Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Money Cometh Man Cometh to Ft Pierce to collect more money!

Yes, it's that time of year again.  Now calling himself "Apostle" Leroy Thompson is coming back to Ft Pierce to Light of the World Church (LOTWC) for another money cometh conference January 10, 2013.  I also wanted to point out Joyce Leiphon has a new website, with an audio teaching, by the way, this audio proves she believes she is god and can speak things into being just like God and a few pictures.  The church family photo is of interest.  Since I left 2 years ago, the church family hasn't grown much as I see the same faces. 

Having attended these money making conferences in the past, let me save you some time and money and let you know what to expect. There will be people there from other "Money Cometh" churches in the state. They are expected to support and travel to these conferences if they want the "Money Cometh anointing", so don't be surprised if the church is full.

Bring lots of money! For each service, you will see something strange. People will start bringing money to the platform, stage, pulpit, altar, podium etc. This is a learned behavior and part of the "Money Cometh to Me Now" money game. If you bring a large amount, make sure you put it in Leroy Thompson's hand. He'll give you recognition for your money. Don't be shy about laying your money down even while he's talking, it's ok and expected.

Be prepared to repeat "Money Cometh to Me Now!" 3 times if you want it to really work, you will have to do the "money pull" and shout as loud as you can. It is at this time, some of the cult will run up and down, jump, scream and shout! It's ok if you don't do all this, but be aware, if you don't, you won't get your money, and you will get some looks from the cult members.

Don't expect to meet the "Money Cometh Man" afterwards. He'll have some body guards with him, and will probably be escorted quickly after he gets your money. Don't be surprised to see a guy in dark glasses with a slight buldge in his coat. Yes, I hope he keeps his jacket buttoned and not let you see his Glock in his shoulder holster. Yes, it's true, and yes after all, it's Ft Pierce!

Don't bring your bible as you won't need it. What you need is your money and you will be told you can't be a blessing until you get your money!

Be prepared to see people give thousands of dollars in money they have borrowed, saved and otherwise could not afford to give to a man to build his personal kingdom. Joyce Leiphon herself will give a thousand bucks at each meeting if not more....after all, it takes $10 grand to fly your private jet here and have it parked at the airport for a few days.

Save your time and money, skip the "Money Cometh" conference. Give as Jesus gave. Help your local church, feed someone, clothe someone, love everyone.


  1. I do have a question wouldn't it be more prosperous for you to save your money and wait until the "man of gwad" comes to your town then give him a large sum once or twice a years instead of giveing Joyce Leiphon a lot every week. Would not the " blessing " flow faster when you give it to the leader of this cult? I'll keep my money and put it to better use then in someone else's pocket.

  2. Just went to her new church website. Wow she no longer claims to be Word of Faith. Yet still lies on this site. God calls us all to proclaim the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ to died for all men. Joyce is still lying as she has not been in ministry for 33 years and the only time she has traveled the USA was not to preach the Gospel but to spend your money. Now she did travel to Broken Arrow OK with her then husband. But that didn't last long. NO Joyce has never been in ministry any differently then I have been. I will preach the Word of God for Free to anyone who wants to know the truth. Yet you people have to pay her in order to hear more of her lies. I pray to God that he will open her blind eyes and stop preaching lies and stealing your money. Joyce is still pretending as she always has. She used to pretend she was the virgin Mary when she was old enough to know better. Joyce knows she is lying to all of you who are following her. IT says so in 2 Tim 6-9 read it and ask God the Father through Jesus to give you his understanding not Joyce's and the devil's

  3. Should have been 2 Tim 3:6-9 sorry

  4. I saw on twitter that Joyce Leiphon said that love is not an option your life depends on it. You know after reading all that is on this post it makes me wonder if this woman even knows what the word truly Means. If all that is being said on this blog is true I would be willing to bet the farm that she doesn't have a clue about anything.

  5. There are four key areas where all church members should be cautious. By being aware of these areas, you have a good chance of identifying a spiritually abusive church and leaving before things get out of control.

    First, you should assess whether or not the church is operating on performance. This means that if you feel that you must attend every service, or serve in certain areas of ministry to please the leadership, then the church is beginning to abuse its authority. There are many people who are afraid to leave a service for fear that they will upset the pastor or the leadership. When the church begins to dictate how frequently you can come or go to each service, or demands you time to "prove" your loyalty, it is a good sign that the church is infringing upon your free choice.

    Second, you need to determine if the church is operating in fear or it's main mission- love. Fear can be used as a weapon, yielded in the hands of untrustworthy leaders. Whether it is fear to speak your mind, fear to come and go as you please, or fear that if you don't please the leadership of the church you will be somehow cursed, you need to realize that you are in a church that has become spiritually abusive.

    Third, you should assess the amount of "loyalty" the leadership demands from the congregation or members. If you are not at liberty to disagree with the leadership, to ask questions and derive answers (involving the input of the leadership); then it is highly probable that you are in a spiritually abusive church. No man (or woman) should be exalted to a status that puts them above personal accountability or accountability to their church body.

    Finally, you should assess the way the church responds to members who choose to leave the group. If you find that the leadership consistently declares that those who leave are cursed, crazy, or some other negative or derogatory term, then it is most likely that you are in a spiritually abusive church. The body of Christ is made up of many members and there is no "one" church. When a church begins to teach that they are the only church that is right, then you are waiting for disaster to strike.

    By taking these points into consideration, and assessing the level of control exhibited by your church's leadership, you can determine if you are in a healthy functioning environment or a spiritually abusive church.

  6. Has any of you who follow preacher like Joyce Leiphon ever read the 55 chapter of Isaiah. If you read it I believe it will change your mind of a lot of the stuff these men and women tell you to get your money. Please for the LOVE of God read it

  7. In Isaiah chapter 55 by the Grace of God each persons hunger for God is what moves God.

  8. went to the and read Matthew Henry" commentary on Chapter 55 of Isaiah. really good commentary. truth from the Word of God.

  9. God wants to put you on the spiritual elevator and take you to the penthouse.
    found this on twitter one of Joyce Leiphon tweets.

    I believe if you have a real relationship with the LORD Jesus Christ you are already in the penthouse. He is the provider of all need. Where is Joyce taking you? to the POORHOUSE!!!!!!

  10. who is the LORD of your Life? I choose Jesus Christ!! do you choose Jesus Christ or do you choose the little g god Joyce Leiphon or others who teach like she does? You cannot not serve both. you can only have one Master you choose today who will be the LORD of your life.

  11. I briefly listed to the audio portion on Leiphon's new website. After about 2 minutes, I went in the bathroom and threw up. She sounds like an ignorant country bumpkin who can't even speak intelligently.

  12. Instead of Pastor Leiphon giving thousands to her man of Gawd, she should hang on to her money. She's going to need it to pay for high price attorneys to defend her and to pay back taxes when the IRS busts her for income tax evasion. After all, it was Joyce herself who openly bragged about having others give her cash "outside of the church" which translates to "under the table" And not only will the IRS take her down, but anyone else who is helping her to hide this money. Compre?

  13. Joyce is not giving her man of Gawd any of her money just the money she cons from those following her. Joyce is to money hungry to give any on her money away

    It is sad to say that today’s modern church is preaching
    a perverted gospel. We are told that we must cooperate
    with such modern teachers in Evangelism and other
    Christian works, but the Bible teaches, instead, that we
    must expose the false prophets. If we do not, we have
    betrayed Christ and His Gospel! The entirety of the Bible
    abounds with examples of false prophets who are named
    and exposed. All of this modern talk about “love” is used
    as an excuse for not exposing error, but such is not really
    Biblical Love at all. Biblical Love tells the Truth. Hebrews
    5:14 says, “But strong meat belongs to them who
    are of full age (refers to those who are mature in
    the Lord), even those who by reason of use have
    their senses exercised to discern both good and
    evil. (Such a person is walking after the Spirit. This
    refers to placing one’s Faith in the Cross and not
    after the flesh, the flesh refers to depending on
    other things [Rom. 8:1-2, 11]).” A person who is able
    to discern between good and evil has at least one of the
    major marks of Spiritual Maturity. Vine’s Expository Dictionary
    says that the meaning of “discern” is to examine,
    scrutinize, question, determine, decide, test, or prove.
    Judging is translated “discerning” of spirits, judging by
    evidence whether evil or good. Those who are unwilling
    or incapable of discerning and/or judging between good
    and evil are revealing either their disobedience or their
    immaturity in the things of God.
    (This article was originally printed in June, 2009.) By FRANCES SWAGGART

  15. Isn't the money that Joyce cons from others now HER money? Isn't that the way she has made herself rich? I don't understand.

  16. well its like this and this is my opinion She gets half her ex-husband pension I am sure it is pretty good as he work as a nuclear ENG for a good number of years. Yes the money she cons from her members is hers but thinking about some of the things post on this blog and the picture she has on her new site there are enough suckers to give her half their earning and all their life savings yes by now she would be quite rich. I know one family gave her around $47,000 one year. If 15 others do the same how long would it take to have more money then you have ever had. However, just because Joyce seems to have the best it could just be a ploy to make people think what she preaches works. When it truly doesn't for the regular people. Most are pretending to have all that they say they have when in actually they are behind in their bills. Joyce may not be but I would not trust that she has all she says she has. Hope that helps.

  17. We all know that she gets half of husband #4's pension but that is from the St. Lucie County Sheriff's Office. Which ex-husband is it that she gets a nuclear engineer pension from?

  18. Are you absolutely positive that you would be willing to testify in Court under oath that Pastor Leiphon received 47,000 from one family one year, or is that just this woman's sociopathic pathological lying to try to make herself look like someone she is not?

  19. That 47 grand from ONE family in a year sounds EXTREMELY EXTREMELY FAR FETCHED, unless Leiphon was holding a gun to their head or taking them out in the boondocks and beating the stuffing out of them. I think that she is just bragging and blowing smoke to make others think she is special. If it is true that she received 47 grand from ONE family in one year, then wonder if she hid the money or if she reported it to the IRS and paid taxes on her income like the rest of us have to. However, I additionally think it highly unlikely that her other cult members could give 47 grand EACH in a year, not in an area as economically impoverished as Fort Pierce. By the way, aa long as Leiphon has been "pastoring", how come she has so few cult members after all these years?

  20. She has so few members because the majority of people in Fort Pierce, Port Saint Lucie, and St Lucie County are smart enough to know what a total crock this woman is. Even other clergy.

  21. The 47 grand is not far fetched when the family believes that they are doing what the so called servant of God is telling them. And because of this they are going to get a 100 fold return!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. well I may have misunderstood but my source said they gave 100 dollars every meeting they attended which came to 300 per week. those who gave the most where in a higher standing in the church then the rest so you figure it. $300 per week for 52 weeks is 15600. So take that time say six 93600 then times that for as long as she has been open say eight years it would not be impossible to have 748000 in the bank. This is just the cash money she has been given This doesn't count the tithe they give to the church. This does not include her salary. Her car allowance. Or money for housing. Or for her health insurance. Most preacher get all the above. I remember one preacher where I used to go to church got all the perks mentioned above and also got half of all the money taken in over the amount of the expenses of the Church building. He has become a millionaire in less then ten years so yes it is possible to become quite wealthy even with just a few members.

  23. Still wondering which one of her ex-husbands she gets the nuclear engineer pension from.

  24. I don't know that is true about that pension but I Know one of her husbands was working as a Nuclear Eng before becoming a cop. Or so she has told the family.

  25. Matthew 6:33 says to " to seek first the KINGDOM of God and HIS rigteousness all will be added unto you". My God can and will and does supply all my need. Does that mean I have more money then I have ever had. No it means I seek His face and his will for my life.. Joyce is my sister and I love her but I love Jesus Christ more. Money power and wealth will not open the door to Heaven. Jesus came to live in this earth as a Human. He came to serve the people. Jesus Christ become "MY Sin Offering". For a debt I could not pay. IS he yours? The Holy Spirit is my teacher. I listen to Charles Stanley, and Jimmy Swaggart. I am careful what I allow to take root in my mind and heart. Flesh will and if not the flesh the devil love to take truth and twist it to mean what ever you want. So seek First the face of the MOST HIGH GOD. HE and only He can lead you into all righteousness because it is his that we need.

  26. Even though I agree with somethings being said here, I don't think God is enjoying the way Joyce is being talked about, we as Christians need tp pray for them, Jesus still loves them, they are just really deceived.

  27. The Word of God tells us to speak out against false teachers. Read Jude 1:3 says " beloved while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints".
    I truly believe God is not happy with the way Joyce and others twist his word for their personal gain not prompting the true Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ. How else can souls be saved unless the truth it put out here.

    Even in the days of the apostles there were false teacher and we must as True Bible Believing Christians stand up against these false teachers no matter who they are. This is what I am doing. Standing up for the Doctrine that the Apostles preached. There is no other Gospel but one and that is Jesus Christ and HIM Crucified. It is not Money Cometh to me now. It is not we have become little g gods. It is not that we can speak into existence. what ever we want. My God and Savior is not to be used as a Genie in a bottle where you name it and claim and He has to give it to you. This is basically what Joyce preaches. It is a lie from the pit of hell. Who will you believe the HOLY SPIRIT or the Spirit of man. Who si the liar the Word of God or false teachers.

  28. Paul withstood Peter to the face when he was preaching something false. It seems to me it is right to withstand any other preacher who is teaching a false doctrine. What I have read on this blog Joyce will not sit down with those who try to show her the error she is preaching. I think somewhere on the blog someone said that many have tried to contact Joyce yet she refuses to listen.
    Yes pray for this an other false teachers. I believe unteachable people such as Joyce choose to be deceived. I pray this blog set captives free from the lies and half truths this woman is teaching.

  29. Joyce is not deceived,she has heard the truth from her father and other members of her family.But because of her greed she has not repented. The apostle Paul named those that were false teachers in his letters, also apostle John in 3rd John he speaks concerning Diotrephes. So as long as she continues on this path there will be those that will stand for the truth of the Word of God and not be silent.But will continue to pray for her to turn to THE TRUE JESUS and not this false one that she is following. Because she has not become HIM nor will she ever become him, she is not (I Am) no matter how many times she confesses it.

  30. If one is a believer in The Lord Jesus Christ and received the gift of the Holy Spirit. And He is the teacher that lives in you can He not teach you the truth of His word, then use man to confirm it to you?Paul was taught by the Holy Spirit will He not teach us like he did Paul?

  31. You certainly have a right to your opinion that God does not enjoy Joyce being talked about the way that she is, but the truth is the truth. This woman is PURE EVIL.

  32. A House of Gold
    written and recorded by Hank Williams

    C F C
    People steal they cheat and lie
    For wealth and what it will buy
    F C
    But don't they know on the judgment day
    G7 C
    That Gold and Silver will melt a way

    F C
    I'd rather be in a deep dark grave
    And to know that my poor soul was saved
    F C
    Than to live in this world in a house of Gold
    G7 C
    And deny my God and doom my soul

    F C
    What good is Gold and Silver too
    If your heart's not pure and true
    F C
    Sinner hear me w-hen I say
    G7 C
    Fall down on your knees and pray

    F C
    My Jesus died on Calvary
    He paid the cost that was charged to me
    F C
    But if silver and gold I never own
    G7 C
    Thank God one day I'll have a golden home

    This is a song Joyce and my dad used to sing and Joyce has heard this all her life. Joyce has been taught the truth yet she desire gold and wealth instead of a golden home with the LORD. How will you take you riches with you?

    You may not like Hank Williams but I can tell you this much this song tells how it is with those who want Gold and Silver as Joyce does

  33. This song is absolutely beautiful JF Cecil. Hopefully Joyce will wake up before it's too late.

  34. Here is another song dad and I used to play it is something we all must realize everyday. It is all about him not us. He Jesus Christ paid the price
    Thanks anonymous I like you hope Joyce wakes up before it is to late.

    Hank Williams Sr.

    C F
    How can you refuse Him now
    How can you refuse Him now
    How can you turn away from His side
    C F
    With tears in His eyes on the cross
    C G7 C
    Where He died how can you refuse Jesus now

    F C
    There's a story old that has often been told
    Of how our Savior died
    C F
    As they nailed His hands He cried they don't understand
    C G7 C
    As the blood flowed from His side

    Repeat #1

    As He hung there on the tree
    F C
    He prayed for you and for me
    There was no one His pain to ease
    C F C
    Before He died He faintly cried
    G7 C
    Father forgive them please

    Repeat #1

    Father forgive us all for our rejection of your son in ways we have never thought was rejection. Show us Father the Truth of your Word according to YOU. I ask this in Jesus Name. Amen

  35. I have to correct the above statement about Joyce and my dad singing that song Joyse of Gold. Joyce didn"t sing the song. Dad and I did. Didn't proof read well enough

  36. Matthew 13:1-9

    Though it contains essential information for every human life, people approach the Bible very differently. Today’s passage identifies four types of listeners:

    • Closed mind. This does not exclusively describe unbelievers. Christians, too, can listen passively, without intending to apply what they hear. The seed can’t germinate because the soil’s surface is too hard. Such believers remain shallow until they decide to pay attention to God and obey.

    • Clouded mind. Represented by rocky soil, the clouded mind will hear God’s Word and get excited. But then the person doesn’t take time to study, grow roots, and let the truth sink into his heart. With little doctrinal foundation or knowledge of God’s promises, he has difficulty withstanding the harshness of life.

    • Cluttered mind. The worries of life are to the Christian heart what briers, thorns, and thickets are to a garden. A preoccupied mind has little or no room for God’s Word to sprout and thrive.

    • Committed mind. God can do great things through someone whose mind is like fertile soil. The most intellectual person in the world, if not teachable, will miss the truth of the gospel, whereas even a young child who is willing to listen and learn will be transformed.

    All of us would like to have the blessing described in today’s reading—a huge return for what is sown. For that to be true of our life, we need to take an honest look to see if we approach biblical principles with a teachable Spirit. As Jesus said, “He who has ears, let him hear.”

    Copyright 2013 In Touch Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved. In Touch grants permission to print for personal use only.

  37. Just heard a true Man of God preaching this morning on the Gospel of John the 14th Chapter 6th verse. "Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life". Also stating in the 20 verse Jesus says " At that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me and I in you". The true man of God made this statement. Since the Holy Spirit is sent to help us to follow Jesus that when we are truly lead of the Spirit of God we will not follow false teaching! Wow! what a statement. After thinking about this for a while I realize that this is truth. Because Jesus says my sheep know my voice and no other will they follow.
    Whose voice are you following in the Money cometh to me now churches. I do not for one minute believe you or the preacher is hearing the voice of the LORD.

  38. when Jesus Walked this earth, the religious leaders of his day rejected him. They didn't want God to interfere in there way of living. So Jesus went to the poor the unlearned the one the higher up looked down on. Jesus came to the sick and the sinner,those who knew they needed a Savior. When you are like the religious of Jesus Day you do not need anything. Just like the Pharisee and scribes those who thought more deserving then the regular folks. I Thank MY God and Savior that he opened my eyes that I may see it is no longer about me but about what Jesus Christ did on Calvary to free me from sin and death. It isn't about how good I am or can become. there is nothing but evil in man. Until man becomes born again with the Spirit form Above there is nothing please to God. I often asked my Pastor how can these so called preacher teach the lies and half truth the do such as Money cometh to me now. Also the Word of Faith ministers how can they preacher this false doctrine. Well He has told me to take it to the LORD. So being born a slave to sin into this world I have Have be born again by the spirit of God. He will give me the answer. MY own belief is they have seen a way to make money off people who do not think they can find the truth of the word of God on their own. Now if Joyce Leiphone has become Him and the other false teachers have become Him why do they need your money? Can't they do what Jesus did if they are him and go catch a fish and pull out coins from it mouth. If it is the right coin it could well be worth more then enough. So I do not understand how anyone could follow someone who just wants your money as these false teachers do. I will be in prayer asking MY Father God through the Name of Jesus to help me understand this. Right now I believe these people preach and teach as they do because the do not truly know the LORD JESUS CHRIST. They have seen a way to use the LORDS name for personal gain. When someone comes against their teaching the use scripture to back there opposition down. They use touch "not thou my anionted". I have been coming against these false teacher for many years now. I have even told Joyce she is wrong and she knows she is wrong she thinks most people are as greedy as she is and if you are supporting her you are supporting the work of the devil. there is no money going to further the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The money you give Joyce or Leroy is going into their pocket then into the ministry of the Devil. You Don't believe me. Start reading the Word of God for your self and ask the Holy Spirit of God to give you the truth. Or have you become unteaachable as Joyce has. Or are you afraid you will lose the money you have planted. I would much rather loose all my money then my eternal life following another Jesus another gospel the Joyce is teaching

  39. Just today I read something on the internet about the arrest of a cult leader, I think it was somewhere in Mexico, where sex slaves were being kept and made to submit to the "leader" because he thought he was Jesus Christ. Makes you wonder if kinky things like this are going on in Leiphon's church, since it too is a cult and she apparently thinks she is on the same level as Jesus Christ.

  40. Matthew 9:11-13 And when the Pharisees ( Joyce) saw it they said to His disciples "why does your Teacher( Jesus) eat with tax collectors and sinners? When Jesus heard that he said to them " Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick"But go and learn what this means: I desire mercy and not sacrifice, For I did not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.

    Doesn't Joyce tell you not to have anything to do with those who do not adhere to her teaching? Aren't then the sinner in her eyes? Yet Jesus own words said he came for the sinner not the righteous. I wonder if Joyce has written her own bible.

  41. I wonder how many people who claim to be a follower of Jesus Christ truly understand just what He did for us all at the Cross. While reading in the Book "MY UTMOST FOR HIS HIGHEST" I read this and I feel it is worth some thought to all who believe they have " Become HIM"

    Are you willing to spend and be spent, not seeking to be ministered unto, but to minister? Some saints cannot do menial work and remain saints because it is beneath their dignity. IS your royalty keeping you from ministering to others?

    Do you have to be bowed down to and worshiped because you now believe you have become god. Jesus came as a servant now do you believe you are now above Jesus because you want to be treated as though you are god. I just cannot understand how anyone can say they are preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ then claim to have already reach perfection where they have become " Him" I do understand that this is a person who no longer believes Jesus Christ is the Savior of the World and that HIS Blood cleanses us from all sin. But out of their own good works and the money they have given has bought them into godhood. The Good News that Jesus Christ preached is free to all who will believe. Your money will not buy your way into eternal life. Only through Jesus Christ and HIM alone.

  42. Joyce will no longer think she is Jesus Christ when the IRS gets hold of her butt.

  43. Joyce is preaching the her natural Dad taught her all that she knows. She is telling that She got saved under his ministry. If this is the truth then why is she teaching the trash she is teaching because our Dad taught us that The Word of Faith doctrine and the Prosperity doctrine was a lie from the Pit of hell. Our Dad taught us that it had nothing to do with us and that we cannot live a Godly life, Dad taught us the Kenneth Hagin was in error and He repented for ever teaching that trash. Just like repenting and renouncing the involvement with the Roman Catholic church. Joyce is preaching that it all depends on you and all that you do. Yes she speaks Jesus Christ and Him Crucified but read the word where many had cast out devils In Jesus name and Jesus Said to them to get away from me I never knew you. It doesn't matter what a false teacher that Joyce is or what she believe you will answer for not finding the truth of the Word of God for yourself Since the Holy Spirit is our teacher He says we no longer depend on others but only HIM. If you keep twisting the Truth of the Word of god Jesus will tell you come judgment day go away I never knew you. IF we could do all that JOyce says we can do then there would have been no need in Jesus paying the price for our salvation. She only wants you money wake people before it is to late. She lies about our Dad He spoke out against everything she is preaching. Joyce Says she prays and ask God to send her some one to talk to. She only talks to those she can control. I have asked her to call me to answer my questions which she refuses to do and will not allow other family members who are following her to speak to me or other family members. Joyce is the thief wanting to take your life to hell with her. I judge her according to the Word of God she is a false teacher and the Word speaks out about will happen to people like her and those who follow these lies. Our Dad I thank God He is with Jesus as it would break HIs heart to know that His daughter whom he taught the truth has traded the truth for the lie. I pray that the God of all the LIVING will show Joyce her error before it is to late and for those following her find the truth. Jesus Christ is the LORD of my Life just as Our Dad taught. It took years for me to understand but Jesus brought me out of the darkness into the marvelous light. JFCecil

  44. what does the statement that Jesus Christ made just before HE gave up His spirit. He said " It is finished". So my question of what is meant by this statement brings me to ask another question of Joyce and those who follow her. Since Jesus Christ said " It is finished" what is it that we have to do in order to partake of His finished work. Can we do anything to add to what Jesus has done? I really do not understand Joyce Leiphon making the statement on her web site that you have to work the Word. This is a very confusing statement in my mind. Ms Leiphon can you explain how this works? I have listen to many of you statements on your website. I cannot understand what you are saying please help me understand exactly what you are really saying.

  45. A female David Koresch.

  46. I personally believe that if I am giving money that goes into a preachers pocket instead of Getting the true Gospel to all nations is a sin. We are to be good steward of all the LORD has Given us. I believe that everything I have is HIS. It does not belong in anyone pocket so they can have the best house or the best car. I do believe it is okay to support a real man or woman of God in a comfortable manner but not to the point that I am in lack and they have more then enough. read it in 2 Cor the 8 and 9th chapter. These money preachers will God will deal with then if they do not repent. IF you are doubting anything your preacher is teaching I beg you to take it to the LORD. If you truly want to know the truth all you have to do is ask OUR Father in Heaven in the Name of Jesus. IF you are being truthful and really want the truth HE ( the Holy Spirit ) will show you the truth. Praise God.

  47. Praise God is right. Amen

  48. Are you listening to God "They said to Moses,'You speak with us, and we will hear; but let not God speak with us, lest we die'" (Exodus20:19).We don't consciously and deliberately disobey God--we simply don't listen to HIM. For the rest of why we do not listen go to My Utmost for His HIGHEST by Oswald Chambers. But we like those that told Moses, You speak with us,but let not God speak with us. So we can pick and choose what we want,and now did God really say that.Moses must be wrong.But when we have to seek God ourselves and then obey or disobey.Which each believe has to do and when one dies they alone will stand before God and answer and will not be able to say it is my fathers or mothers or the bible teachers fault that I did wrong.The only answer that God will accept is Jesus Christ and Him Crucified.None of the works giving of money,fasting,confessing etc...will be accepted.

  49. Just listen to Joyce Leiphon teaching on her web site 2/10/13. I will encourage all of you who are following this woman to do some of what she says. Read and study the Word of God for yourself Ask God to Eph 1:17-23. I pray you will seek first the KINGDOM of God and His Righteousness. SHe is also right about our life in Christ is not about works but when you truly hear what she is saying it is all about works Because YOU have to do this or that. She is also right about Religion will cause you to loose your life both Spiritually as well as in the natural. What is religion. It is man made rules and regulations. IF you do what she has preached on this teaching and ask God the Father in Jesus Name to show you HIS truth you will run from this false teacher. IF you truly are seeking the Will of God for your life. Do not ask God for the truth of His word if you do not want to know the truth. She is deceiver just like Abram was a deceiver not trusting in GOD to provide all that HE has promised. Read it all not just in part. It is not about what we are doing to get the blessing but who we are looking to for the Blessing. Jesus Christ and Him Crucified risen is The Blessing of Abraham.

  50. Isn't what Joyce is teaching something along the lines of how the Seventh Day Adventist Church operates? I believe they preach that one can only get into Heaven based on the sort of work they do on this earth, not the acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Please correct me if I am wrong.

  51. i don't know anything about the Seventh Day Adventist Church. But I do understand that Joyce does not know the truth of the Word of God or she would not be allowing the people in her church do clean her house and cook her meals and keep her lawn without paying them a fair wage. She likes to quote so much of the Old Testament I wonder if she has ever read Jer 22:13 Which says. " Woe to him who builds his house by unrighteousness and his Chambers by injustice Who uses his neighbors service without wages and gives him nothing for his work". Now she believes she should be treated as though she is Royalty yet does not pay her workers what they are worth. She says a labor is worth their hire meaning I guess that only the preacher is worthy of being paid. Now how much do you believe she is worth when she is taking all the money she can shame you into giving her but not paying you according to your work you do for her. I just do not understand how anyone could fall for such a person.

  52. Go to look up Frances and friends for truth on Seventh day Adventist.Look under articles many others, Word of faith the error of this teaching.What Joyce is teaching is also about works and her control through fear,if you do not believe her the devil is going to harm you other evil things will happen to you. Lose the return on all the money that you have been sowing for years.Lose your job etc. From her teachings on her website since she thinks that she has become Him (Jesus) and you do not obey her she is going to turn the devil loose to attack you. She no longer believes that she is just a HUMAN BEING like everybody else and has to stand at the foot of the Cross Of Jesus Christ because of her sins. She is Royalty.

  53. i have a question for Joyce Leiphon if we were made in the image and likeness and divinity of God why did adam sin. He was God also accordion to what you are preaching. I though divinity is God and knows all things and would not have fallen into sin. Very confusing

  54. Since Adam was created the resemblance of God he was not a god. Like a copy of painting. In the book Blood bought Victory by Peter Youngren on page 21 he states that Physically, Adam would not have to die.His body was not meant to pass through a degenerative aging cycle. The blood that originally pulsated through his veins was perfect, without contamination of sin or death. His blood was different from ours.When Adam sinned several things happened: 1. His spirit man died. He did not die physically, but his body including his blood, became subject to death. It took a long time for physical death to catch up, but instantaneously he died spiritually.2. His incorruptible body corruptible. His body that was supposed to last forever was suddenly subject to destruction. From that moment, Adam's blood became perishable and the blood of all his descendants would be contaminated and under the curse of death.E.W.Kenyon and K Hagan fathers of the word of faith teachings where Joyce and others have come to believe that they have grown to be g-god. They are dead now so any sane BORN AGAIN person who would not believe this lie. And if they ask the God The Father to show them the truth and they study the word He will show it to them. They will not have to have Joyce or anyone else to teach it to them.Look at John 5:24-30 see what Jesus said, also John 8:28-32 the truth shall make you free.Is the Jesus that you believe in really the Son of God that The Father sent that you could read His word and He would set you free? The one that died on the cross, the atonement for sin. Because the sin was paid for,Jesus the sin offering the perfect and last sacrifice, He then rose from the dead.And because of that fact alone we are able to Know and walk with Him hear his voice understand his word.And rejoice in the Lord.Jesus plus nothing, none of our works,by his grace our faith in his finished work.

  55. I worked with Joyce's dad before and after he got saved.I am sure that what he taught in his home church meeting are nothing like what Joyce is teaching.He renounced the Roman Catholic teachings,the K. Hagan word of faith teachings.Had a real close walk with Jesus.Led many to the Lord people are still being blessed by the people that he and the Lord touched. I am glad he is not here to see what Joyce and some of her sisters are now doing.But he was one that like God, would give you the word and it was up to you,he would not force his will upon you.I am sure he told all of his family that would listen the right way to walk with Jesus.

  56. I write on this blog knowing that Joyce and her followers will more then likely never listen to anything I say. But the Word of God tells us in Jude verse three to contend for the Faith. I wont' write it all but for those who do not know or who are searching for the truth will not fall into this false doctrine. IF just one person finds the truth and doesn't fall for every wind of Doctrine like Joyce has done then I have done what the Word of God calls us all who believe to do. Yes these people have no better sense to then to be slaves to Joyce they will suffer the consequences. I believe some of them are deceived however I do not believe Joyce is deceived she knows exactly what she is doing. So if this blog helps just one person to know the truth I am very excited. Miracles happen everyday. I am praying that these people will open their eyes and ears and seek the face of God for themselves before it is to late to do so. Joyce is following her father the devil she is not following the voice of God the Father of all the living. Even the Satan knows the Word of God and can preach it in the twisted way that Joyce does.

  57. What is your faith in,how much money that you give,much you fast,what you are doing for the pastor,how many times you confess what you want, is it in self? Are is it in the finished work of what Jesus Christ did on the Cross. Are you trying to get from God by what you are doing?As a child I just received my food,clothes, because my Father did the work. Now because of what Jesus has done I can receive everything I have need of, just seek the Father and his righteousness Matt.6. The Holy Spirit will lead and guide us if we let him.

  58. Which Jesus have you received "The money come to now",The healing Jesus,the Denomination Jesus,a confession Jesus,a Baptist Jesus,Assembly of God Jesus,miracle Jesus etc.Satan only fears the Crucified Jesus. Paul said "I determined not to know anything among you,save Jesus Christ, and Him Crucified"I Cor.2:2. Read 2 Cor.11 and ask the Father to show you which Jesus that you are walking with. Because there is another Jesus that Paul warns us about. In John 6:44 "No one can come to Me, unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up on the last day."

  59. reading on this blog and then listening to Joyce Leiphon preach only confirm all that I have read on the blog. Joyce Leiphon is a Cult leader she has to control all things as though she is god. She preaches not from the LOVE she has for The Gospel which is Jesus Christ but for the love of money. Do you really believe that you are supposed to give to Joyce Leiphon to the point that you can not buy the things needed to sustain your life. Are you giving to her in such a way that you are in lack while she has more then enough. You who are doing this YOU must tear out the 8,9 chapter of 2 Cor. IF you truly LOVE the Lord Jesus Christ and the Father ( not money) has drawn you to know HIM. You could not follow someone like Joyce Liephon for long. Everything I have read on this blog concerning this preacher is true. If you want to know truth go to the LORD and ask HIM to show you truth. I think someone on this blog has already said this but it is the truth.

  60. Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life. There is no other besides HIM.
    The Message of the Cross is offensive to all who are perishing their eyes being blinded by the god of this world. The god of this world is still satan. Jesus Christ defeated satan at the Cross. However so many preachers are no longer preaching the Whole Word of God but picking and choose what they can twist to mean what they want it to mean. Read the Whole Word of God ask for HIS guidance

  61. This morning, around 2 a.m. when I could not sleep for whatever reason, I watched a documentary on cult leader Warren Jeffs, who is now in prison for male child rape and sexual assault/forced marriage on multiple underage girls. I could not help but notice the similarities between his control over his flock and Joyce's control over hers. Jeffs preached to his followers what they could read, what they could watch, who they could associate with, when they could eat and when they could fart. If there is not a similarity between the control of Warren Jeffs and Joyce Leiphon over their followers, there ain't a cow in Texas.

    1. There are a lot of cows in Texas. She could be another Jim Jones also don't you think.

  62. Question: "What does the Bible say about the prosperity gospel?"

    Answer: In the prosperity gospel, also known as the “Word of Faith,” the believer is told to use God, whereas the truth of biblical Christianity is just the opposite—God uses the believer. Word of Faith or prosperity theology sees the Holy Spirit as a power to be put to use for whatever the believer wills. The Bible teaches that the Holy Spirit is a Person who enables the believer to do God's will. The prosperity gospel movement closely resembles some of the destructive greed sects that infiltrated the early church. Paul and the other apostles were not accommodating to or conciliatory with the false teachers who propagated such heresy. They identified them as dangerous false teachers and urged Christians to avoid them.

    Paul warned Timothy about such men in 1 Timothy 6:5, 9-11. These men of “corrupt mind” supposed godliness was a means of gain and their desire for riches was a trap that brought them “into ruin and destruction” (v. 9). The pursuit of wealth is a dangerous path for Christians and one which God warns about: “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs” (v. 10). If riches were a reasonable goal for the godly, Jesus would have pursued it. But He did not, preferring instead to have no place to lay His head (Matthew 8:20) and teaching His disciples to do the same. It should also be remembered that the only disciple concerned with wealth was Judas.

    Paul said covetousness is idolatry (Ephesians 5:5) and instructed the Ephesians to avoid anyone who brought a message of immorality or covetousness (Ephesians 5:6-7). Prosperity teaching prohibits God from working on His own, meaning that God is not Lord of all because He cannot work until we release Him to do so. Faith, according to the Word of Faith doctrine, is not submissive trust in God; faith is a formula by which we manipulate the spiritual laws that prosperity teachers believe govern the universe. As the name “Word of Faith” implies, this movement teaches that faith is a matter of what we say more than whom we trust or what truths we embrace and affirm in our hearts.

    A favorite term in the Word of Faith movement is “positive confession.” This refers to the teaching that words themselves have creative power. What you say, Word of Faith teachers claim, determines everything that happens to you. Your confessions, especially the favors you demand of God, must all be stated positively and without wavering. Then God is required to answer (as though man could require anything of God!). Thus, God's ability to bless us supposedly hangs on our faith. James 4:13-16 clearly contradicts this teaching: “Now listen, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.’ Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.” Far from speaking things into existence in the future, we do not even know what tomorrow will bring or even whether we will be alive.

    Instead of stressing the importance of wealth, the Bible warns against pursuing it. Believers, especially leaders in the church (1 Timothy 3:3), are to be free from the love of money (Hebrews 13:5). The love of money leads to all kinds of evil (1 Timothy 6:10). Jesus warned, “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions” (Luke 12:15). In sharp contrast to the Word of Faith emphasis on gaining money and possessions in this life, Jesus said, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal” (Matthew 6:19). The irreconcilable contradictions between prosperity teaching and the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is best summed up in the words of Jesus in Matthew 6:24, “You cannot serve both God and money.”

  63. I pray she will never become another Jim Jones, Warren Jeffs, or David Koresch, but with her delusional thinking, loss of touch with reality, insatiable greed, and power and control over others, one has to certainly consider that possibility.

  64. My prayer is that Joyce will repent. I have listen to several of her teachings and what I hear is she thinks she has always since childhood been if not perfectly sinless she was quite near perfect. Then she found the a false gospel to preach and now believes everyone has to believe her and trust that she is right and everyone else is wrong. This is so much Joyce. Even as a Child as she admits on a teaching via the internet she would tell on her older sisters. The reason we did not want her around was not because she was a tattle tale but she was a liar about what she told our parents. That way she was free to do as she pleased. Manipulation she learned at a very young age. Joyce has always tooted her own horn. If the sister who sits in her teaching would only admit the truth when Joyce gets her to confirm what she says instead of confirming the lies well there would be a different out come all together. I have nothing to hide like Joyce hides her life before Christ and her life now saying she knows Christ. I don't buy that she has a relationship with Jesus because I do not think you can preach what she preaches and Know the Jesus of the Bible.
    Jesus warns of false teachers like Joyce. He said do not be deceived. YOU Are being deceived by Joyce and her love for money. Do you love money more the you do the Savior of the world which is Jesus Christ and HIM Crucified. Not Joyce Leiphon and money cometh to me now.

  65. I saw one of Joyce's teaching on the internet. The one on Gen.1:26,made in image etc.How we are now Divine.Since Joyce and her disciples will not rightly divide the word of God. This is for the one who is looking for the truth.Look at 1Cor.15:40-58,verse 50"Now I say this,that flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God; nor does the perishable the imperishable." As you read this chapter and there are others that give one the the truth that we are not in the Kingdom age yet.That Jesus Christ is God and we will never Become HIM.After the second coming of Jesus Christ and He then set up His Kingdom on the earth by then 1Cor 15;52 will have taken place.Also look at 2Tim.2;15"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,rightly dividing the word of truth.Read the rest of the chapter and chapter 3
    Maybe someone could see if Joyce has BLOOD in her body,If she has you know for sure that she has not Become JESUS CHRIST yet, and you don't have to fear her.Nor will she ever become HIM or any other g-god.

  66. Amen anonymous. Anyone who believes they have become Jesus Christ well in my book nuts nuts nuts!!!!. All through the bible it tells us our God is a jealous God and there is to be no other. I too have listen to several internet video's of this woman's teaching. IF I had not had a strong foundation of the Word of God which totally is Jesus Christ and Him Crucified, If I were a baby Christian as it appears her follows appear to be I could have fallen for the twisting of the Scripture as she is teaching. However, Thank MY GOD and Savior Jesus Christ HE has taught me His Word without twisting it to mean something He never intended. We as Humans deserve hell and nothing else. When we become born again as the word says we all become adopted Children of the Most High God. Only because HE (GOD) sees Jesus Christ in us not us. However when you twist his word and preach as Joyce is preaching well as the Word of God states and you can search it out and find it for yourself. I am using my own words but you can find it in the Bible if you want truth. Do not change my word to not add or take away from all that is written. Now when you jump around from scripture as Joyce does taking one scripture to line up with the next scripture to say whatever she wants it to mean. that is adding to the Word of God and also since she is changing the meaning of the Word she is also deleting the Word God. From Genesis to Matthew the Word is leading to Cross of Jesus Christ. Then from Matthew to Revelation leads back to the cross anything else is false teaching and take away from the truth of the Word of God which is JESUS CHRIST

  67. re Christians 'little gods'?"

    Answer: What has been popularly termed the “little god controversy” originated with Word of Faith pastors and teachers. The basic idea behind the controversy is that humans are actually divine, created “in the image of God” (Genesis 1:27) not only in having a soul, having dominion over the earth, or living in relationship with others, but by being of the same “spiritual class” as God Himself. Evangelicals decry this concept as misguided at best, or heretical and cultic at worst.

    The main tenant of Word of Faith is that, when we ask something of God in faith, He is compelled to fill the request. As “little gods,” our words have much power. This error is taught by some television evangelists, and its roots in Pentecostalism have made it more common in Charismatic churches. The Word of Faith movement has a number of popular monikers including “name-it-claim-it,” “prosperity theology” and “health and wealth gospel.”

    The basis for the “little gods” claim is found in two Scripture passages. Psalm 82:6 reads, “I said, ‘You are “gods”; you are all sons of the Most High.’” Jesus quotes this psalm in John 10:34, “Is it not written in your law, ‘I have said you are gods’?” However, both of these passages include explanations in the immediate context which clearly do not indicate human divinity. Psalm 82:6 is followed by a warning that “you will all die like mere men, you will fall like every other ruler” (v. 7). The reference is to mortal men who represent God’s authority in the world—kings, judges, and magistrates. (Please see our article on Psalm 82:6.)

    Psalm 82 is a warning to unjust leaders who consider themselves “gods” (Psalm 82:1) yet who “know nothing,” who “walk about in darkness” (Psalm 82:5). Jesus used this passage in response to those who accused Him of blasphemy. Essentially, Jesus asked why, when human rulers were called gods, “the one whom the Father set apart as his very own and sent into the world” (John 10:36) was blaspheming by claiming to be God’s Son.

    Claiming divinity for Christians is unsupportable, especially taking the rest of the Bible into account. God is God alone (Isaiah 37:16). We have never been God, we are not God now, and we never will be God. Jesus was fully God and fully man (a combination called the hypostatic union). If the “little gods” hypothesis is accepted, it imputes to Jesus a lesser divinity of some kind; He became a “little god” like us. John said that “the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us” (John 1:14), but this does not indicate “a lesser divinity.” Jesus took on human flesh and blood in order to die for our sins (Hebrews 2:14), yet He retained His full position in the Godhead. God created us with a spirit, but that spirit does not hold divine qualities.

  68. Question: "Is there any power in positive thinking?"

    Answer: One definition for positive thinking is “the act of reviewing thought processes and the actions they engender, in order to identify areas that need improvement, and then using the appropriate tools to change those thoughts or actions in a positive, goal-oriented way.” While it seems relatively harmless, the problem comes in believing that there is some kind of supernatural power in positive thinking. In this age of the prosperity gospel, there are many false doctrines confusing believers and unbelievers alike. These false doctrines are always the same—human ideas with different titles masquerading as truth. One such notion is the power of positive thinking.

    The idea of the power of positive thinking in recent decades was popularized by Dr. Norman Peale with his book The Power of Positive Thinking (1952). The theory claims that people can change future outcomes and events by “thinking” them into existence. Dr. Peale used flawed religious concepts as well as subjective psychological theories to promote a false version of faith and hope. The theory is part of the “self-help” movement whereby a person tries to create his own reality with human efforts. But reality is truth and the truth is found in the Bible. People cannot create their own reality by fantasizing or trying to think it into existence. Thus, Dr. Peale’s theory is flawed because he does not base his theory on truth.

    Proponents of positive thinking claim their research supports the validity of the theory. However, the body of data is widely debated. Some of the actual findings suggest there is a positive correlation between a positive outlook and performance, but this is a far cry from positive thoughts creating an outcome. This research suggests that people who have positive attitudes tend to have higher self-esteem and better experiences when compared to people who have pessimistic outlooks. On the other hand, like Dr. Peale’s book, there is no substantiated evidence to support that thoughts can control outcomes.

    What science cannot answer, the Bible can and does answer. Unfortunately, the Bible says that man cannot be “good” on his own (Isaiah 64:6). The only “good” in us is Jesus and only when a person accepts Him as Savior (Ephesians 2:1-5). Trying to impress men or God through our works is hopeless because without Christ we can do nothing righteous (John 15:5; Romans 8:7-8). Once the Holy Spirit comes into the heart of the believer, He begins our sanctification process. Sanctification is the transformative power of the Holy Spirit to make us like Jesus. Only with the Holy Spirit’s power can a human say no to their sinful flesh. Even so, it is not we who are able to perform good deeds, but Christ through us. We are like a glove and He is the hand. Jesus works in and through us to do His will.

    So if we want to better ourselves and make positive changes, we do not attempt to think more positively. True spirituality will always start and end with our relationship to Christ. Furthermore, effort is the key to changing one’s life, not thoughts alone. Choosing a Christ-like attitude and having an obedient spirit is as positive as man can be.

  69. Question: "Is being drunk in the Spirit a biblical experience?"

    Answer: Nowhere in the Bible does it say to be drunk in the Spirit. When the Bible speaks of being drunk, it always has a negative connotation. The only place in Scripture that alludes to the idea of “spiritual drunkenness” is Isaiah 29:9-14, and it refers to God’s judgment upon sin and apostasy.

    Some leaders in the Word of Faith movement and churches associated with the Toronto Blessing promote the false idea of being “drunk in the Spirit” or being filled with “drunken glory.” Congregations are instructed to “get drunk,” “take another drink,” and cast off all restraint. Stumbling gaits, slurred speech, falling to the ground and other odd behaviors are “proof” of the work of the Holy Spirit.

    The false teachers who promote being drunk in the Spirit point to Acts 2:13 as justification for their aberrant practice. On the day of Pentecost, as the apostles were preaching the gospel, some in the crowd said, “They have had too much wine.” The accusation was obviously a mockery of the apostles, and Peter flatly denies any hint of inebriation (verse 15). Yet today’s Word of Faith teachers take this jest from an ungodly crowd and use it as “evidence” that Peter and the apostles were preaching in a senseless stupor. Such twisting of Scripture not only demeans the apostles, it also dishonors the Holy Spirit.

    The apostle Paul wrote, “Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is. Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit” (Ephesians 5:15-18).

    Paul says that getting drunk is akin to our old way of life with its worldly and self-serving desires. Such behavior is debased and “leads to debauchery” (compare Colossians 1:21; Romans 13:13). The word debauchery is a translation of a Greek word meaning “lawless insolence or unmanageable caprice.” Paul deliberately contrasts the state of drunkenness (a loss of control) with the indwelling of the Spirit of God (a gain of self-control, Galatians 5:23).

    God wants every aspect of our lives as believers to be under the complete control of the Holy Spirit. This does not come by drunkenness, and it does not mimic its effects.

    Acting drunk and blaming it on the Spirit of God is sin. Those who teach spiritual intoxication are more closely allied with Bacchus, the Roman god of wine and drunkenness, than with the true God of the Bible. Being filled with the Spirit is not some ecstatic or emotionally charged experience. It is not a heavenly high or a spiritual buzz. Being filled with the Spirit is a steady submission of one’s life to the God of glory (1 John 3:24).

  70. I have posted all the above to show all you look at this blog that I do search the scripture for the truth then look on the internet for others who know the truth and can put it in better words then I can. The only thing I know fact is Joyce Leiphon is a false teacher. She is my blood sister and I do pray for her salvation her repentance. With out which she will be lost. I tell the truth. Because it truly is written in the Word of God.

  71. Good word Jfcecil and as it is written in the book o Revelation chapters2-3 "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches."
    It would be a good idea to ask God for eyes to see and ears to hear what the Spirit has written and spoken to each person. Because in John 10:27 "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; etc. If you can not hear His voice maybe you are in the wrong flock under a hireling, and not a shepherd. Just read John 10 the whole chapter because there is only one Good Shepherd the one who laid down His life and rose again for each one that will believe and trust His finished work.
