Monday, September 16, 2013

The lastest from Joyce Lephion's spiritual father Dr Leroy Thompson Sr. Super Bowl Rings a sign from God for favor?

This just came in over the weekend, this is the spiritual father of Joyce Leiphon. This really is funny but will give you more insight as to Joyce Leiphon and Light of the World Church. Hey! Must Be the Money! Here is the email: I didn't know that I was going to talk to you again this soon, but I had a vision last night of Jesus suspended over the foot of my bed. Then He vanished and He came back again, didn't say a word. But then later on in the night watch, He spoke these words, "I have charged you with my favor." Now those words are powerful within themselves but I had the interpretation all the time. Those of you who have been following me have heard me say that God says that He can get anything, at any time, from anywhere, through anybody, to you. And partners, you may or may not know that I hold five championship rings from different teams; SuperBowl rings that have been given to me. Under that favor, I recognize how that has happened now. Probably, I am the only man in the world with 5 championship rings from different teams. In my prayer time, partnership of favor flowed through my spirit while I was praying. It happened twice, then it happened the third time so I stopped in my prayer to speak these words to you. That you who are connected with me are in partnership with favor and that favor has increase according to Luke 2:52 (And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.) That favor has increase that will cause your stature to increase; and you will increase in favor with God and man. Now, supernatural out of the ordinary things will begin to happen. Increased kingdom focus and be kingdom driven. I believe that the favor of God will be upon your life in a manner of great magnitude. So I just wanted to speak and charge you with favor because God has charged me with favor and because you are connected with me as a partner. In your life, your business, your family, and whatever you set your hand to do; I believe that the favor of God will begin to function in your life like never before. So, as the favor was upon the shoulder in the book of Genesis; I'm pronouncing that favor on your life because you have been connected with me in carrying out a kingdom assignment. So, therefore partner, be favored, go forth, expect favor, and favor will be yours.


  1. What joke. Joyce truly believes this man? How much more unscriptural can any man or woman get. Another scripture taken out of context of how it is and was written. This Luke 2:52 is talking about Jesus as a 12 year old Boy has nothing to do with men or woman. Jesus submitted to His earthly parents and Grew in the knowledge of His Father, God. I have a hard time believing anyone can be so corrupted to even think this pertains them and gaining wealth as this mans speaks and so many follow. What a joke

  2. All one has to do is read the letters of Paul and John and listen to their warnings, if you are a believer in the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit will show each one the false or the true ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.The true will teach in such a way that you will want to know Jesus more and hunger and thirst after him.His word will come alive to you His voice more clear,will start taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, not Joyce and Leroy. Also as it says in 1st. John 2:15 Do not love the world, nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. Read the rest of the chapter for a better understanding. Jesus said you will know a tree by it's fruit good or bad, ask Him about Joyce and Leroy's fruit.

  3. Joyce uses that scripture to sell the money cometh message, you will know by the fruit. You want to have riches, etc. Do what I do, give money (sow money, get money)and you too will get rich. Crazy message, but if people would think about what they are doing, they will come to know they themselves are looking for riches in the here and now.

  4. What a joke is right. I don't know which one is more crazy, but Leroy and Leiphon are in a close race. A couple of total psychos.

  5. I don't know if they are psychos or not but I do know that they have no real relationship with the one that died for all men the LORD Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus know whose are his. I do not believe He knows either Joyce or Leroy!!!
    You can look through Scripture and confirm any false teaching you chose to believe. However the truth lies in the fact that the Holy spirit give the only truth of the Word of God in context of which it is written. Not pull out verse by verse to say what you want it to say. The word of God is written so all can come to know Him. I really believe if you truly want the truth You will go to the Father in Jesus Name and ask Him for the truth. Joyce and Leroy do not know the truth or else they Know the truth and do not want to be a member of the body of Christ and spend eternity with HIM. Their love of money will prevent them from seeking the truth that is in the Word of God. Joyce like Leroy is a false teacher. I truly believe they both know it. They both know they are tools of the devil. They have to in order to Boldly preach the money cometh false doctrine as they do.

  6. Read Phil.3;17-21 This will show their end. If they do not turn from evil wicked ways preaching a gospel of greed. Just one of many scriptures that shows anyone follows this type of false teachings, that the end is destruction.

  7. These Light of the World Charities. Is Joyce's church a part of that? Does she contribute to any of this? I doubt it, since she is so self serving, self centered, greedy, gluttony, selfish and money hungry, and thinks only about herself. What a sorry excuse for a human being.

  8. Leroy had a vision of Joyce Leiphon suspended over the foot of his bed?

  9. Hee haw that was really good Anonymous. It will be strange now if Joyce comes up with the same " vision" with Leroy hovering over her bed. Hee haw hee haw



  11. Several of us wonder what will eventually happen when all of her cult members finally get enough smarts to figure out what a scam and a fraud Joyce Leiphon really is, that she does not have one bit of interest in them, but is only out to make herself rich. Are they going to be pissed.

  12. I really do not believe most that are following Joyce will ever leave what she is teaching because they are as greedy as she is. Like Joyce they have confessed Jesus Christ as their Savior not for Who He is and What He has done for them but what they believe they can make Him Give them. They are not in it for the Grace and Mercy and the Sin debt that he paid but for wealth, power all that goes with the flesh. Joyce preaches part Word of Faith part latter rain and New age with the power of positive confession the little "g" god stuff. They enjoy believing they are the elite that The Bible speaks about. So though I am praying for these people unless God through the Power of the HOLY SPIRIT brings conviction to their hearts I do not see any of the finding the truth

  13. Leroy and Leiphon make quite a pair, don't they? Unless I have just missed it, I have noticed that Leroy isn't on TV that much anymore. Does anyone know the reason for this?

  14. I have been praying that all gospel of greed preachers money drys up. Prayers answered?

  15. Not long ago I was told that those who follow Joyce Leiphon and her teaching believe as Joyce has stated many times they have become " little g gods". They made this statement because Jesus called them gods in John 10:34, You go back and read Ps 82:1-8 you realize He was condemning the religious of His day. yet and the same time declaring that He Jesus was God. To be totally honest no matter who preaches it a Created being can never become god in any form or fashion. We become the adopted Children of God by having All our Faith and Trust in the Cross of Jesus Christ His perfect sacrifice, The perfect sin offering that atoned for the sin of the world. If your faith is in your "religion" or " what your preacher says" then your trust in not in the Shed Blood of Jesus Christ. Every person who wants to know the truth God Our Father will not give you a lie.Jesus Christ is the " truth the life and the way" John 14:6 Only through Him can one come to the Father. It isn't how much you do for God but how much you allow God the Father through the Son by the Holy Spirit lead and guide you in all things. Being obedient to the Father. The true prosperity Gospel is the Whole Word of God. NOT giving to get. If your motive is to give in order to get from God you are not allowing the True Spirit of God to lead and Guide you. There is true prosperity in living a life following after the truth presented in the Bible read and studied asking the Father in Jesus name to give you HIS truth. Asking the God or all Creation. The 2nd Person of the Trinity who shed His precious Blood for us all for Help. This help comes through and by the Power of the Holy Spirit that Our Savior said would be our helper. Not our priest, or preacher. I gave also been praying for the money to dry up.

  16. I will also join you in prayer and ask that these greedy preachers' money all dries up.

  17. We all have a choice to make. Do we follow the teaching of men and women who proclaim to know God yet do not divide the Word Properly. Those who pick and choose which scripture they will preach and which ones only prove their teachings. We have been warned through all the Epistles that in the last days there will be false teachers just as it was in the days of the Apostles. It is so sad to me that anyone who claims to be a "Christian" can follow Joyce Leiphon and those teaching as she does when the Word of God tells us not to follow men but to follow the Truth that is the Word of God. Jesus said " I am the truth, the Light, and the Way. No one can come to the Father except through Jesus Christ and HIM Crucified. now if you want to believe that Jesus Died so you could be rich well according to God you can do that and He will still love you. However, He cannot and will not bless anything that is a lie. Are you so sure that the God and Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ is the one blessing you? It could be the devil! It could also be your own greed. I am praying the money dry up. I am also praying that the ones who are promoting " Money Cometh" be brought to justice for fraud. Long prison terms may just get them saved.

  18. I could not agree more that I would love to see these "Money Cometh" promoters be brought to justice for fraud. However, I don't believe that would ever be a prosecutable offense since these damn fools are voluntarily and willingly turning everything over to these cult leaders (Leroy Thompson and Joyce Leiphon). However, Joyce, Leroy, and all who follow them will face the ultimate Judge when their time on this earth is done and I think we all know where that prison sentence will be carried out for life with no parole.

  19. As far as all this baloney from Leroy, these people who follow and worship him are about as delusional and psychotic as these Islamic extremist terrorists who believe they will inherit "Paradise" if they follow the teachings of their "leader". Such garbage.

  20. It has been so many years ago now that I do not recall too many specifics, but Joyce Leiphon invited some of her acquaintances to some church to hear her "preach." When people were arriving for the service, Joyce was observed to be leaping into the air, kicking her feet like she was in some sort of kickboxing match, flailing her arms and beckoning with her hands to an imaginary figure to come to her and dancing around like there were crabs pinching her butt. When she finally took the podium, all she did was talk about how much money she needed and how happy she was that a couple had given her several hunded dollars to "counsel" them in their marriage. Some counselor she is, right, herself having divorced 5 husbands, not to mention counseling without a license. Anyway, she went on and on and on and on and on, making herself look totally foolish, and Praise the Lord, the pastor of the church finally asked her to sit down. By this point, several people had already walked out. If she was this whacky years ago before she even became a Money Cometh pastor, I can't imagine how whacked she must be by now.

  21. And this woman passed the psychological to become a police officer and deputy?

  22. I would be willing to bet she was able to pass the psychological to become a police officer and deputy before she was totally consumed with the evil spirit she is following today. I doubt very much she has any understanding before or after becoming a police officer or a preacher the New Covenant which is total dependence on the LORD Jesus Christ. She is following her spirit guide, and many occult practices. We all must pray for this poor soul. I know it is hard for those she has hurt to pray for her. I have to look at it this way. I have been such a great sinner that the Lord has forgive me how can I hold any resentment towards Joyce or anyone else who has hurt me when the LORD so loving forgave me. That is the reason I say we all must Pray that the LORD prick her heart in order to show her she is not living as the Lord has called each of us who believe to live.

  23. As a Christian, I am all for forgiving, and hard as it may be, I am going to try very hard to forgive this despicable woman. However, I think in Joyce Leiphon's case, she would only interpret that as meaning that her sociopathic behavior and ripping others off is totally acceptable and that she is better than everyone else and above the law and has every right to do whatever she wants to in order to get what she wants. In other words, she would interpret "forgiveness" to mean that she can still do anything she wants to do, even though she knows it would be wrong.

    1. forgiving her doesn't mean you have to have anything kind of a relationship with her.

  24. What exactly are the occult practices that Joyce is doing? Is she sticking pins in voodoo dolls, sacrificing animals (or maybe her daughter as she once said she would do), tempting fate by dancing around with rattlesnakes in her church, saying "Satan come into my life" or what?

  25. If you really want to know what Joyce occult practices are, get the book by D.R, McConnell, " A DIFFERENT GOSPEL. Some one put it on the blog a while back it is a good book explaining a lot about the occult practices that are working in the money gospel such as Joyce teaches.

  26. Has Joyce Leiphon come up with the vision yet of Leroy hovering over her bed? Hee Haw Hee Haw

  27. I doubt that this nut case has anything to do with animals in her occult practices, because she intensely hates all animals. Virtually every animal that she and one of her ex-husbands ever had mysteriously disappeared.

  28. there is more to the occult practices the animal sacrifices.

  29. God turns 60 years old this month. So everyone be sure and wish her a Happy Birthday.

  30. Happy Birthday Lord Joyce

  31. Check out this site this Pastor has a heart for God and the people. Maybe you can check out the Church up close and person since it is in Florida.

  32. All this crazy talk about Joyce Leiphon being a "member of the Royal Family" Is this an actual delusional belief she is experiencing? Does she really believe she is a member of a Royal Family (such as being related to Queen Elizabeth) or is this just one of her grandiose ego inflating ideas because she thinks she is so almight important and that the world revolves strictly around her and no one else matters?

  33. She claims to be a member of the Family of God which makes her royal. However she fails to see that all Who have their trust and Faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ on the Cross are members of the family of God. I do not believe she has her faith in the Lord Jesus Christ but in her lord Leroy Thompson. Jesus came to this earth in the form of a man as a servant of His Father the Most High God. He did nothing out of His self. Jesus did only what the Father showed him to do or told him to do. Joyce is not the fourth person of the Trinity.

  34. Those in Joyce Leiphon's church who think that she is so wonderful, LISTEN UP! You need to know that when "God told her to divorce" her fourth husband, who is now a 100% totally disabled amputee in a wheelchair, she demanded that HE pay HER alimony! This woman is absolutely nothing but a low life scumbag. And those of you who are giving all of your money to her, having been deceived by this female David Koresch and Jim Jones that giving to her will make YOU rich, well, you are as stupid as she is crazy.

  35. This woman is not only greedy to the core, but the absolute purest evil to walk the earth. Many years ago when Doug's (the 4th ex-husband) dad lay dying in Lawnwood Medical Center, completely paralyzed from a stroke, feeding tube in his belly, on a ventilator, could not move, could not speak, Joyce stood over him and told him was a horrible sinner he was until tears streamed down his face. When family members came in, she quickly shut up and scurried from his room. How low can somebody go?

  36. Yup, that's Joyce :)

  37. Not to mention that this woman's bratty daughter, when she was about 4 or 5 years old, threw one of her temper tantrums and kicked Doug's dad in the shins, which Joyce thought was funny.

  38. All of the above clearly explains why this woman has been divorced 5 times. These ex's should be thanking their lucky stars. They might not have been able to see the handwriting on the wall at the time, but they can now.

  39. So, being new to Ft Pierce, I stumbled across the church website first - sounded really nice - then was actually invited out by a member -- sounded like a confirmation - but as always, I prayed that the Lord would guide me -- I then found this blog while looking for the church website again to find the address so that I could attend a service. I hope that what I am reading is not simply bitterness -- but after reviewing a few of the online recorded messages, including the most recent Sunday message on tithing -- and watching people drop off money on the pulpit while she was preaching, i must say that I believe what you are saying here. There are 2 sides to every story, but even without this blog, I caught quite a few things in the videos that made my stomach turn.... Since when did planting seeds have anything to do with money - rather than bearing fruit - which is to be shared!? So - Can anyone recommend a good spirit filled church in Ft Pierce area? Looking for something that preaches the Word - and does not dim the lights during worship!! :-)

    1. It's been 3 years since I left the money church, and I see things are going just along as usual there. My family and I now attend Truth Church at 3891 Edwards Road in Ft Pierce. It's a non-denominational, spirit filled church. My grandsons attend the private Christian school also located there called Golden Rule Academy. I hope you find a good church and am glad you were able to discern very quickly what is going on at Light of the World Church.

  40. God Bless You, Anonymous. So glad you found out that Light of the World Church is nothing but a cult and the pastor, Joyce Leiphon, is only out to get everyone's money and make herself rich. She has no love for the Lord, only for herself. KEEP SPREADING THE WORD ABOUT LIGHT OF THE WORLD CHURCH AND TELL FOLKS TO STAY AWAY. Trust me, everything that has been said about this pastor on this blog is the absolute undeniable truth.

  41. What has been said on this blog is not to be mean mouthing Joyce Leiphon but to warn others not to get caught up in her lies. Sorry if this blogs sounds that is it bitter against Joyce Leiphon. If you are not told the error how will those who are being deceived know the truth behind the preaching. The fact that she uses the name of Jesus and his Shed Blood does not make what she teaches to be the truth. God is not blessing this work. IF it seems to be prospering well just know that the LORD does not bless lies. It may appear she is doing well financially but when you can not speak anything negative well who really knows. I am more concerned about her spiritual health then I am her financial well being. I am so glad that people are checking out this blog before going Joyce"s church. It is not a church you will truly find the Lord Jesus Christ in

  42. I don't mean to sound naive. But what would be the reason for dimming the lights during a service?

  43. I look forward to the day when all of her followers finally become intelligent enough to figure out that this pastor is just taking them for a ride in order to make herself rich. Of course, there's a very good chance that the State Attorney or IRS will get to her first.

  44. I am someone who actually died. For reasons I do not understand, the Lord brought me back, I have to believe, to give me the chance to be a much better person and to spread the Word to everyone that now is the time to get right with the Lord. Are you listening, Joyce Leiphon?

  45. After watching Joyce Leiphon's teaching on prosperity I see why after about eight years, there is just a few people there. God is protecting that part of Florida.Because she is preaching a different Gospel another Jesus, a different spirit.It wears you out the list of all the got to do's .The word of faith doctrine which if all flesh, all about what self has got to do.Also if you listen to her she has a private line to God and everybody has to do what she says. Evidently God will not talk to anybody else in this body.

  46. Great anonymous I just wish I had put what you said on this blog. I thank My God and Savior The Lord Jesus Christ for the protection He give to those that are truly HIS!!!!. If you want the truth He will lead you to all truth only if you ask, only if you truly are seeking Him for Who He is not what He will give to you

  47. Joyce teaches as I understand her we are now in the Kingdom Age. And we will bring Heaven to Earth, and bring Jesus back. I ask what do you do with Romans 8:18-23. and Isa. 11:6-9. Then since Jesus has not come back for the Church in the rapture and the anti-christ has not been revealed ,looks to me she does not know what she is talking about, if you rightly divide the word of God.Also look up on the net dispensationalism a lot of information. We are still in the Church age the age of GRACE (God's riches At Christ's Expense). Also helpful to look up My Utmost For His Highest 10/28 a reading for the day.

  48. Of course there are just a few people in her church. Most people have enough sense to realize how nutty this woman is. If she believes she has a private line to God and everybody has to do what she says, that further confirms that this is a very dangerous cult. Does she actually believe she will have the say-so as to when Jesus returns?

  49. "'For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." (1 Timothy 6:10)
    Those who covet money have 'erred from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.' Wow! This is God's truth friend, not what these false preachers of the prosperity gospel are saying.
    Quotes from Leroy Thompson
    "You can't do nothing on $50,000 a month!"
    (Please excuse the poor grammar, I'm just repeating what they say). So according to Leroy Thompson, you need more than $50,000 per month to be able to live properly. And this man calls himself a man of God!!?? It's heartbreaking to hear this kind of evil talk. There are millions of people all over the world who live on about $30 per month and are crying out for food. There are people dying every day because they haven't got enough food. THERE ARE THOUSANDS OF CHILDREN, DYING EVERY DAY OF STARVATION!! And Leroy Thompson goes and says something like that?! What an abomination that comes out of this mans mouth! God detests what this man stands for and what he preaches. He loves the man, but HATES what he does, and so do I.
    "The Lord told me, this is the end time message. He is coming to look for His church without spot or wrinkle. But one of the biggest wrinkles the church has is being BROKE!"
    Actually Mr Thompson, the biggest wrinkle the church has is SIN! Take a look at the following from Ephesians which exposes what these prosperity gospel teachers preach. (Leroy Thompson said the above quote to Kenneth Copeland who agreed with him).
    Ephesians 5:3-7,27 ...'But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints; Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks. For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience. Be not ye therefore partakers with them. That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be HOLY and without blemish.'
    Where does it say that not having money and possessions is the wrinkle? Nowhere! It is SIN that is the spot and wrinkle. According to the above verse, these prosperity gospel preachers, if they continue down the same path of coveting money, will NOT enter God's Kingdom, but will be thrown into hell fire.
    Proverbs 13:7 ...'There is that maketh himself rich, yet hath nothing: there is that maketh himself poor, yet hath great riches.'

    Can you who are buying into this man's teaching truly believing you can not live a good life filled with material possessions on only $50,000 a month. What good is money going to do you when the LORD returns? Where is your treasure? wake up people before it is to late. Why do you think Jesus call his people sheep. You need to know that sheep are one of the dumbest animals He created. Are you going to remain one of the sheep you will follow every wind of doctrine you hear so you can be rich? So sad.

  50. Leroy and Joyce are two peas in a pod; both are hypocrits, greedy, narcissistic, materialistic, sociopathic, self serving, and think strictly of themselves. They have no remorse or repentence for their actions, have no empathy or feeling for anyone else. Their attitude is just get what you can for yourself, no matter how it affects or destroys anyone else. This gal Joyce Leiphon is evil beyond description. She has destroyed families, talked to people horribly even as they lay dying, tried to take advantage of everyone in any way that she could, and divorced 5 husbands. And she calls herself a Christian? Mmmmmm......... Am I missing something?

  51. I recently tried to listen to some of Joyce Leiphon's teaching via her website. I could only listen for just a little while because she did mention the Shed Blood of Jesus and His cross for salvation when she started her preaching she was actually denying what Christ did in His earthly Ministry as well as His death on the Cross. She said " Jesus did not go around taking care of all the need of all that came to Him. He only took care of the need of those who had faith". The fourth chapter of Matthew states that He ( Jesus) healed all that were sick and oppressed of the devil. HE raised the dead everywhere he went. Now as far as Joyce denying the Truth of the cross of Christ in her statement that Jesus only takes care of those of Faith then why does the Bible teach that the Whole plan of redemption of ALL men not just some men in the perfect Sacrifice that Jesus Gave His life for all men not just some. That does not mean that all men will accept the Free gift of Salvation. Some will some won't. But when a persons claims to be called of God to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and then use the Name above all names as a means of personal gain and denying that Jesus Christ came to this earth to take care of the need of all men which is to deliver them from sin, what does that tell you about the preacher. Self is the biggest detractor from the truth of the Word of God. Joyce like so many others thinks more of herself then anyone has a right to. If you truly believe you have a right to being wealthy then I doubt your truthfulness in anything you say. When you truly come to the LORD Jesus Christ and truly Believe that He died for you, you will give up all your rights to HIM. You surly will not be preaching that Jesus died on the Cross so you could be rich.

  52. If you have the atonement wrong it really doesn't matter what you have right. The atonement will be off no avail to you. Joyce Leiphon does not understand the truth that is in the word of God concerning the " Atonement".

  53. This woman is the biggest crock who ever lived, and there isn't a person in St. Lucie County, FL who doesn't know it, except for all the dummies in her cult, who will eventually get enough smarts to figure it all out too.

  54. I am praying that the blinders fall off their eyes. The truth will always set you free. If anyone who is following Joyce Leiphon and others preaching the same false teaching that she is would ask GOD the real God to give them the truth they would be set free. What if what you are believing is wrong! Where will you be come judgement day? Will you be one that Jesus says " go away from me I never knew you". It is so sad when the truth is out there for anyone who truly wants the truth. If it isn't in the church you go to then do as many have had to do. Get on your knee before God and Father of Jesus Christ and cry out to him and He will lead and guide you to all truth. The pulpit is full of false teachers like Joyce Leiphon. You who truth in riches will lose even you own souls.

  55. I was just told that Leroy Thompson agree with the Message of the Cross as Jimmy Swaggart preaches it. Also that Joyce Leiphon ascribes to this also. My question is this. If they believe what Jimmy Swaggart is teaching in this " Message of the Cross" how can they continue to teach and preach the Jesus was rich because he had a treasurer. How can they preach that God or Jesus either one wants us to be rich ( or a chosen few) that is what the Shed Blood of Christ give those who believe. Look what Adam and Eve got when they believed the Lie they were thrown out of the Garden of Eden. Are you willing to keep following the lie of the devil and be kept out of the Kingdom of God for all eternity? Or will you truly get the truth of the Word of God in your spirit so the Holy Spirit can teach you the truth. I cannot believe anyone can read the Books Jimmy Swaggart Ministries has published and still preach money cometh. they are the blind leading the blind full of covetousness which is Idolatry. Get the books for your self and ask God to give you the truth. He will not give you a stone as Joyce and Leroy and others of the money gospel do.

  56. Good word Cecil. I hope Mr. Thompson and Joyce get The Cross Of Christ Series and study it and the Holy Spirit does a work on each of them.Just to name a few of the books in the series, The Sin Nature,How the Holy Spirit Works, False Doctrine, The Seventh Chapter Of Romans.As for Jesus having a treasurer stop and think Judas did what Jesus ask him to do, see to lodeging, food for those that were following him.Many gave to ministry of Jesus as led by God just like they do today.They belived in Jesus and were not trying to get RICH. And when needed Jesus prayed to the Father and fed thousands.Jesus was rejected because he didn"t come as the rich King Messiah that they were expecting.Read the 3rd Chapter of Philippians and see what Paul said that was important.

  57. Some other books Jimmy Swaggart has published in the " cross of Christ series are: " the Holy Spirit from Genesis To Revelation,The Life of Christ according to the Gospel of Mark, god's plan for the ages. All very good to show the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  58. Please pray for this pathetic tormented soul, who must be looking over her shoulder all the time because she knows what she is doing is wrong and that one day it's all going to catch up with her. Although she may be savoring all of her wealth and riches now, how tormented she must be knowing she is going to trade that for eternity in Hell when her life on this earth ends, because she refuses to repent and change her evil ways, even though she has been given a million chances.

  59. I do not know myself if Joyce knowing is preaching the lies she does knowing they are lies or if she is deceived. Only Jesus can judge her. . When you are deceived you do not know you are deceived. We are warned in the Bible over and over again by Jesus and the Apostles not to be deceived. When you refused to discuss the Written Word of God with those who ask questions no matter their agenda it tells me you are afraid that you could be wrong. I know most human being do not want to be proved to be wrong or to be believing a wrong doctrine.. Is Joyce willfully preaching lies like I said only the LORD can judge that. I can judge the doctrine she is teaching and I know it is not the truth that is in the Bible. I encourage all who are reading this blog and those who are following Joyce Leiphon to go to and order His book on the Message of the Cross. I understand from this blog she is saying what is taught in this message from Jimmy Swaggart is the truth then she should not object to her followers reading it. Also He has many other books that will help all who love the Lord understand the truth that is of the LORD. I have many of the and hope to purchase the ones I do not have they have been a great help to me in my relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ

  60. Joyce Leiphon is extremely intelligent. She knows exactly what she is doing and is not "deceived". Her problem is pure greed. End of story.

  61. Her followers are also greedy. They are under a delusion, because of their greed. I challenge any of them to prove with the Word of God that what they are following is truth. They won't be able to do that because their doctrine is extremely twisted, and they probably don't even care as long as someone is promising them wealth, and status in the church. I ask Joyce and her followers, how many souls are being saved as a result of this ministry? Your ministry would explode if you would remove the money cometh teaching and just preach the gospel and teach your people how to live a Christian life. Look at Billy Graham, who preached the cross. How many were saved under his ministry because he dared to preach the simple truth.

  62. I have to wonder how many people who are following Joyce Leiphon and others preaching like her has ever read the bible themselves for the truth by asking the Lord to show them. How many are just depending on man's thoughts of what God's Word truly means. I was raised in a false religion. Then I met the LORD Jesus. However, not having a true foundation built on the Whole Word of God I was suckered into another false religion. I thank My God and Savior as I cried out the Him for the truth My Savior lead me out of the false into the marvelous light of the true Gospel. No longer do I depend on a preacher to teach me I depend on the Holy Spirit the teacher according to the Word of God to all men. Sounds to me according to what I read on this Blog Joyce Leiphon and what she preaches on her website she has attained a level with the Lord that even the Apostles never reached. I truly believe this woman is not only a false teacher but I have to now doubt her salvation or at least is a baby not able to receive anything but the milk from the word of God. We all must pray for this poor soul

  63. Someone stated that Joyce Leiphon's ministry would explode if she would stop the Money Cometh gospel and preach the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. That is the absolute truth. I personally believe that if she did this, she would have hundreds, if not thousands, of people join in her ministry. But as long as it's a one woman show propogating lies and teachng a false gospel, and controlling a few people in a cult in order to make herself rich, that will never happen. It would indeed be extremely difficult for her to accomplish such a change in St Lucie County, since she has already succeeded in making such a horrible name for herself there, but it's never too late for her to change her ways and see an exploding ministry as a result. Think about it, Joyce. Would you be willing to admit that you have been wrong, but now want to change and preach the true Gospel of our Lord? If you had the guts to do this, you would see your ministry explode beyond your wildest dreams.

  64. Tragic situation at best. The history of Sociopathic leadership in Church history goes way back. Sociopaths will Pimp their own Mother , Wife, Daughter and an entire nation if allowed.
    The long term Spiritual damage to Sincere followers, can take years to repair (if ever). I have seen people Steal from one another to get money to give to these Sociopathic Leaders.
    Apostle Paul explained how Divine Prosperity truly works , unfortunatly many will be Discouraged beyond any further attempts
    I've found that Jerimiah 33:3 must be applied. When we call upon God Prior to giving, He will answer with "Great and Mighty Wisdom" , which includes Who to Stay Away from!

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