Sunday, July 29, 2012

Told to stay away from a dying friend in Hospice by Joyce Leiphon

This post is to let you know how much control Joyce Leiphon had in my life while attending her cult.  My friend who attending LOTWC with his wife a few years back was a drummer for our outreach band (separate from the church)  He became ill and had to go under a very painful series of kidney dialysis for a year.  He met with Joyce and she gave him scriptures to repeat and prayed for him, all the way teaching the "Money Cometh Doctrine" as part of his physical recovery.  He stopped coming to the church because he got tired of the money all the time sermons and stayed away.  He lost his job, his wife divorced him and he became more sick each week as time went on.  Joyce had the audacity to come out and give the "touch not my anointed speech" and that Dino brought all of this on himself for not heeding her and for his own disbelief.

Dino K came to me on a Friday and told me he couldn't take the painful dialysis treatment anymore, he had stopped by to see his Jack Russel who he gave to us.  He was wanting to say goodbye to her and to me.  He had just had his pyche eval and was going to check into Hospice to die.  We prayed together, told him he didn't want to go out this way and to pray on it. 

I called Joyce Leiphon as I believed in her and was sure she would visit Dino and pray with him.  Dino had checked into Hospice over that weekend and was already dying.  To my surprise, Joyce Leiphon told me the holy spirit told her not to and told me I shouldn't go there to say goodbye and not to pray for him either, because Dino rejected her and her teachings.  My friend died the next day, only his brother was there by his side.

I've come to terms with Dino's death, I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye to my friend, my brother in Christ, all because of the control of Joyce Leiphon.  Sorry my brother Dino, see you on the other side where we'll praise the true God with our music as we did here together on earth!


  1. This is so sad. For someone to say they are called to Preach the Word of God then tell someone not to pray for a person or even visit someone who rejects her and her teaching. Have any of you ever read and asked the LORD to show you the truth. Have you asked God our Father in Jesus name to show you HIS truth. Are you willing to sell your soul to the devil for silver and gold that Joyce Leiphon and others are teaching. You say you love Jesus and you know who you are in Christ. IF you are following the word of faith gospel and the money preachers you are following a lie strait from the pit of hell. How can any one who says they LOVE the Lord and do as Joyce and her followers do. Jesus when he walk on this earth never turned away any that came to him for healing or deliverance. It is so sad Joyce is so full of fear that she can not allow anyone to read the Word of God and ask God to give the the truth of HIS Word. The Holy Spirit is the teacher not man. You can only understand what the word of truth is when you give up your life for HIM. God my Father rebukes those whom he loves when they error. He chastens those that are his when the are in error. IF you continue as Joyce Leiphon has done and refuse to repent for your wicked evils you are truly cursed of God. Read all the things in the Bible telling you what is going to happen to the false teachers. I would much rather have the life I have in Christ then all the gold and silver in this world. Jesus Christ paid the debt that I owed. Not Joyce Leiphon, Leroy thomspon or any of the others out there preaching the lies and half truth that Paul talks about all through the Bible. Read for yourself. Perfect love cast out all fear. When you are following out of fear that is not the love of the Gospel. Wake up wake up before it is to late. Time is short.

  2. I want to post something I was reading tonight after thinking about the post that Bill did on Sunday. The compassion of Jesus!! Matthew 9:35 Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every sickness and every disease among the people 36. but when He say the multitudes He was moved with compassion for them because they were weary and scattered like sheep having no shepherd. Matthew 14:14 and when Jesus went out He saw a great multitude and He was moved with compassion for them and healed their sick. Matthew 15:32 Now Jesus called His disciples to Himself and said "I have compassion on the multitude because they have continued with Me three days and have nothing to eat. I do not want to send them away hungry lest they faint on the way. Matthew 20:31-34 Then the multitude warned them tht they should be quiet but they cred out all the more saying " Have mercy on us O Lord Son of David!" 32; So Jesus stood still and called them and said " What do you want me to do for you?" 33 They said to Him " Lord that our eyes may be opened." 34 So Jesus had compassion and touched their eyes. And immediately their eyes received sight and they followed him. Where is the compassion in your Pastor and other like her.

  3. I was listening to Jimmy Swaggart Message of the cross today. After listening to his message I thought I would share with all who read this post about what Paul the apostle wrote in 1 Cor 1:17 For Christ did not send me to baptize but to preach the gospel NOT WITH WISDOM OF WORDS LEST THE CROSS OF CHRIST SHOULD BE NAME OF NOT EFFECT. Sorry for the large type but I want you to realize that if your Pastor or whoever you are sitting under does not preach the Cross of Christ they are teaching lies and half truths. Even Paul said that is what He was sent to Preach. So if all this other stuff like name it and claim it and money cometh to me now stuff it what the LORD wanted preached why did Paul preach the Cross of Cross as the only way to follow the LORD. I am not confused about this. I just would like for you to stop and think a minute just what Jesus Christ did there on the cross.

  4. Bill sorry you had to go through this and if true. It shows a different Jesus that the Bible. A different gospel another Jesus. The whore of Babylon,Roman Catholicism rule of the dark ages.She with no compassion will reap what she sows.Jesus said,"Come to Me, all who are wearyand heavy-laden, and I will give give you rest.Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart;and you shall find rest for your souls" Matt.11:28-29.
    Jesus will keep his WORD if we go to Him.Then
    compare what the Bible says to what Joyce are
    anyone else teaches.If it does line up seek The
    Lord and find a church that teaches Jesus Christ
    and him Crucified.And that it was finished at the Cross we are now set free from the Law of works any kind under Grace and Faith.
    In Jesus's Love J.C.

  5. Unless the rules have changed, a person cannot just "check themselves into Hospice". They have to be admitted by a physician from either a hospital or nursing home, or at least the physician has to call in Hospice if the person is actively dying in their home. I know this from personal experience with a family member. Regardless, if it is true about Joyce and the way she treated this dying man, she is the most evil person to ever walk the earth and will burn in Hell.

  6. "How does the Bible define a good Christian family?"

    Answer: A good Christian family is one which lines up with biblical principles and one in which each member understands and fulfills his or her God-given role. The family is not an institution designed by man. It was created by God, and man has been given the responsibility of stewardship over it. The basic biblical family unit is comprised of one man, one woman—his spouse—and their offspring or adopted children. The extended family can include relatives by blood or marriage such as grandparents, nieces, nephews, cousins, aunts and uncles. One of the primary principles of the family unit is that it involves a commitment ordained by God for the lifetime of the members. The husband and wife are responsible for holding it together, the current attitude of our culture notwithstanding. Although divorce is sought and granted much too easily in our society, the Bible tells us that God hates divorce (Malachi 2:16).

    Ephesians 5:22-26 provide the guidelines for husbands and wives in a good Christian family. The husband is required to love his wife as Christ loved the church, and a wife should respect her husband and willingly submit to his leadership in the family. The husband's leadership role should start with spiritual matters and then flow to instructing and teaching both his wife and their offspring scriptural values, leading the family into biblical truth. Of course, the first requirement for the members of a good Christian family is that they all be Christians, having a true relationship with Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Fathers are instructed to bring up their children in the training and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). A father is also to provide for his family. If he does not, he “denies the faith and is worse than an unbeliever” (1 Timothy 5:8). So a man who makes no effort to provide for his family cannot rightly call himself a Christian. This does not mean that the wife cannot assist in supporting the family—Proverbs 31 demonstrates that a godly wife may surely do so—but providing for the family is not primarily her responsibility; it is her husband’s.

    Woman was given to man for the purpose of being her husband’s helper (Genesis 2:18-20) and to bear children. Husband and wife are to remain faithful to one another for a lifetime. This eliminates the cultural view that divorce, living together without being married, and same-sex marriage are acceptable in God’s eyes. Sexuality expressed according to biblical standards is a beautiful expression of love and commitment. Outside of marriage, it is sin. God declares equality of worth in that all people, men and women, are created in God's image and likeness, and are therefore equally valuable in His eyes. This does not mean, however, that men and women have identical roles in life. Women are more adept at nurturing and caring for the young, while men are better equipped to provide for and protect the family. Thus, they are equal in status, but each has a different role to play.

    Children are given two primary responsibilities in the family: to obey their parents and to honor them (Ephesians 6:1-3). Obeying parents is the duty of children until they reach adulthood, but we are to honor our parents for a lifetime. God promises His blessings on those who honor their parents.

    When a husband, wife and children all fulfill their God-appointed roles in the family, when they have all committed their lives to Christ and to His service, then peace and harmony will reign in the home. But if we try to have a good Christian family without Christ as Head, or without adhering to the biblical principles the Lord has lovingly provided for us, we will fail.

  7. I debated whether or not I should post what happened the last time my mother came home to Bardstown. I was asked to let other family members know that our mother was going to be home for the weekend. Well called one sister and ask her to call the ones living close to her. I also told her to tell our one sister who is party to Joyce Leiphon's church. Several months ago I sent both this and Joyce emails and letters telling them what scripture says about false teachers and those who follow them. I am a blunt and to the point person even though the LORD has tone me down to some degree I am still very passionate about the Truth of The Word of God. Well the sister who lives in KY will not come to any family functions if I am there. The only way should would come to visit our mother was the fact I had another sister tell her I would stay away if she wanted to visit. Well as it turned out there was a problem at mothers house and I was there when she arrived. She called the sister who was already there and said " I thought you said Jan would not be there". She was told of the problem with the house. I left went home so this self-righteous woman would not be defiled by my presence. As it turned out I had to go back while she was still there. This sister would not even stay in the same room where I was. She eventually did come into the room but with the look on her face you could tell she was very uncomfortable. I have to look at it this way. Jesus did not turn his back on me. I have not turned my back on Him. Now the only thing I can come up with is if you do not follow teaching of Joyce Leiphon and all she presents you are going to hell. Where the bible says not to have anything to do with false teacher and those who follow their teaching do not eat or fellowship with them. I now believe my sister here in KY believes the lies to the point of rejecting Christ that is in ME. It is so sad that people are not allowed to follow the Word of God and being told who they can and cannot be around. There is only one person who can and will tell me who I can not socialize with an that ain't Joyce Leiphon. All I can find out is these people are so afraid they might loose the money they have been bilked out of so they follow whatever they are told to do. You know where is the liberty in this. Jesus died to give us Liberty from the law. The Law is sin and death to all that cannot keep the whole law. If you keep one part of it you are going to die under the curse of the Law as the Word of God say you have to obey all the law not just the part you like. How do you want to be judged, under the law or under the Grace that Jesus Christ offers us. I love Jesus Chris with my whole being and I will not summit to a false teacher and give up my soul to the devil after all that Jesus Christ has delivered me from. He died a horrible death that I might have the freedom chose him. Freedom that comes only from the true word of God. I am praying that all who are following this false teacher to look to the Word of God for the truth. Look to the Word of God for your place in the body of Christ. I am telling you all now that as long as you are following Joyce Leiphon and doing her biding you are following a false christ. You will die and go to hell. I am sorry if this offends any of you. If I am wrong show me in the scripture in CONTEXT. Not the way Joyce used scripture. The Word says not to even pray for these false teachers. So if you truly do not believe all that she is teaching it is your duty to leave and take as many with you that you can. You do not need to support this false teacher in any manner. Your eternal life depends on the choice you make. Jesus Christ and Him Crucified or Joyce Leiphon greedy false teacher little god

  8. The Divine Subordination of Woman
    By divine design, man is to be the “head” of woman—in society, in the church, and in the home (1 Corinthians 11:3; Ephesians 5:22-24). This graduation of authority rests on two bases: first, the original constitution of the sexes as created, and, second, woman’s role in the fall.
    Concerning the former, the Bible teaches:
    Woman was made as a help for man—not the reverse (Genesis 2:18, 20).
    Paul wrote: “For the man is not of the woman, but the woman of the man: for neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man” (1 Corinthians 11:8, 9).
    And again, “For Adam was first formed, then Eve” (1 Timothy 2:13).
    As to the woman’s role in the fall, she believed Satan’s lie that she might become as God, and hence, was “beguiled” (Genesis 3:13; 2 Corinthians 11:3) or “deceived” (1 Timothy 2:14); whereas Adam, laboring under no such deception (1 Timothy 2:14), merely sinned due to his weakness for the woman (Genesis 3:12). Accordingly, woman’s subjection was increased after her fall (Genesis 3:16).
    These facts do not suggest that woman is inferior to man, but they do mean (to those who respect the testimony of Scripture) that she is subordinate in rank to man. It ought to be emphasized that as Christ’s subjection to the Father involved no deprivation of dignity (Philippians 2:5-11), so there is none in woman’s subjection to man. So, as we shall presently observe, because of these historical facts, the sphere of woman’s activity has been divinely circumscribed.

  9. Women’s “Lib” or the Word of God
    As the saying goes, “From Adam’s rib to Women’s Lib, you’ve come a long way, baby.” Indeed! Some have gone a considerable distance from the word of God!
    Every significant movement within society will eventually, to some degree, make itself felt in the church. The phenomenon of “women’s liberation” is no exception. There are those in the church who are clamoring that women must throw off the yoke of male domination and claim their rightful place in the body of Christ. Some are suggesting that women can be elders, preachers, and leaders in public worship.
    There have been two basic approaches to this problem: Some have adopted a completely infidelic stance by asserting that certain “troubling passages” in the New Testament are merely the result of Pharisaic and Rabbinic prejudices reflecting the backward ignorances of the first century, and so, such are not authoritative for today’s church. Others, attempting to assume a more conservative position, claim there is Biblical support for feminine equality in leadership roles.
    It is, however, the burden of this presentation to show there is no scriptural authority for women elders, women preachers, or women worship leaders.
    First, it should hardly be necessary to labor over the point that no woman is authorized to serve as an elder, the Bible being so obvious on the matter. The elder is to be the “husband [Greek, aner—a male as opposed to a woman; Arndt and Gingrich, 65) of one wife” (Titus 1:6; 1 Timothy 3:2). The “elder women” (presbuteras) of 1 Timothy 5:2 (cf. Titus 2:3) are simply older women in contrast to the younger (neoterous), and not church leaders.
    Secondly, the New Testament does not authorize a female (public preaching) ministry; but rather positively prohibits such. Perhaps the most effective way to approach this matter is to examine some of the currently circulated arguments in support of women preachers:
    New Testament women prophesied (Acts 2:18; 21:9; 1 Corinthians 11:5).
    It is assumed that prophesying was preaching, hence, women of the first century preached. The word “prophesy” is from two Greek roots, pro (forth) and phemi (to speak). It is a very general term and may mean “to teach, refute, reprove, admonish, comfort” (Thayer 1958, 553; cf. 1 Corinthians 14:3). It can simply suggest the idea of “giving thanks and praising God” (1 Chronicles 25:3). The meaning of the word in a given situation must be determined by the context as well as other information in the Scriptures.
    Paul limits the extent of a woman’s forth-speaking (teaching, etc.) when he writes: “I permit not a woman to teach, nor to have dominion over a man, but to be in quietness” (1 Timothy 2:12). The negative conjunction ,oude (nor), here is explanatory in force, revealing that the kind of teaching prohibited by the apostle is that which assumes dominion over the man (Lenski, 563).
    Certainly women may teach (cf. Titus 2:3); they may, in certain ways, even teach men. There is a reciprocal teaching in singing (Colossians 3:16), and privately, in conjunction with her husband, Priscilla was involved in teaching Apollos (Acts 18:26). But a woman may not assume the position of teacher, with the man subordinated to the role of student, without violating a New Testament command.
    Was Phoebe a “Deaconess”?
    On the basis of Romans 16:1-2, some have contended that:
    Phoebe was a church official (deacon);
    the church was to “assist her,” implying her authority over the church;
    she had been a “helper” (prostatis) of many, implying “authority, discipline, over-seeing.”
    All of this is alleged to show that Phoebe was a preacher-leader in the early church.

  10. However:
    The word diakonos simply means a “servant” (Matthew 23:11; John 2:5, etc.), and any official attachment to the term must be demanded by the context, as in Philippians 1:1 and 1 Timothy 3:8.
    The fact that the saints were encouraged to “assist” Phoebe did not imply her authority over them. The Greek word paristerni meant to “come to the aid of, help, stand by” (Arndt and Gingrich, 633). When Paul said, “[T]he Lord stood by pareste me” (2 Timothy 4:17), he certainly was not asserting that he exercised authority over Christ!
    The word prostatis (helper) does not necessitate oversight. If so, then Phoebe exercised authority over Paul, for she had been his helper as well as others! Though it is found only here in the New Testament, the term, which can connote simply rendering assistance, is used in a third-century B.C. letter from a son to his father (the verbal form): “[T]here will be nothing of more importance for me than to look after you for the remainder of life, in a manner worthy of you, and worthy of me” (Moulton and Milligan 1963, 551).
    Euodia and Syntyche
    In Philippians 4:2-3, Paul comments that Euodia and Syntyche “labored” with him in the gospel; he calls them, along with others, his “fellow-workers.” Again, the assumption is made that this necessitates an authoritarian position comparable to the apostle’s. However, Christians are said to be “God’s fellow-workers” (1 Corinthians 3:9); obviously, this does not suggest that we are authorized to act as deity! Countless Christian ladies have assisted gospel preachers in numerous ways without ever having become public preachers themselves.

  11. I found all this over then internet well I just searched for Women role in the christian church. It has more then what I posted on the blog. I had to do several post as there were to many words. for just one. If you truly want the truth you will not only search the scriptures but also listen to what others are saying about the Word of God that differs from your Pastor.

  12. Who does Joyce think she is? How could anyone who is a pastor, who professes to be such a wonderful Christian herself, treat another human being this way? What is wrong with this woman? Would Jesus really tell someone to refuse to go visit with and pray for someone who was dying because they "had rejected JOYCE and JOYCE'S teachings"? Is Jesus our Lord or is Joyce Leiphon our Lord?

  13. Out of her own mouth I have heard her say she is a little g "god" so yes I would say she believes she is in fact a god. The last time I read John 3:16 it was Jesus Christ who is the only Begotten son of the most high God. I also realize from some of Joyce's teaching the member of her church has not attain the position of little g "god' yet as they have not made her rich enough for them to become the "anointed" like she is. She is a member of the royal family others in her church are not. They are to be used for what they can give to this little g god. She is to take their money and spend it on herself even though those in her church may not be able to pay their bills. How is the the Gospel of Jesus Christ being preached in this church? I know for a fact the devil is the god of this world he is the little g "god" is your pastor stating she is of the devil. I would be seeking the the Lord God of the bible for the truth not this pastor.

  14. I was reading the Gospel of Luke last night. While reading in the 8chapter and the eleventh verse Jesus own words says; " now the parable is this" The seed is the word of God". So with this out of Jesus own mouth what gives any man or woman the right to call SEED anything other the the word of God. Where does "seed" become money. Also while reading this book of the bible it seems to me that Jesus went all over the country healing the sick and casting our demons. He commissioned his disciples to go into all the world and preach the good new to all and to heal the sick and cast out demons. When we take the Word of God and change His word to mean anything other then what He speaks what are we doing? We are denying the Truth of the Word of God. Seed is not money seed is not faith of any kind. Seed is the Word of GOD. so keep your money and study the Word of God for yourself. Reap the rewards the Seed says will be your if you abide by the seed planted into you. Read the parable of the sower.

  15. And this woman was once a law enforcement officer? Scares the you know what out of me!!!

  16. For an individual to be this unfeeling for a dying person, the blood in Joyce's veins must run icy cold. Wonder how she would feel if she was dying and people turned their back on her.

  17. Some of us are amazed by any spiritual power that is real, without carefully thinking that real power may have a demonic source instead of a Godly source. And even if a psychic or new age power seems to feel right, we must not be seduced by it because demonic powers can come masquerading as angels of light (2 Corinthians 11:15).
    I would like to take this time to speak about the manifestation of the Holy Spirit. The only manifestation that the Bible speaks of is speaking in other tongues. Now according to this the manifestation that Joyce produces is not the proper way to allow the HOLY SPIRIT to operate. Jesus is the baptizer in the Holy Spirit. When you are falling around as though you are drunk and blowing on people that tells me that you are in the flesh. The fruit of the spirit is love, Joy, Peace, longsuffering, Kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control. these are produce by the HOLY SPIRIT our flesh can not produce any real fruit. So Where is the kindness, goodness gentleness and self contorl of this Pastor. I am commenting on the fact that now I have heard of two instances where Joyce Leiphon did not have any of the of the Spirit operating in her life toward two souls that came to her for healing. I guess they didn't give her enough money for her to use her little g god powers to produce healing in these men.

  18. Some thoughts I have and wanted to share them with all the read this blog. I am not be able to reach those who are following the false teacher Joyce Leiphon. But I do want to ask them a question or anyone who wants to comment.

    What is the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ and Him Crucified ? or Money cometh to me now? There can not be both. God or Mammon ( money)

  19. matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters for either the will hate the one, and love the other, or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. ye cannot serve God and mammon. Just have to pray for Joyce Leiphon need to repent her ways and get back with God.....

  20. For someone to treat a dying person this way, she's got to be one sick chick.
