Spirit I have been blessed beyond anything Joyce has received. You see and I thank God that I am not longer being deceived. I do not know everything in the Whole Book called the Holy Bible but the LORD has shown me enough to know the false when I hear it. My prayer has always been Lord give me the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. You know He has answered my prayer. Do I have more money then I ever have had, do I have the biggest house, do I drive the fanciest car. No I don't but what I do have is the true knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. So Joyce I do not need to sneak around and listen to you to know what you are teaching. You see I heard this back in the 70's the same as you. The difference is the fact I listen to the real Holy Spirit not the one you have conjured up. i listen to the one Our dad taught about. I gave up on church when the church gave up on Christ and is still preaching the lie just like you are doing. Why don't you tell your followers to read this blog so they too can no the truth. are you afraid that they will see the Real Jesus Christ and stop giving you their hard earned money. I believe that is the case. I will continue to pray the True Holy Spirit prick you heart so you also can no the whole truth. I love you Joyce and I would not have to place this on the Blog if you were the woman of god you claim to be.

  16. I do not understand how anyone who says they have been called of God to preach the Gospel and then take so much money from their followers and claim they deserve it. Now Joyce may not come right out today and Claim that she has become " Him" but if you have her booklet that you signed when you joined her group then you know that is what she claims. She claims she is getting more money in one month then she made in a whole year working for her living. She is taking advantage to the one following her. The think they will also have more then enough. they just have to do what she did and what she tells them. I wonder when they ever go to the LORD and do what His Word tells them to do instead of someone who only wants their money. You see years ago Joyce called me and tried to get me involved with her. What she wanted was "Money". I told her absolutely never would I be give any money to any preacher when the money goes only into their pocket ( she says the gospel but the gospel she preaches is her pocket). When she could not hood wink me into giving to her she has done everything she could to avoid me She will not answer my call or letters. I do not believe she can look me in the eye and call me "religious" because I do not adhere to her teaching. It is funny to me how she uses the Scripture that are put on this blog to twist to mean what she wants them to mean. If she has studied the Epistle of Paul and asked the Lord for the truth as she has stated she would not be preaching The lies of Satan a perverted gospel no gospel at all just so she can be rich. Again all the money you are throwing to her is wasted. You will not gain one thing from it as God does not bless the Lie. Not the God I serve maybe the one Joyce is serving but not the one who Died for me.

  17. Does the IRS know that Joyce Leiphon is now making more in one month than she did in one year while she was working?

  18. My question is how many would still be following Joyce Leiphon and other preaching like her if they truly had a relationship with Jesus Christ the one that died for them

  19. the more I think about all that Joyce Leiphon preached this past Sunday if I were sitting there and giving her half my pay check doing with out while she is flying first class I think I would have demanded all my money back. Surely she doesn't think she deserves to have more then you. She says she is to live like Jesus did while on this earth. Well My bible says He didn't have a place to lay his head when He was teaching His people. And as far as the Apostle Paul goes When He said he had done no wrong to anyone He was talking about when He had gotten saved by the mercy of God and He began preaching the truth about Who Jesus Christ was and what He did for all men. Yet Paul also said He was the Chief sinner among all sinners. So Joyce when you want to use a person in the Bible as and example you need to brush up on that person before you spew your lies. I agree that the devil never buffets her. He already has her the only one he is after is the one that is truly sold out to the Lord Jesus Christ. How can any true man or woman of God take and keep taking from those who are in need, they flaunt how blessed they are. Well my question are you sure they are truly being bless by the Most High God or is it the god of this world. I say the god of this world because all they want is money and more money never having enough to satisfy their greed

  20. Destructive Doctrines
    2 Peter
    2 But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. 2 And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. 3 By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words; for a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does[a] not slumber.
    You need to read the whole 2 chapter of 2 Peter
    This Chapter among other tells about Destructive doctrine, Doom of false Teachers, Depravity of False Teachers, Deceptions of False Teachers.
    I have to wonder if Joyce has torn this book out of her many bible?
    Truly if Joyce wasn't afraid that you would see the truth she would tell you to read what is put on this blog. Joyce is not God and does not have all the answers as she proclaims. She has no right to tell you what you can or cannot do or read. Our of her own mouth she is practicing witchcraft because she control all that you do,or think, she has taken over your free will. Even God does not do that. Just because she used the name of Jesus and His blood does not mean she has not denied the Lord Jesus Christ. When you add to the Scripture as she does she is in fact denying Jesus and his shed blood for the lie of " money cometh to the Body of Christ.

  21. I also have to wonder since Joyce said she has studied all the Epistles of Paul did she tear out the ones talking about false doctrine and false teachers. I cannot understand how you can over look such important words. Gal 1:8 tells what will happen to these false teacher if they do not repent.

  22. If Joyce or anyone reading this blog think I enjoy coming against what Joyce is teaching you are wrong. However, though I am not an ordained minister I am a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as we all are. If I didn't love Joyce I would not open my mouth about the deception she is teaching. It truly isn't easy to speak against this false teacher. I have many family members who follow her and they shun me just as they do other who leave her teaching or will not submit themselves to her rule. I submit myself to the Only one who died for me and that is not Joyce Leiphon or any other man but the man Jesus Christ. He became my "sin offering". I also am concerned about what Gal 1:8 says about false teachers and those who follow their teachings.
