Thursday, September 13, 2012

Joyce Leiphon Money Cometh moment with a wink and a nod

On November 6th, 2007,  Senator Chuck Grassley’s (R-Iowa) office sent letters to six “televangelists” (i.e. Christian ministers who have extensive television exposure) in an effort to obtain information about potential “abuses” of donor-originated funds within these non-profit organizations.

I wished he had sent one to Leroy Thompson and Joyce Leiphon.  Though Joyce doesn't have a jet, or a Rolls Royce, (she has declared she will have these one day) she sure would have to explain the amount of cash she receives from her sheeple. But like with all cults, the cult leader has no accountability. When this investigation was going on, of course it was considered an "attack of the enemy" by Joyce Leiphon.  We had a private meeting where she told me that all cash money gifts were to be given to her "outside the church".

With a wink and a nod she told me she got that info from Leroy Thompson in a phone call and we were to continue giving her cash outside the church, like in the parking lot or in an envelope in her dinner basket (yes, she had members make her dinners).  She made this announcement to the core group, but I had come in late that night and missed it, therefore the private meeting.  I felt like a secret agent, are you kidding me?  Meet the pastor at a "drop" and give her your money?

I was fairly new to the LOTWC cult but understood the nod and wink.  I went home and told my wife I thought we were to pay things unto Caesar (like taxes), and I did not think this was legal and violated the spirit of the law as well as the letter of the law.  I didn't think it was proper and kept it to myself.

Joyce Leiphon, did, after several days rescind her annoucement and that she would continue to take cash from us at the pulpit while preaching the gospel of wealth.  I guess she had a moment of clarity and we continued to give her cash at each meeting 3x a week.

We continued to give, but changed to checks as we would be able to document our giving and for the deduction given on our tax returns.  But the cash gifts don't count and could not deduct that as a charitable donation.  Of course we were told not to be motivated by a tax deduction but how God's blessings would rain down from heaven like manna.  So, there was lot's of cash passing on to Joyce Leiphon directly.  What does Joyce do with the cash?  She is a 5013C non profit organization. I do know she gives to her man of gawd Leroy Thompson. She brags about it as often as possible.  I know we didn't help anyone in our church or community.  I did get a tax deduction for the money we gave in check form.....but the cash?  OH the cash, nothing, no deduction, nada.  Just a nod and a wink that one day too, people will be giving you their hard earned money!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Joyce Leiphon and Light of the World Church, a cult? Part I

I saw this in the comment section recently and wanted to post this as this describes my experience with the "Money Cometh" gospel as preached by Joyce Leiphon  Thank you to anonymous for sharing their comments.  This is part 1, part deaux 2 will follow.  Anonymous comments are in boldMy personal response and my experience are in yellow.

The group displays excessively zealous and unquestioning commitment to its leader and (whether he is alive or dead) regards his belief system, ideology, and practices as the Truth, as law.

Yes, Yes and YES!  I believed everything Joyce Leiphon said and taught as the gospel.  She would tell us we should follow her as she followed Jesus. Joyce Leiphon could never be wrong as she is a woman of God!

Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished.

Yes, Yes and YES I was a spy, a spy within the inner circle of LOTWC, my assignment was to watch out for those who would show signs of doubt.  Yes, I admit, I did report those who said things not in line with Joyce Leiphon and her teachings.  Punishment was severe and quick.  The Amish, Jehovah's Witnesse's, Mormon's etc have nothing over the control Joyce Leiphon has over her group.  I'm talkin' about shunning, calling them devils, do not talk, eat, help, console, and there is no chance of reconciliation to come back into her good graces.

Mind-altering practices (such as meditation, chanting, speaking in tongues, denunciation sessions, and debilitating work routines) are used in excess and serve to suppress doubts about the group and its leader(s).

Yes, Yes, and YES!  Every Monday night, 7-8pm, mandatory prayer which would consist of reading several scriptural passages, inserting PASTOR JOYCE into the written text.  Wed night 6-7pm more of the same. Then the service about money cometh.  Sunday morning 9-10am, more of the same.  After scriptures were read in unison, a time for praying in tongues.  The louder, the better!  I can not tell you how many people came and left before a Sunday service to start at 10 am to find a group of screaming, shouting, shaking people speaking in tongues and Joyce having a few select people following her closely so she wouldn't fall down in a drunken state, overcome by the power of God! No wonder people left!

The leadership dictates, sometimes in great detail, how members should think, act, and feel (for example, members must get permission to date, change jobs, marry—or leaders prescribe what types of clothes to wear, where to live, whether or not to have children, how to discipline children, and so forth).

Yes, Yes and YES!  The leadership is Joyce Leiphon.  There are no elders, decons, or any accountability. Even in her inner circle, which I was part of, we obeyed her every word.  I have seen people not take jobs because it was too far away from her church and have seen families split apart, husband and wife, because she said so.  No shopping at Walmart or Goodwill, thrift shops as it was beneath our "Divinity" The threat of being cursed for touching the anoited of God.

The group is elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s) and members (for example, the leader is considered the Messiah, a special being, an avatar—or the group and/or the leader is on a special mission to save humanity).
The group has a polarized us-versus-them mentality, which may cause conflict with the wider society.

Yes, Yes and YES!  When I left  LOTWC‪ I was told  "I thought you were one of us!"  To this day, that brother will turn his head when we meet on the road.  When someone left the church, we were to have nothing to do with them.  It was a US against THEM, and the THEM were other Christian churches!  We NEVER partnered with any other church in Ft Pierce.  Joyce Leiphon would tell us how this message of "Money Cometh" was unique and how we would become wealthy and we should be thankful that God chose her to teach us the way and that we were a remnant of believers to be RICH!