Monday, December 15, 2014

Is Money Cometh teacher Leroy Thompson calling out Joyce Leiphon for errant teaching?

Seems like some of Leroy's sheeple are causing some money problems for his ministry.  I watched the entire video and surprised he didn't call out Joyce Leiphon for the same thing.  Maybe this is why he might skip his visit to Ft Pierce in 2015.  Will Joyce listen to her spiritual father now?

I'm posting the link for a video released from Apostle Leroy "Doc" Thompson Saturday Dec 13, 2014.

Here is a recent comment from blog reader jfcecil:

Just found a video from Leroy Thompson, It is amazing how he is now trying to correct a minister in Ohio for Manipulating the body of Christ into getting money for His personal Gain. He even called this man the same as I have called Joyce Leiphon. A false teacher and the are accursed just like Paul state in Gal 1:9. Joyce you also are manipulating your followers for your own personal gain. I wonder if Leroy knows you were given $10,000 so you and your daughter could go to Italy last summer? Would he not think it was for your personal gain. Would he ask you how much of that $10,000 really belonged to him just as you tell your member that the income tax return belongs to you? Just wondering if you just might not be in hot water with your man of god if you keep manipulating people for personal gain and not giving enough to your man of gwad.


  1. When I watched the above web site concerning Leroy's correction I notice there wasn't as much money laying all over the place. Just like when I see Joyce video they aren't putting the cash up so everyone can see how much she is getting. Yes Bill I agree with you this correction is all about His money falling off. I know according to the Word of God even the " elite" can be deceived. However, I know in my heart if anyone is truly seeking the the Lord He will lead and guide them into all truth. But those who want to be rich will continue to follow the false teaches such as Leroy and Joyce and others who teach as they do. I only watch Leroy occasionally but try to watch Joyce when she is preaching. I then comment on this blog on How she misuses the Word of God for her personal gain. Wake up People you who are following Joyce and Leroy are heading down the wrong path. Jesus Christ is the only way. Not money cometh

  2. Was able to listen to all Joyce teaching on loyalty and disloyalty. Boy she must be losing lots of money since she is talking this way. She talks about being faithful according to the Word of God. Now who does the Word of God tell us to be Faithful to. Is it the man that preaches the word or is it to be Faithful to the Holy Spirit and follow His leading? She makes much about being connected to the right person but who is the right person she says to be connected to. Is it truly the Lord Jesus Christ or is it herself and Leroy. She made reference to Jim Jones do you really think these people had not been told the same thing Joyce is telling you? Isn't Joyce really telling you that she and Leroy are the only ones that have all the answers? Took Jim Jones a lot more years then Joyce has been preaching to totally convince people that everyone else but him was wrong!! When any preacher I don't care who it is tells you not to listen to anyone as Joyce does but her and her man of Gwad do you really think she is telling you the truth. I would say she is afraid if you listen to someone else the Holy Spirit could convict you of following a false teacher. Can you who follow her ask her any questions about anything? According to what I have heard her say is no! You are to take it to the Lord. However, in her mind she is the Lord. I am so amazed how Joyce who came of out of a false religion can continue following another teacher then lead as many souls as she can to give her money. I know another false religion that has more money then knowledge of the Word of God. Joyce, like the Pharisees, who should have known the truth but taught the lie. The Pharisees had the written Word of God and knew of His coming. Joyce according to her own words has been studying the bible and doing great miracles for many years now, yet still believe as the Pharisees did in Jesus day, that if you are rich you are blessed of God. Doesn't she say if you follow her as she follows her man of god that you will have what she and her man of God has? Truly doesn't the Word of God tells us not to want what others have but to seek the Face of God and He will reward you? Yes, as Joyce said when you meet the Lord do you really think He is going to say well done good and faithful servant when you are not following after Him but following after a man.

  3. The more I listen to Joyce Leiphon the more I thank My Lord and Savior that He according to HIS Word from the Beginning has taught me truth that is written in His Word. John 2:27 which says " But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will aide in Him".
    I wondered around after getting saved not knowing for sure who or what to believe. You see I didn't have a clue about the Finished work of Jesus on the Cross. So many who were trying to teach just told me all that I had to do in order to be bless of God. Well I couldn't live like that an according to the Word of God no one But the Lord Jesus Christ has ever lived the Life so many claim to be living. i do not claim to know all this as some preachers claim. I am not afraid to listen to Joyce Leiphon and other so called preacher to see if they are able to help me understand something. However, just as the scripture above states we really need no one to teach us in order to know truth. If we are totally dependent on the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us into all truth as the Word of God says he will, I will no false teaching when I hear it. Maybe not at the very first but just as the Holy Spirit prick my heart about the false religion I was raised in He pricks my heart when I hear false teaching such as what Joyce an others are preaching.If you are truly born-again who does Your loyalty belong to. Is it your preacher or is it the Lord Jesus Christ who is the Word of God. I will be loyal to My Savior no matter how many family members turn their back on me. If when Joyce tried to condemn me for not being she is God in this earth I pray for her deliverance from the false she is teaching, from the familiar spirit she is following. The only church that " Hell will not prevail against is the Church in which Jesus is the Head. Not one who places a man at the head and others have to follow them. Please wake up people who are following the doctrine of devils such as what Joyce Leiphon and others are preaching. Hell is a terrible place to spend eternity.

  4. I recently saw this statement via the internet.

    To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allow to criticize. VOLTAIRE.
    Now you who are following Joyce Leiphon who is ruling you?

  5. Oh My! I pray that anyone listening to Joyce Leiphon and is following her when she tells you she is God's representative on the earth be very careful. Did Jim Jones not start off saying the same things. That He was God's representative that the people had to follow his every command as though God had told him to tell the people to obey him? Now Joyce is again telling the people if they are tired of confessing and not receiving what they confess is because there is some truth they do not understand. That there are things they are doing that is wrong! That is not what she has been preaching for at least the last 8 years is it? No she has been preaching if you want what I have then do what I have done. Which in her mind is giving lots of money so she can get lots of money. Now the other part that she has never taught you is that you have to be totally obedient to her that she is the only one that hears from God. Man oh man, wonder when she will be telling you to drink the kool aid but first make sure your will is made out for her to receive all that you own. Of course she will make sure that you all believe that she is not coercing you to give her all you possession. Just like she is doing now with all the money you have to give and that you have to be at every thing she says she is planning. When oh when will you wake up an realize you have been fleeced, you have been taken advantage of. The Holy Spirit leads and guide all those who belong to the Lord. Yes, God does use true men and women of God to put forth the truth of the Free gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ but not those who twist and distort His word. Men and woman who say they are called of God and preach anything other then what Paul preached and that is “ Jesus Christ and Him Crucified” are the enemies of God. Not the person who no longer follows people who preach like Joyce Leiphon. The Holy Spirit is not leading Joyce. I was raised with her. I know her smiles when they are true and when she smiles knowing what she is saying and doing is a lie. On December 21,2014 the smiles she was giving her peeps was the same one she has always used when she knew what she was saying and doing was wrong. She just wants and needs your total devotion and all you money. Wake up people. Do you really believe the Holy Spirit blesses greed? Do you really believe the Holy Spirit only tells Joyce what you should or should not do. As I said Jim Jones did not start off demanding his followers obey his every command. Now it looks as though push has come to shove you have to obey Joyce as she is the only one who hears the truth from God. So sad. Repent Joyce while you still have breath in your body. It will be to late once the Angel of Death visits you


  6. When you think as Joyce Leiphon does more highly of yourself then you should you have no where to go but down.

    She wants you to believe that God has placed her here on the earth to teach you truth when in fact she does not know the truth. She is living as she always has in a fairytale world where she is worshiped. Been like this since she was a little girl. We even had a nick name for her since she never shut her mouth yet never really saying anything of importance.

    Now she wants everyone to believe she is God's mouth piece. She is living out of the Old Testament yet calling it the New. God sent His Only Son as the Savior of the World not Joyce. Jesus Sent the HOLY SPIRIT to the earth to lead and guide, into truth to those who have placed their faith and trust in Him the Whole truth. Now Joyce is saying if you come against her teaching as I have and seems to me others who have left her church they are being disloyal to her an as God representative on earth I am being disloyalty to God. I left a religion such as what she is now teaching. The pope was the head of the church on the earth and priest took God place to teach all the people the word of God. Yet the Bible tells us that Jesus is the Head and He sent the Holy Spirit not a pope or a priest or preacher to teach lead and guide. Joyce refuses to have anything to do with anyone who does not worship her and her teaching. If she wasn't afraid of being proved wrong instead of using her so called pulpit she would sit down and go over the scripture she claims to live by with those who do not agree with her. Yet she will not. That statement alone tells me she is afraid. She is going down. It may not be right away but God will not allow the false to continue forever. She is denying the Finished work of Jesus Christ every time she get on her pulpit and teaches the lies from the pit of hell she is teaching. She has told many lies via the internet as I have listen to what she says. She lies about me tells people that I am crazy yet there are some who know realize that it is she who is the crazy one and that I have been telling the truth for some time now. I feel sorry for all those she has been able to hoodwink into believing she is right and every thing that does not line up with what she says is wrong. I can take the Whole word of God in context of how it is written and prove Joyce has no right to claim to even know God. She has no love in her heart for the lost only those who will bow down and worship her and give her money. Her own sister will not have anything to do with her only daughter and granddaughter because she like Joyce loves money more then her child or even more then the LORD JESUS CHRIST. Joyce knows I listen to her via the internet. She doesn't have enough about her to speak the truth so she hides behind being Called of God and she is above having anything to do with those who oppose what she teaches. She is the one that is disloyal. I speak the truth according to the True Word of God. Through the power and working of the HOLY SPIRIT in me. I would much rather not haveto listen to her lies as these are the same lies she and I both grew up on in the Roman Catholic church. I guess she will become a Roman Catholic Priest before it is over and after Christ come back for his church and she and her followers are left behind. Wake Joyce you are not and never will be what you tell folks you are. Repent while you still have breath in you.

  7. It truly amazes me how anyone who claims to be a preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ can glean such lies from the word of God. No where can I find that God left a man in charge of his church. I have read that the Holy Spirit was sent to dwell in the hearts of the true Believers. While unlike in the Old Testament He could not legally indwell a person on a daily basis as he does now. Jesus opened the gates of Heaven and closed hell for all who truly place their faith and trust in HIM. His precious Blood did all that was needed in order to provide all things to them that believe and trust in HIM
    What is our responsibility to those the LORD sends to us who are headed down a wrong path? Do we keep our mouth shut and let them continue to go in a way which leads to destruction. Let me say it this way. If you and a friend or family member are walking down a path in the woods and you know there is a rattle snake just ahead will you warn them or will you allow them to continue on the path and hope they see the snake before it is to late.
    With saying this I want to say if you know what you think, you believe, the way you believe, is the only right way would you not if you loved your friends and family member say and do anything and everything you could to prove the truth or would you avoid them an say things such as well they won't listen to me so I will just avoid them. I do not want to take the chance they will contaminate me.
    What is our responsibility towards our fellow man? Are we who claim to know Jesus Christ just supposed to ignore the one that will not listen to us? Are we not responsible for our brother? Or are we like Cain who told the Lord He wasn't his brother keeper. If we know the truth and do not do all we can to show our brothers and sister, friends and all the people who the LORD sends in our path to share that truth with them are we failing our Lord and Savior as well as all the souls that could be lost by our keeping our mouth shut? I thank my God and Savior Jesus Christ that He did not give up on me but sent many men women to show me the truth while I was continually walking in error. Someone was praying for me and my family many years ago. I cannot say I know all there is to know in the Word of God but I do understand the salvation God has offered to me has nothing to do with me but with all that Jesus did on the Cross. I praise my God and Savior for HIS marvelous work in my heart and life. I am not where I want to be but am no longer what I was. When you truly love someone you want them to know the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth. That is the reason I truly believe God used many men who yielded themselves to Him were able to write the great Book call the Holy Bible,. This Great Book inspired by God shows all who will believe what is written in it the truth about the LOVE of God for His creation. Did God not show His Great Love for us all that while we were yet still sinners he died on the Cross? Isn't that the truth about the Love of God. Does being rich and being adored part of the Redemption plan of God? Is ignoring those who do not accept what you believe the way Jesus wants true believer to behave? Are we to point out the sin in others lives while denying we have our own sin that we are ignoring or believe we are so perfect that we do not sin but only make mistakes? Now 1 John 2:1-2 Says My little children these things I write to you so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins we have and advocate with the Father Jesus Christ The righteous. 2) And He Himself is the propitiation for our sin and not for ours only but also for the whole world.
    So many preachers such as Joyce preach they have become God on the earth but no where can I find that written in His Inspired Word. As long as I have breath in my body I will proclaim the Good News That Jesus has shown me. The true Gospel of Jesus Christ is “ Jesus Christ and Him Crucified”!!!! Anything added to this truth is a lie from the Pit of Hell!!!!

  8. It is so sad when anyone who says they are called by God to be a minister of the Gospel Of Jesus Christ cannot have anything to do with those who no longer believe they are speaking the truth from the pulpit. These preachers are just hirelings, just using their pulpit for personal gain. They claim they are the ones with the “Anointing” failing to understand the “ Anointing” is God's to give not theirs to pass along to others. When we are truly connected to Jesus Christ we have the “ anointing” the Most Holy God wants us the have when it is needed for His purpose not for our own personal use.


  9. You know you are following a coward when that so called preacher stands behind the pulpit and calls those who have left her church and those speaking against what she teaches disloyal. She either is afraid to be found out not to know the truth about the True Gospel or she is just a plain liar. Any one who hides behind the Word of God to preach the lies Joyce preaches will be found out. Those who have left her clutches have found out she is a fake. Joyce cannot stand face to face and discuss Scripture with anyone who truly knows the Word of God. That is the reason she will not have any contact with anyone who does not follow her. She says it is because she hears from God. No it is all about being worshiped herself and if you will not obey her and worship her you are not a saved person. I have heard from her own mouth saying that those who leave her teaching will be lost. Her own sister refused to have anything to do with her child and grand child because she is afraid she will loose her money. She has so willing been coerced into following Joyce her sister. It is a sad day when family members cannot come together and praise the LORD for all he has done for them because one family members says their sin will rub off on them. Joyce is the one being disloyal. Disloyal not only to family members by stealing their money but by telling others they cannot have anything to do with them. A true coward stand behind the pulpit and speaks as Joyce does. If she was not a coward she would speak personally to each and everyone who speaks against all she teaches. She would sit down with the Holy Word of God and let each person speak freely of what the LORD has shown them, against what she teaches. I would be willing to say Joyce is afraid that she can be proved with the Whole Word of that what she is preaching is a lie. Joyce covers herself by saying “ touch not thou my anointed”. She says God defends her does he really defend those who do not teach the truth. I do not believe he does. Again it is the coward who used the Word of God for their own personal gain as Joyce and many others do. God has place true men and women of God in His church but most are like Joyce looking out for themselves not the people. Isn't the job of a true pastor to speak the truth at all time concerning the Word of God according to what is truly written with out their personal interpertation. Wake up Joyce realize you are the disloyal one. Not only to family members but also to the Lord Jesus Christ.


  10. Those of you who follow Joyce Leiphon and Leroy Thompson I challenge you to got to the program archives and listen to the Message of the Cross for December19,2014. Now I know you are told not to listen to anyone but your pastor. If you are a follower of Jesus Christ you will go to this site and listen to what this message is about.

  11. Joyce talks about our dad as she is preaching the same as he did. I will have to say at one point in time he also believe the lie just as Joyce is today. You see coming out of a false religion and having no real foundation in the Whole Word of God leaves us at a great disadvantage. We have nothing to lean on to the show us that what is being spoken from the pulpit was the truth. However, after a few years our dad realize that some of the things going on at the prayer meeting he was having in his home was not scriptural. He stopped those things from continuing. HE was caught up in the Word of Faith and Prosperity gospel as well and as the deliverance ministry that was all the rave back in the 70”s. The Shepherding movement and the “ spiritual covering” that Joyce teaches today He renounced it and called it nothing but self with a lot of witchcraft involved. Joyce claims to be following a man but that man is not Jesus Christ but Leroy Thompson. Joyce claims he is her covering and she is your covering.
    Yet the Word of God tells us if we are true believers we are covered in the Blood of Jesus and have no need for any human covering.
    I just sat here and read the 4th chapter of Eph especially where this chapter talks about the five fold ministry. No where does it say this is the government of God. No where does these verses say these men and women are to Lord over anyone or have dominion over another person. It does say for the” equipping of the saints” of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ. Now equipping means a recovered wholeness as when a broken limb is set and mends. A discovered function as when a physical member is properly operating. The Work of the ministry is the enterprise of each member of the body of Christ and not the exclusive charge of select leaders. Joyce does not teach this to be the truth. She says control is witchcraft and from where I sit and listen to her that is exactly what she is operating in pure and simply put totally witchcraft. Our dad spoke the truth. Our dad did not live out of the experiences the Lord had given him in the past but looked every day for a fresh anointing of the Holy Ghost. He asked forgiveness daily for all the wrong he had done. He truly believed that no man other then Jesus ever lived a sinless life. Yet Joyce preaches that she doesn't sin she only makes mistakes. When she made that statement she was calling My God a liar because the Word of God says “ All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God”. Now she will say that is before a person is saved. But the Apostle Paul says other wise. Again who will you believe man or the Word of God. The Called man of God which is Paul that preaches Jesus and Him Crucified not money cometh to the body of Christ. I love Joyce and I pray for her to come to her senses and allow the Holy spirit to lead and guide her instead of what she is following now believing it is the spirit of God.


  12. I finally listen to all of Joyce teaching on December 31. I could hardly believe my hears to hear such lies coming out of her mouth. The things she said about what went on with our dad was bad enough. I would love to know why if Joyce was in a traveling ministry going around and praying for the sick and getting many people heal some leaving the hospital the next day after Drs said they would not live the night why she only speaks of this now. Sure is funny to me that I have never heard these comment until she got on her pulpit yet she called all her sisters wanting them to pay tithes to her because she was “anointed” to preach. Seems to me as prideful as she is she would have been singing her own praises to the family before she decided to ask for money from them. The Lie she is telling about our dad is that he was saved filled with the Holy Spirit and healed all at the same time. Of course as I said in the other post the meeting were only once a week. There was only one confirm healing that every took place as a result of our dad praying for anyone. That I recently became aware of. I was at almost every meeting that took place in our parents home. Joyce was not. When we come to Jesus we stop lying don't we. Do we keep embellishing ourselves? Do we continue to sing our own praises? Like I said funny none of her family ever heard of her traveling ministry. Oh maybe she meant when she was married to the Pastor of a church and he moved to another state? Who knows if what comes out of her mouth is the truth or not. Family member who follow her will more then like lie for her. I pray they don't but the way things have been in this family since Joyce hoodwink some of them I don't know if they know the truth anymore.
    Like Joyce or loving Joyce has nothing to do with the reason I post on this blog. I love my sister I hate the false she is teaching. I have never condoned wrong since I have come into the knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Am I always right? No! But I know that I know everything Joyce is teaching is totally against all Christ died for.


  13. Seems to me Joyce is now changing her message that you do not have to give as much as you have been giving such as the $100 a meeting offering that she has told you in private? She is now saying that you give according to what the Holy Spirit puts on your heart to give. But she also tells her peeps that what the think the Holy Spirit is saying is not the Holy Spirit if it does not line up with what she says. I know for fact she has called some who did not give their $100 asking where Her money was. I also know for fact she has called people aside and told them the Holy Spirit did not tell her that they could buy something for themselves. I wonder how many truth understand that we can do all the gotta dos all the preach says we have to do but that will not bring the Blessings of the Lord to us. It is only if all our Faith and Trust is properly place in the finished work of Christ on His Cross. You can give all the money you want but if you believe because you give large sums of money God has to bless you with much money you faith is not in the Cross of Christ but in your own works. Just like with Joyce she says a lot of the right words but is she truly placing all her faith and trust in the Lord? When she says she doesn't need your money that God provides for her. Why don't you take her at her word for this. Stop giving her money see how fast she comes down on you for not being obedient. Tell her to put her money where her mouth. Tell her if she doesn't need your money then maybe she should stop accepting it from you or at least give it back. Who do you trust more the the LORD Jesus Christ. Yourself your pastor? If you are following a man or a woman who says they are Gods mouth piece and you must be connected to them in order to receive from the Lord Where does that leave the Holy Spirit in your life? Something to think about!!!

  14. Just talked to someone who used to go the Joyce Leiphon's church. Of course she preaches tithing. Which according to most preachers are 10% of your gross. However, I was told you had to give money to Joyce every time you saw her. I was told that if you were out shopping and you ran into Joyce you had to give her an offering. Now from my understanding if you do not give her money every time you see her you are not honoring her in the way the Bible says you must. Also, this person told me she felt pressured to give half her weekly pay check to Joyce through tithes and offerings. Of course any money you gave to Joyce personally was all tax free money. So if you gross $600 a week then you had to give to the church $60.00 then of course your offering had to be at least that 10% plus more then that. Yet every time you had to go to a church service you had to give Joyce more then 10%. This person said she was giving half her pay check each week. Joyce says she doesn't need your money. Also while this person was giving Joyce this kind of money they got behind in all their bills. Then when the so called church gave Joyce $10,000 so she and her daughter could go to Italy that was the straw that broke the camels back. This person left that cult church. Now Joyce doesn't have anything to do with those who have left her teaching and speaks against these people who are exercising their free will to leave and go where ever they feel the Lord is leading them to go. Now this person is going to a church who teaches tithing but also telling the people they must be good stewards of all the LORD give them. They must pay their bills and also give to the work of the Lord. IF they are faithful in their giving even if they can not give the 10% God will bless them and in time they will be able to pay their bills and give the Lord 10% plus whatever the Lord lays on their heart. They do not have to give to the pastor every time the see him. They do not have to give to the travel fund, the building fund, pastor appreciation fund, or the birthday fund or any other fund,. They are to be obedient to the HOLY SPIRIT. Now Joyce is telling the people via the internet that she does not tell anyone how much to give. It appears to me in private she does tell those who follower her just what she wants and they obey her as if she really god. Such a sad way to live. Jesus gave his life so we would be free from such bondage. Sound like the fence laws the Jew were put under by the leadership of that day. When talking to this person they did admit that they started following Joyce because she told them if they wanted what she had they had to do what she had done. I was told greed had a lot to do with them following her and doing all she told them to do. Yet after several years of doing with enough to eat or having their bills paid on time they realize the only one getting a return on any money was JOYCE. What Joyce preaches only works for the one getting the money. This person is now in a church and this family is happier now then they have been in years. They are no longer afraid they will not be blessed by the LORD. They know they are very Blessed.

    Is what Joyce is preaching really what the Lord wants from those He calls.

  15. When Joyce speaks on Eph 4:11 she states this Scripture gives her and her man of Gwad the same authority as the Founding Apostles had. But if you read Ehp 2:20 and do any kind of study on this you will see that the Founding Apostles bore doctrinal and ecclesiastical authority similar to those of old testament priest. But the verse in Eph 4:11 is not giving this to future so called five fold ministry. The five fold ministry is not a government in any way shape or form. Matter of fact all that I hear from Joyce Leiphon preaching, she pretends to be an old testament priest. She goes to God and Then God tells her what to tell the people the same as it was with Moses. If the people obey her they in fact are obeying God. Jesus Christ and Him Crucified is the foundation that all truth is built on. Now according to Joyce “ money cometh to the body of Christ” is more important the Christ Crucified. Money cometh is the foundation that Joyce builds on. Joyce says no one has the authority to speak against what she and her man of gwad teach. Yet when I read the Whole Word of God I know if what I am hearing is not the truth and is leading many souls in the wrong direction I must speak the truth. I do not have to know Joyce man of God personally to speak against what He stands for. I do not believe God the Living God gave any of this to this man to be used as he uses it today. If you really listen to what is being taught by his ministers you will realize it is all about self. What you do, how you do it and when you do it. What I get from what Joyce teaches is you must adore Joyce more highly then you Adore the Savior of your Soul.
    Matt 15:8-9 “ These people draw near to Me with their mouth, And honor Me with their lips, But their heart is far from Me, And in vain they worship Me teaching as doctrines, the commandments of men”.

    Praises and true faith emanate from lips that draw from the depths of the heart. As a living principle, faith's confession is not a ritual recitation of slogans; otherwise, it is only acting out of human tradition and as Jesus notes is potentially hypocritical. ( these are not my words but the word of Jack Hayford)

    Joyce often quotes Romans 4:17 isn't she teaching that Abraham called things which do not exist as they they did. When in fact the God that Abraham believed and trusted in is the one that calls things to be which do not exist as if they did. It truly wasn't Abraham doings, but the God He trusted doings. Are you truly following the God of Abraham when you follow a man or woman who claims to be called of God? Who are to to be connected to another man or woman or the Only Man that can free you from sin and death? Are to to receive from the spirit in this man or woman or are you to receive from the Holy Spirit as the Word of God teaches. We are living in the last of the last days! Look around at all that is going on in this world. Is it getting better or worse each day? Is your life those of you who are following Joyce better today then it was before giving all your hard earned money to this preacher? Are you truly living the more abundant life Joyce claims she is living. Isn't she living more abundant life on your dime? Wake up before the LORD returns for His church that is without spot of wrinkle but all their faith and trust is in Him not some man or women who claims to be from the LORD.I am not called to preach in a pulpit however I am called to speak the truth. If you truly love someone you will tell them the truth no matter what. Some will accept it some won't. I pray that Joyce and her followers will become teachable so the Holy Spirit can teach them the truth no matter whom He uses.


  16. When you, like Joyce Leiphon have the Atonement of Jesus wrong everything else she preaches is wrong. Jesus did not go to hell in our place. He took our place with his death on the Cross where HE said “ it is finished” . Yes the bible says Jesus went to hell and set the captives free. Who were the captives that were being held? It was every old Covenant person who had placed their faith and trust in the Lord. They were not in the burning side of hell. However, those spirits who were in the burning side of hell heard the true Gospel that Jesus preached to the captives. Satan did not torture those whom He was holding captive until the Redeemer came to redeem them. If you believe Jesus went to the burning side of hell then Jesus would have to have sinned yet the bibles says
    2 Cor 5:21
    For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

    Does this mean Jesus committed sin himself? No, it means He was our substitute. Just like the burnt offerings and all the sacrifices of the little lambs under the Old Covenant for the covering of sin. Jesus became our “ sin offering” not sin it's self. Jesus did not cover sin but Atoned for the sin.
    I did stop watching her I can only handle a little at a time. Before I stop listening to her she received two checks one from her daughter for $1200 and another from her sister for a little over $400 . She called them first fruits. Now that we are no longer under the old Covenant law because Jesus has come and Jesus is the first fruit why does she still teach old Covenant law. It is all about getting your money out of your hand and into hers. If you, who are following her teaching truly studied the word of God you would know that under the Old Covenant of the first fruit and the tithe and offering she is teaching she would only be allow to have 10% of all money taken as a tithe and offering. The rest would be used to take care of the widow, orphans and the poor and to feed the flock on the feast days. So is Joyce really preaching the truth for the Love of the Lord or for the Love of money from your pocket to hers. Now Yes the devil tried to stop Jesus and did not succeed. However the one true God will stop Joyce and her false teaching. His word says so. He will allow time for this and other false teacher to repent but after a while their hearts will become hardened just like Pharaoh. Joyce, I do believe knows the truth yet still preaches the Lie because as she has said in the Past “ I want everyone to think I am rich”. I say repent Joyce while you still have time to repent. Once death comes it is all over. You can stand on your pulpit and declare that nothing can stop you from preaching what you are preaching. I am here to tell you Yes there is one. His name is Father. We who have the third person of the Trinity in us being guided by this Holy Spirit will lead those who truly love him out of your clutches. Those who have a real relationship with Jesus already have doubts about what you teach and they will be leaving your cult.


  17. Question: "Did Jesus go to hell between His death and resurrection?"

    Answer: There is a great deal of confusion in regards to this question. This concept comes primarily from the Apostles' Creed, which states, “He descended into hell.” There are also a few Scriptures which, depending on how they are translated, describe Jesus going to “hell.” In studying this issue, it is important to first understand what the Bible teaches about the realm of the dead.

    In the Hebrew Scriptures, the word used to describe the realm of the dead is sheol. It simply means the “place of the dead” or the “place of departed souls/spirits.” The New Testament Greek equivalent of sheol is hades which also refers to “the place of the dead.” Other Scriptures in the New Testament indicate that sheol/hades is a temporary place, where souls are kept as they await the final resurrection and judgment. Revelation 20:11-15 gives a clear distinction between the two. Hell (the lake of fire) is the permanent and final place of judgment for the lost. Hades is a temporary place. So, no, Jesus did not go to hell because hell is a future realm, only put into effect after the Great White Throne Judgment (Revelation 20:11-15).

    Sheol/hades was a realm with two divisions—a place of blessing and a place of judgment (Matthew 11:23; 16:18; Luke 10:15; 16:23; Acts 2:27–31), the abodes of the saved and the lost. The abode of the saved is called “Abraham's bosom” (KJV) and “Abraham’s side” (NIV) in Luke 16:22. The abode of the unsaved is called “hell” (KJV) or “Hades” (NIV) in Luke 16:23. The abodes of the saved and the lost are separated by a “great chasm” (Luke 16:26). When Jesus died, He went to the blessed side of sheol and, from there, took the believers with Him to heaven/paradise (Ephesians 4:8–10). The judgment side of sheol/hades has remained unchanged. All unbelieving dead go there awaiting their final judgment in the future. Did Jesus go to sheol/hades? Yes, according to Ephesians 4:8–10 and 1 Peter 3:18–20.

    Some have the viewpoint that Jesus went to “hell” or the suffering side of sheol/hades in order to further be punished for our sins. This idea is completely unbiblical. It was the death of Jesus on the cross and His suffering in our place that sufficiently provided for our redemption. It was His shed blood that effected our own cleansing from sin (1 John 1:7-9). As He hung there on the cross, He took the sin burden of the whole human race upon Himself. He became sin for us: “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21). This imputation of sin helps us understand Christ's struggle in the garden of Gethsemane with the cup of sin which would be poured out upon Him on the cross.

    When Jesus cried upon the cross, “Oh, Father, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46), it was then that He was separated from the Father because of the sin poured out upon Him. As He gave up His spirit, He said, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit” (Luke 23:46). His suffering in our place was completed. His soul/spirit went to hades (the place of the dead). Jesus did not go to “hell” or the suffering side of hades; He went to “Abraham’s side” or the blessed side of hades. Jesus’ suffering ended the moment He died. The payment for sin was paid. He then awaited the resurrection of His body and His return to glory in His ascension. Did Jesus go to hell? No. Did Jesus go to sheol/hades? Yes.

    Read more:

  18. Joyce brought up about people leaving her cult then posting stuff on face book or via the internet. She says all the things these people are saying are lies. She says these people want to control her. Then she made a comment about someone listening her to preaching in order to pick apart what she teaches. Well to be honest I would rather not listen to her at All. Yet because I love her and my other family members who follow her and all those in her cult the Lord has laid it on my heart to listen and to speak out against the false ways she is leading. Joyce does not want anything to do with anyone who has a true understanding of the Whole Word of God. Now unlike my dear sister I do not have all the answers. I do go to the Lord and ask Him questions. Can you ask Joyce a question? I have struggled
    for many years trying to live as Joyce says she lives ( by the whole Word of god). I found myself inadequate to do so in and of myself. I followed the same teaching she is presenting now back in the 1970's. While I know there is prosperity in the true Gospel of Jesus Christ I know that Jesus did not commission His Apostles to preach “ money cometh to the body of Christ”. The apostles first preach Jesus was the Messiah then they preached the resurrection. Then came the Great Apostle Paul. He preached only Jesus Christ and HIM Crucified as the Whole Gospel. Matter of fact he said I know nothing except “ Jesus and Him Crucified. Isn't that written in 1 Cor 2:1-2. Paul had left Athens where he preached the resurrection not Christ and HIM Crucified. According to what I have read no one in Athens got saved from preaching the resurrection. But When Paul preached Christ Crucified many were saved and follow the LORD from that day on.
    Joyce speaks lately much about the rebellion of others but when she looks in the mirror she doesn't see herself as she really is, she sees herself as God. Her heart has not been change by the truth of the word of God but by the false she has chosen to believe. You see God so loved the World that He gave His only begotten Son that all who call on His name shall be saved. Now if you are calling on the name of Jesus for your salvation, you cannot be following Joyce Leiphon. If you are following Jesus Christ you cannot be connected to anyone but Jesus Christ. So if you believe as Joyce teaches you have to be connected to her and her man of God is she really teaching you what the Word of God tells you. Joyce spends a lot of time in the Old Testament. She won't answer my questions but I will ask anyway. What happened to the false shepherds of the Old covenant. What happened to the ones that lead Israel in the wrong direction? Were they not destroyed along with all that followed them? I do have a teachable spirit. It took many years for me to get right with the LORD. Joyce can come against me in her pulpit if she wants that is okay with me. I do not take offense but when she speaks the lies and half truths that I left almost 40 years ago I do take offense to the lies she claims are truth as all born-again Spirit filled believer should be doing? I will sit down with anyone who wants to sit with me and discuss The Holy Word of God but Joyce refuses to do that. If you can show me in the Whole Word of God where I am wrong I will seek the LORD and change my way of thinking, believing and doing. Joyce refuses to do that. Her way is the only but the Bible says Jesus way is the only way. I can't put everything on this blog that proves Joyce is a false teacher but you can read and study the bible and ask the LORD for His truth and He will give to you. Now if you are as simple minded as Joyce is you will not even seek the Lord for yourself but you will take others word for the truth. I will not give up My Savior for the one that Joyce follows. Are you willing to follow someone other then the LORD Jesus Christ.


  19. I am today totally convinced that Joyce Leiphon is totally delusional. Anyone who claims to be called of God to preach the true Gospel who claims to be God as she has done on the teaching of January 7,2015. She claims that part of the Lords prayer is pertaining to herself and those who trust what she tells them. Does anyone beside Joyce Leiphon believe the Matthew 6:13 as she called it the "b" part which says “For Yours ( God's) is the kingdom, and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
    She is claiming this pertains to born-again believers who claim their dominion over all creation. They have the same exact power and glory over all creation as God. She even say “ we should exercise our Dominion over our work place and every situation we encounter. I truly believe if you are born-again and truly search the Scriptures for the truth that is written in the Holy Bible will lead us into all truth. Now I no longer believe as I did when I first accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior. I had the same teaching as Joyce had. Joyce chose to remain in the false an I chose to follow the truth that is written in the Word of God. I can not live the life of Christ no matter how hard I try. When you believe as Joyce does and teaches you become self-righteous believing you are just like God. You will pick and chose scriptures taking them out of context in which they are written twist them to prove you know what you are talking about. Now, Matthew 6:13 as she speaks about as I wrote above proves just want I have been saying for sometime now. Joyce has no understanding of the Atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Genesis 3:5 says For god knows that in the day you eat of it ( the tree of the knowledge of good and evil) your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God knowing good and evil.
    Isn't Joyce preaching this as the truth that she has become like God. Only she and her man of Gawd are like god. Joyce claims Adam was deceived yet the Word of God says Eve was the one deceived and Adam chose to sin. He deliberately disobeyed the only commandment the LORD had given them.
    He like Joyce wanted to be the god of his own life. He wanted to make things in his life the way He wanted then to be rather then to trust God his maker.

    Obadiah 1:3-4
    The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee, thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high; that saith in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground?

    Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the LORD.
    There are many scriptures concerning Pride which is the root of all sin. Sins of the heart is the out come of the pride we all can exhibit at times in our lives. But God can and will remove that Prideful heart if we Truly believe He is God. We must humble ourselves and believe HE is truly God and we can never become as God no matter how good we think we have become.
    Here are several Scriptures on Pride
    Jer 49:16, 50:31-32
    Deut.17:12, 18:22
    1 Sam 17:28
    Pro 11:2, 13:10, 21:24
    Eze 7:10
    I pray those who are following Joyce will take a look at who, what they are following. Are you truly following what the Word of God says or are you following what some man or woman says to follow.
    Doesn't Joyce say that nothing or no one can bring her down yet the Word of God says differently.

  20. Answer: Word of Faith teaching is decidedly unbiblical. It is not a denomination and does not have a formal organization or hierarchy. Instead, it is a movement that is heavily influenced by a number of high-profile pastors and teachers such as Kenneth Hagin, Benny Hinn, Kenneth Copeland, Paul and Jan Crouch, and Fred Price.

    The Word of Faith movement grew out of the Pentecostal movement in the late 20th century. Its founder was E. W. Kenyon, who studied the metaphysical New Thought teachings of Phineas Quimby. Mind science (where "name it and claim it" originated) was combined with Pentecostalism, resulting in a peculiar mix of orthodox Christianity and mysticism. Kenneth Hagin, in turn, studied under E. W. Kenyon and made the Word of Faith movement what it is today. Although individual teachings range from completely heretical to completely ridiculous, what follows is the basic theology most Word of Faith teachers align themselves with.

    At the heart of the Word of Faith movement is the belief in the "force of faith." It is believed words can be used to manipulate the faith-force, and thus actually create what they believe Scripture promises (health and wealth). Laws supposedly governing the faith-force are said to operate independently of God's sovereign will and that God Himself is subject to these laws. This is nothing short of idolatry, turning our faith—and by extension ourselves—into god.


  21. From here, its theology just strays further and further from Scripture: it claims that God created human beings in His literal, physical image as little gods. Before the fall, humans had the potential to call things into existence by using the faith-force. After the fall, humans took on Satan's nature and lost the ability to call things into existence. In order to correct this situation, Jesus Christ gave up His divinity and became a man, died spiritually, took Satan's nature upon Himself, went to hell, was born again, and rose from the dead with God's nature. After this, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to replicate the Incarnation in believers so they could become little gods as God had originally intended.

    Following the natural progression of these teachings, as little gods we again have the ability to manipulate the faith-force and become prosperous in all areas of life. Illness, sin, and failure are the result of a lack of faith, and are remedied by confession—claiming God's promises for oneself into existence. Simply put, the Word of Faith movement exalts man to god-status and reduces God to man-status. Needless to say, this is a false representation of what Christianity is all about. Obviously, Word of Faith teaching does not take into account what is found in Scripture. Personal revelation, not Scripture, is highly relied upon in order to come up with such absurd beliefs, which is just one more proof of its heretical nature.

    Countering Word of Faith teaching is a simple matter of reading the Bible. God alone is the Sovereign Creator of the Universe (Genesis 1:3; 1 Timothy 6:15) and does not need faith—He is the object of faith (Mark 11:22; Hebrews 11:3). God is spirit and does not have a physical body (John 4:24). Man was created in the image of God (Genesis 1:26, 27; 9:6), but this does not make him a little god or divine. Only God has a divine nature (Galatians 4:8; Isaiah 1:6-11, 43:10, 44:6; Ezekiel 28:2; Psalm 8:6-8). Christ is Eternal, the Only Begotten Son, and the only incarnation of God (John 1:1, 2, 14, 15, 18; 3:16; 1 John 4:1). In Him dwelt the fullness of the Godhead bodily (Colossians 2:9). By becoming a man, Jesus gave up the glory of heaven but not His divinity (Philippians 2:6-7), though He did choose to withhold His power while walking the earth as man.

    The Word of Faith movement is deceiving countless people, causing them to grasp after a way of life and faith that is not biblical. At its core is the same lie Satan has been telling since the Garden: “You shall be as God” (Genesis 3:5). Sadly, those who buy into the Word of Faith movement are still listening to him. Our hope is in the Lord, not in our own words, not even in our own faith (Psalm 33:20-22). Our faith comes from God in the first place (Ephesians 2:8; Hebrews 12:2) and is not something we create for ourselves. So, be wary of the Word of Faith movement and any church that aligns itself with Word of Faith teachings.

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    1. in the above statement Only God has a divine nature. That is fact however when we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord an Savior through the Power and working of the Holy Spirit in us we are partakes of the divine nature. Never ever being any king of god as Joyce and other preach

  22. The above is exactly what Joyce Leiphon stands by. She is preaching the same lie that Eve fell for. Please for the Love of God seek The face of God and the truth that is written in His Word to know the truth. Do not just follow another man.


  23. Jesus did not come to give us health, wealth and happiness now. He came to save us from our sins so that we can have an eternity of bliss with Him. Following Christ is not a ticket to all the material things men desire in this life but a ticket to eternal life. Our desire should not be to have our best life now but to have the attitude of the apostle Paul, who had learned to be content “in whatever state I am” (Philippians 4:11).

    Read more:

    Just a small part of what is said on this website.


  24. While listening to Joyce Leiphon teachings over the past couple of years I have realize she is teaching many false doctrines. Not just the “ money cometh to the body of Christ but also many others.
    I spent several hours researching all that I know that Joyce preaches. She is also teaching the Dominion theology along with the kingdom now, the “ covering” the shepherding teaching all rolled into one. There is no separation between one or the other. Since Joyce will not speak to me or answer my question I went to the internet and looked up the Kingdom now., the Dominion, the covering and the shepherding movements., Also the Word of Faith “religion”. I was not surprised to know that though she may not preach exactly as all this subscribes to she is preaching all their doctrine. I pray that everyone reading this blog will take the time to research the Kingdom now the Dominion and the Word of Faith doctrine for yourself. These wolves in “ sheep” clothing are leading many into destruction. Joyce Leiphon is my sister and I have several sisters following her teaching. I love them all. They will not talk about anything that comes against what Joyce teaches. As far as they are concerned I am a child of the devil. That goes along with all that I have been able to read about the above false doctrine. My prayer is that the Lord move on the hearts of those following this and other false teaching and come into the Saving Knowledge of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Yeah I know Joyce preaches Jesus Christ Crucified and to make much of His shed Blood but is she truly “ rightly dividing the Word of God” as the scriptures say we must?

  25. Since Joyce Leiphon my sister does not have anything to do with those who do not accept her teaching I have no choice but to put on this blog all the questions of her I have. Her own booklet she has her people to sign when the join her church are not allow to ask any questions on what she teaches. I am praying that you continue to listen to Jimmy Swaggart and his message of the Cross. Though you do not allow those following you to listen to anyone but yourself and Leroy, I know you are listening to Jimmy Swaggart and the message of the cross. I pray the Holy Spirit pricks your heart. You see I know you are listening to him as you use to many of his phrases the exact words he uses.
    I do not reject the message because of the messenger, I reject the message because it is a false teaching from the pit of hell. If you were preaching the true Gospel of Jesus Christ I would support all that I could. However, I cannot support a lie.


  26. Just listen to a few minutes of Joyce Leiphon teaching this morning. It takes me a while to listen to the whole teaching. She made the statement that Jesus with His twelve apostles turned this whole world around. I say, yet the world is in a terrible shape today. It has grown as the days of Noah. Why is this world in such bad shape if as Joyce says Jesus and His Apostles turned the World around. I will tell you why. Men have left the faith of God for the teaching of Satan. The same Satan that was in the Garden. The pulpit is the reason the world is in the shape it is today. To many false teachers and false ways. Here are just a few, Word of Faith, Dominion theology, Kingdom Now, theology, Money cometh to the body of Christ. All of the above is what Joyce teaches. As I read and study the bible the HOLY Word of God Jesus tells us He will set up His Kingdom on this earth. God does not need man to do anything other then what the Great Commission is and that is for us all not just the preacher to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Him Crucified to the whole world. He did not say preach what Joyce is preaching. Does any of what Joyce preaches save the soul from sin. According to the Bible I read it is only Jesus Christ and him Crucified, His shedding of His Blood and nothing else saves a soul from sin. Jesus was and is the only Human being who ever lived obeyed the whole law of God. Those who preach like Joyce are not preaching the Salvation, Sanctification, not the Justification of the Lord with the above false teachings. Our Spiritual well being is based on our faith and trust in Christ perfect sacrifice not by any of the above means that Joyce and other preachers teach. Yes, I agree the world has changed for all who have placed all there faith and trust in Christ. Yes Jesus did destroy Satan and all his works. However, the world system is still intact and ruled by Satan by those who do not have their trust in Christ finished work. When sin entered the garden of Eden the whole creation fell. Not just man. Joyce wants to say that she and her man of gwad are to turn the world around just like Jesus and his 12 did. Who will be saved by the money cometh doctrine? Who follows such teaching? Could it be those who are afraid to believe God and trust in His Son for their every need. Could it be a true gospel of greed this and others are teaching. Our Righteousness comes from God if we are his but there are so many who believe as Joyce does that she is righteous in her own eyes! With saying all this I have to say God is the only one who knows the heart of man but the Word does say it is what comes out of the mouth of man that defiles the man. Is Joyce defiling herself when she says that she and her followers will become HIM on the earth? Isn't she saying the same thing Adam said in the Garden. Didn't he want to be God or “ like God”


  27. Joyce Leiphon says in her teaching on Sunday January 18, that you have to go through the cross, not to stay at the cross. She says she is standing in the Blood of Jesus. I say this if you leave the Cross or go through the cross or beyond the cross as she and other are preaching you have left the true Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ. We are saved at the the Cross of Christ how can you think you can go through the Cross and end up with the Holy Spirit working in your life. It is only in the finished Work of Jesus on the Cross that anyone can come to know the LOVE of God and all that the Cross has given to poor pitiful man. When you become so great in your own eyes that you believe you can go through the Cross and come out smelling like the Rose of Sharon you are sadly mistaken. I am covered in the Blood of Jesus Christ I do not stand in His Blood as Joyce preaches she does. She is in fact placing the Blood of Jesus under her feet and making a mockery of His perfect Sacrifice. I need to be covered in His precious Blood to be able to allow Him to work in my life. Otherwise I will become Holy in my own eyes by my own works which will send me into destruction. I will become just like Joyce and others who preach as she does it is called self-righteous.

  28. While reading a commentary on the end times I realize more and more that Joyce Leiphon and other preaching such as she the Kingdom now the Dominion and the money cometh to the body of Christ are also preaching the replacement theology. The replacement Theology is saying the “ church” will replace Israel when Christ sets up His Kingdom on the earth. I will go one step further I believe Joyce is preaching that as soon as enough people start to follow her teaching and they become rich enough they will tell Jesus it is okay He can come back to the earth. They have it all under control.
    Now to support this I will say what Joyce preaches. Joyce continually says that they will rule and reign on the earth. While most of the modern church is looking for things or stuff those who are looking for the return of Their Savior will not be caught off Guard. Read the parable on the ten virgins. Will Joyce and those that follow her be caught without enough Oil to get them through until the Bridegroom returns ( Jesus Christ). Is your focus the same as Joyce Leiphon the things of this age or this world. Joyce never teaches on the “ catching away” or the rapture of the Church or the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. She only teaches what will give her the biggest return of money. Are you willing to put you eternally life in the hands of man? Are you not in fact rejecting the truth that is written in the Holy Bible when you follow those such as Joyce Leiphon. Who is the savior of your soul? Is it Leroy Thompson or Joyce Leiphon or other who preach such as they? Or is it the Lord Jesus Christ the Only Son of the Living God. We each of us who claim to be a follower of Jesus Christ are responsible for that which we believe. I mean we have to go to the scripture ourselves asking for the truth the whole truth and if what the Holy Spirit give us does not line up with what the Preachers says we are responsible for what we do. Do we stay listening to what the Holy Spirit has shown us to be false or do we leave. I have had to make that choice many time in the 40 years I have wanted to serve the Lord Jesus Christ. When those who are following Joyce and others preaching like her meet the Lord come judgment day Joyce and others will not be there telling God you were obedient to them therefore you should be allowed into heaven.

    1. Joyce is right God is not respecter of persons. He God sent His only Son to die for you. Now whose report will you believe the report that is written in the Whole Word of God or the one that men and women who say they are your covering. According to the Word of God the Blood of Jesus Christ is the covering of those who have placed their faith and trust in HIM. Doesn't Joyce teach that if you follow her you can become Him on the earth. Is that the truth? Joyce is the most dangerous preacher that my family could be following today. Is she the most dangerous in your family? Do you have to change what you believe the Holy Spirit tells you if it does not line up with what she preaches? Do you have to change the Word of God as she does to fit what you believe, want and desire. I will come against all false teaching. I left this very teaching that Joyce preaches back in the 1970's when our dad told all who would listen that this Word of Faith, prosperity, confession til you get it was a tool of the devil and was not the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. I have to admit that I struggled from the 70's until 2000 trying to become all that Joyce preaches she has become. In 2000 the Lord showed me the truth about myself. I still needed a Savior. Jesus Became Real to me. It is all about HIM nothing to do with what I can or cannot do. I have to remain with him at the Cross in order to remain one of His. I cannot go through the Blood to get to the right hand of the Father as Joyce preachers but I have to remain Covered in His precious Blood or I will follow every wind of doctrine that is not of HIM. What I say on this blog has nothing to do with wanting to destroy Joyce but is has all to do with telling the truth as it is written in the Whole Word of God. If Joyce is brought down because of what I say on this blog Praise God as he is the one who bring all false teaching and teachers down. My God will not bless the false. Satan will but My God will not.

  29. Who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree. — 1 Peter 2:24
    this was written by Oswald Chambers in His book My Utmost for His Highest.
    This confirms to me what I posted yesterday. We cannot go through the Cross and remain “ In Christ”
    The Cross of Jesus is the revelation of God’s judgment on sin. Never tolerate the idea of martyrdom about the Cross of Jesus Christ. The Cross was a superb triumph in which the foundations of hell were shaken. There is nothing more certain in Time or Eternity than what Jesus Christ did on the Cross: He switched the whole of the human race back into a right relationship with God. He made Redemption the basis of human life, that is, He made a way for every son of man to get into communion with God.
    The Cross did not happen to Jesus: He came on purpose for it. He is "the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." The whole meaning of the Incarnation is the Cross. Beware of separating God manifest in the flesh from the Son becoming sin. The Incarnation was for the purpose of Redemption. God became incarnate for the purpose of putting away sin; not for the purpose of Self-realization. The Cross is the centre of Time and of Eternity, the answer to the enigmas of both.
    The Cross is not the cross of a man but the Cross of God, and the Cross of God can never be realized in human experience. The Cross is the exhibition of the nature of God, the gateway whereby any individual of the human race can enter into union with God. When we get to the Cross, we do not go through it; we abide in the life to which the Cross is the gateway.
    The centre of salvation is the Cross of Jesus, and the reason it is so easy to obtain salvation is because it cost God so much. The Cross is the point where God and sinful man merge with a crash and the way to life is opened – but the crash is on the heart of God.

  30. Listening to Joyce Leiphon preaching on Wednesday 21st tells me more and more that she really does not understand the Cross of Christ. I mean if you leave the Cross of Christ for any reason, what do you have. I can tell you what you have it is like the Apostle Paul said “ doctrine of demons”. You can stand in the Blood of the only Son of God and Believe all that Joyce is telling you if that is what you choose. However, when you leave the Cross you are truly in danger of losing your soul to the devil.
    Proverbs 28:10-11 “ Whoever causes the upright to go astray in an evil way,He himself will fall into his own pit. But the blameless will inherit good. The rich man is wise in his own eyes, But the poor who has understanding searches him out.”
    Proverbs 13:7 There is one who makes himself rich, yet has nothing; And one who makes himself poor, yet has great riches.
    Proverbs 13: 11 Wealth gained by dishonesty will be diminished, but he who gathers by labor will increase.
    Proverbs 11: 28 He who trusts in his riches will fall, but the righteous will flourish like foliage.
    Joyce Leiphon says she always preach what she is preaching today. If I remember her correctly she said no matter what anyone says. Yeah I take her at her word but I can say this in all good conscience that the Lord God can and will stop her. I pray for her to repent and turn to the Cross of Christ for salvation. Because what I hear coming out of her mouth I cannot believe she has ever been at the feet of Jesus Christ and allowed Him to become real to her. I pray for my family that is following her teaching and for those who still follow her. I pray that they all will come to know the truth that is plainly written in the Holy Bible. Words that are not twisted to mean what Joyce and others want it to mean. Joyce does not preach the Gospel that is written in the Bible for Paul even said I preach nothing but Jesus Christ and Him Crucified. That is the Whole true Gospel Jesus did it all and we can only receive all he has done for us if we stay at the Cross. He Jesus only had to go once for all. We have to go often in order to remain one of His.
    Joyce did you get saved at the Resurrection or the Cross. If you are truly saved that is. I do have my doubts now hearing you say we have to leave the Cross. I pray the Holy Spirit of the Living God convict your heart and you turn from you evil wicked ways.


  31. It sure amazes me that when the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to Saul on the Damascus Rd, Saul was knocked of either his feet or his horse and was blinded. The Beloved Apostle John on the Isle of Patmos, when he saw the Lord Jesus Christ his Master, seeing his hair white like wool, His eyes red like fire he fell at this feet as dead.
    But Joyce is so much closer to the Lord then either of these two Great men of the Bible that she could stand in the Lord's presence and carry on a conversation with Him. Saul was knock down and blinded and John fell at this feet as dead.
    With Joyce making the statement that Jesus appeared to her and His hair was white like wool and his eyes were red like fire convinces me she is being visited by demon spirits and she is not understanding the Atonement of the Cross is totally under the spell of familiar Spirits. Anyone who claims to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and glorifies herself as she does in an enemy of God. I love Joyce she is my sister. I also love the Lord Jesus Christ and ask for His leading for my life. I have had a burden for Joyce and other family members following her for sometime now. While at one point the pains were as bad as labor pains. I do not write on this blog to hurt her I write on this blog to show others the truth and reveal the lie that Joyce is teaching. We can never leave the Cross of Christ that is if we are truly His. If you went to the Cross for salvation why would you not remain at the feet of Jesus to be lead and guided by the Holy Spirit. Yes I do believe I am seated at the right hand of God “ in Christ” but I am living in this the Church age. Yes I am to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all the Lord sends my way. I am in Covenant relationship with the LORD Jesus Christ. Does that really mean the I am “ HIM” in the earth as Joyce claims she is? Those of you who are following Joyce and other preachers such as this one should search the Scripture for the truth not take a delusional persons word. Why do I call Joyce delusional? The fact that she believes she has become HIM tells me all I need to know. Yes I am made in the image and likeness of God. The Word of God says that. What is that image? It is I have a soul and a Spirit unlike all other creation. When Jesus died on the Cross His shed Blood made it possible for me to have a relationship with God. Walk with God in cool of the garden as Adam did before choosing as Joyce has done to be “ god “ on the earth. Joyce has had demonic appearance she she was 15 yrs old. I pray those following her teaching will search the Scripture for the truth and not to be taking her word for anything. Do not take my word for anything as the Holy Bible has all truth and no man has it all. Not even Joyce.

  32. Look Again and Consecrate

    If God so clothes the grass of the field…, will He not much more clothe you…? —Matthew 6:30

    A simple statement of Jesus is always a puzzle to us because we will not be simple. How can we maintain the simplicity of Jesus so that we may understand Him? By receiving His Spirit, recognizing and relying on Him, and obeying Him as He brings us the truth of His Word, life will become amazingly simple. Jesus asks us to consider that “if God so clothes the grass of the field…” how “much more” will He clothe you, if you keep your relationship right with Him? Every time we lose ground in our fellowship with God, it is because we have disrespectfully thought that we knew better than Jesus Christ. We have allowed “the cares of this world” to enter in (Matthew 13:22), while forgetting the “much more” of our heavenly Father.

    “Look at the birds of the air…” (Matthew 6:26). Their function is to obey the instincts God placed within them, and God watches over them. Jesus said that if you have the right relationship with Him and will obey His Spirit within you, then God will care for your “feathers” too.

    “Consider the lilies of the field…” (Matthew 6:28). They grow where they are planted. Many of us refuse to grow where God plants us. Therefore, we don’t take root anywhere. Jesus said if we would obey the life of God within us, He would look after all other things. Did Jesus Christ lie to us? Are we experiencing the “much more” He promised? If we are not, it is because we are not obeying the life God has given us and have cluttered our minds with confusing thoughts and worries. How much time have we wasted asking God senseless questions while we should be absolutely free to concentrate on our service to Him? Consecration is the act of continually separating myself from everything except that which God has appointed me to do. It is not a one-time experience but an ongoing process. Am I continually separating myself and looking to God every day of my life?

  33. Joyce's father was a roman catholic, who got saved in Oct. 1974. He as a new christian who did not know The Word Of God. Embraced the word of faith doctrine, got involved with the deliverance ministry.He started home prayer meetings at this time, once a week on Thursdays.No way to prove anyone got healed, since in the word of faith one cannot speak the truth it is a bad confession and you will lose your healing. so anyone who was prayed for confessed they were healed.Joyce's father was a construction boilermaker and retired in the spring of 1982. He did not have a 9-5 job' and was not always in town and did not have prayer meetings every day.In a few years in His study of The Word of God, He saw that each believer is responsible to God for their walk with Him and is not under the control of any pastor or church. He renounced the roman catholic church,the word of faith,the deliverance ministry, the shepherding ministry. He also told those that would listen of his family what The Lord showed him. Some of his family are still walking in the word of faith false doctrine, walking with another jesus as Paul said some would. My hope and prayer as my father's was for his family, to Know The Truth And Be Set Free, JESUS Is The Truth. The Older Brother

  34. So true Older Brother!! Wonder why our sister tells such lies from the Pulpit?


  35. I must say that since Joyce Leiphon puts so much stock in our Dad let me tell you what he did with all the EW Kenyon, Kenneth Hagin Book, and the Pigs in the parlor book by Derick Prince. He burned them every one. He would no longer place any stock in them as being of God. He burned them and told everyone that he had done so. Now here we are 40 something years later after our Dad become a Child of God, His daughter is standing on a pulpit preaching the things he burned. Now “ money cometh to the body of Christ is just the repackage prosperity of the Word of Faith doctrine. Our Dad renounce everything Joyce is preaching today. Yet she says she learned so much from him. Could that also not be the truth? Our Dad had a real relationship with Jesus Christ. He was so grateful for the Salvation he had received from the Lord he didn't want anything that would draw His faith away from the only one that could Save him from the world the flesh and the devil. He realized the preaching such as what Joyce preaches bring it all about self. Not about what the Savior has done for us all.

  36. Joyce needs to read Rev.22:15. And stop saying that she is preaching what her dad preached. Now if Leroy is now her dad keep preaching the lies. One of the biggest is that she has been ministering, traveling all over the country for 33 yrs. according to her website. Its funny that none of her family ever heard about it. Just in the last ten years since she has got with Leroy and started robbing from some of her family with money cometh now. If her sister's that are following her were not afraid that they would lose the money that they have sowed to Joyce(not God) they would tell her stop lying about their Dad.and how God is buying cars for them. Their greed wanting to be RICH is why they will not say anything.They have never had a relationship with God the Father through The Lord Jesus Christ like their father, especially Joyce. They need to do like their sister jfcecil said that her father burned all the books, and ask the Holy Spirit to teach and guide them also study the Word Of God and rightly divide it, read it in the context of what is in the chapter and the book. Not make it say what you want it to say.Their dad learned to walk with God following his voice that was backed up by the Word of God, did not follow man or his own thoughts if it did not line up with the Word. Read the book of Hebrews the 8th chapter we the believer is in a New Covenant,and God the Holy Spirit will write His laws upon our hearts. Not under total control of man pastors,apostles or anyone else.JC

  37. How Could Someone So Persecute Jesus!

    Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me? —Acts 26:14

    Are you determined to have your own way in living for God? We will never be free from this trap until we are brought into the experience of the baptism of “the Holy Spirit and fire” (Matthew 3:11). Stubbornness and self-will will always stab Jesus Christ. It may hurt no one else, but it wounds His Spirit. Whenever we are obstinate and self-willed and set on our own ambitions, we are hurting Jesus. Every time we stand on our own rights and insist that this is what we intend to do, we are persecuting Him. Whenever we rely on self-respect, we systematically disturb and grieve His Spirit. And when we finally understand that it is Jesus we have been persecuting all this time, it is the most crushing revelation ever.

    Is the Word of God tremendously penetrating and sharp in me as I hand it on to you, or does my life betray the things I profess to teach? I may teach sanctification and yet exhibit the spirit of Satan, the very spirit that persecutes Jesus Christ. The Spirit of Jesus is conscious of only one thing— a perfect oneness with the Father. And He tells us, “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls” (Matthew 11:29). All I do should be based on a perfect oneness with Him, not on a self-willed determination to be godly. This will mean that others may use me, go around me, or completely ignore me, but if I will submit to it for His sake, I will prevent Jesus Christ from being persecuted.

  38. Wake up Joyce!!! when you refuse to have anything to do with family members who do not trust you or believe what you teach doesn't that mean you are persecuting the LORD Jesus Christ the one Whom you say You have become?


  39. Joyce, you should stop telling the lies you are telling about this family you grew up in. Not only do you lie about our dad but you lie about hearing as a child “ you are not going to get any of my money”. Our parents had 10 children to feed and cloth and since our dad was a construction worker he did not always have work in the Winter months. Now at one point our mother went to work for a short while but still I never ever heard such as Joyce says she over heard all the time at home. If you are sitting in her group and hearing her lies and you do not confront her about them you are just as guilty as Joyce is. The Bible states that if you say you do not sin you are a LIAR. 1 John 1:8-10 “ If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleans us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned we make Him a liar and His word is not in us.” Now if you leave the cross as Joyce preaches how to you get cleansed from your sin. I am sure you cannot sit at the right hand of God even “ in Christ” and be filled with sin.

    Now over the few years I have been listening to Joyce via the internet or from her CD'S I have heard her say many times she does not sin. I have heard her recently say she has nothing to do with sinners! If this is the case how is she living as she says she is the same way Jesus did when He Walked this earth. I have to ask those who like Joyce are in their 60's do they have 40 years to wait until they become rich? Has Joyce really been in ministry for almost 41years? Her two sisters who follow her know this is not true yet they will not speak out against her lies. The bible clearly says the truth will come out and all liars will be thrown into the lake of fire. Joyce says she doesn't care about what people say about her. Well when you are preaching lies as she is she better be caring what people say about her and reputation because she is giving Jesus a bad name. We are to be His ambassadors of God not secret agents. We are to show others the same Love that God Showed to us " that while we were still sinners He died for us"


  40. There have always been those who attempt to divert God's people from their main purpose. Whether angels or men, God knows how to deal with the rebellious, but believers are warned not to participate with any such persons. The wicked appeals to the lusts of the eye, lust of the flesh and to inordinate pride. They will pretend to love God and appear to do good works, but on the close examinations they are as fruitless as the fig tree Jesus curse. The wise will be able to identify those whose object is to be god rather than to serve God. It will take a deeply spiritual heart to know how to reach any who are deep into evil without being contaminated- hating the sin but still loving the sinner.

    The above statement was written in the commentary in my bible by Jack Hayford. While I do not trust all that this man says I do believe the above is correct and it is written in the book of Jude.
    I pray for my sister Joyce who claims to have become “Him”. I believe in a God of the impossible and by faith I claim Joyce to accept the truth and reject the lie she is believing and preaching. I know MY God and deliver her from the false the same as He did so many others who have left the teachings that Joyce subscribes to. I have been seeking the Lord whether to continue to pray for Joyce or stop praying for her as she has in my opinion made her choice to believe the lie. Nothing is impossible with my God and I will continue to pray for her to come to know the true Gospel of the LORD and Savior Jesus Christ. I pray the word of God to Bind the spirit that is leading her and loose the Holy Spirit into her heart. That she will accept the truth of the Word of God. You see it is painful to be obedient to the Lord when He places someone on your heart as He has placed Joyce on my heart. I have asked the LORD to allow me to stop listening to her preaching and to stop putting the truth on this blog. However, til this day I have not been given the answer I want. I want to stop but the LORD Says no keep putting the truth of my Word on this blog. As long as I have the ability that God has given me to speak the truth I will be obedient to the LORD. It is through His Grace alone am I able to do what He has called me to do. The work of the Lord is not always pleasant. Especially when you have to come against some one you love who is preaching lies and half truths. I pray for all the souls following Joyce to be delivered from the hands of Satan and this false teacher.

  41. 1 Cor 1:18-31

    For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. 19 For it is written: "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, And bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent." 20 Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? 21 For since, in the wisdom of God, the world through wisdom did not know God, it pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe. 22 For Jews request a sign, and Greeks seek after wisdom; 23 but we preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block and to the Greeks foolishness, 24 but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. 25 Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men. 26 For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called. 27 But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty; 28 and the base things of the world and the things which are despised God has chosen, and the things which are not, to bring to nothing the things that are, 29 that no flesh should glory in His presence. 30 But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God--and righteousness and sanctification and redemption-- 31 that, as it is written, "He who glories, let him glory in the Lord."

    When Joyce Leiphon and others who preach what she preaches are they not using the wisdom of the World that Our Most Holy God rejects?

  42. Joyce is using the wisdom of this world, demonic.She teaches Adam and Eve were deceived when the Bible clearly says that Adam was not Eve was.See 1 Tim.2:14.Joyce like Eve believes we can be like God. That Jesus went to hell so we could.Look at Luke 16 Jesus went to Abraham's bosom.She believes the word of faith doctrine, that Jesus died spiritually, of E.W.Kenyon, K. Hagin and others.This teaches that a believer can transformed into incarnations of God(deification).Can decree,speak thing into existence etc. My question Joyce is why did Kenyon and Hagin and many other word of faith preachers die? Another is why do you still dye your hair?Still more why is your sister still broke who gave you so much money when she moved from Ky. to be in your church and has done all that you told her that she must do to be blessed of God and BE RICH? JC


  43. Listening to Joyce Leiphon preaching from Wednesday January 28th this morning. I could only listen to a part of her teaching. Now, I am totally confused about what she is teaching. On one of her teachings she says if the Holy Spirit tells you something that does not line up with what she is teaching then it isn't the Holy Spirit then today she says you should obey what the Holy Spirit tells you spirit. Wonder how many that are following her are just as confused by this as I am. What to you do? To be obedient to God or be obedient to Joyce.


  44. I was asked a question the other day which was, how can someone who claims to be a preacher of the Gospel treat others or those who no longer follow their teaching as if they do not exist? How are they showing the same Love that God had shown them, when they treat someone who profess Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior but does not follow their teaching as If they have left the Faith of Jesus Christ? I told this person these people are not Christians. They are following another Gospel and another Jesus. The bible in John 3:16 says “ For God so loved the World that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” Now does this tell us we have to obey what Man says the Word of God says in order to be saved from eternal damnation? The way I look at it is this every man, woman, boy or girl can be saved even if they never follow what a so called man or woman of God says as long as they believe Jesus Christ died for them. They place all their faith and trust in Christ finished work on the Cross. That is the simple fact and truth of the True Gospel of Jesus Christ. Men not God make living for God so hard. It is that you have to do this or that. If you want God to bless you, you have to give lots of money and the more money you give the more blessing you will receive from God. This is what so many are preaching today. God does not want or need your money. He wants you to have all your faith and trust in His only Son and the fact that He died on the Cross so all that would accept that perfect sacrifice would have eternal life with Him. That when the end comes whether we die in the natural or we go in the “ catching away of the church” we will live with Him for all eternity in a Glorified body. In the mean time the truth is simple but man cannot accept the simplicity of the Gospel. Most of us want to add this or that to the truth. Now I am not saying we do not give to get the true Gospel to the World but I am saying you do not give if the money is going into the preachers pocket. Then they call it that you are giving to the Gospel of Jesus Christ by making them rich. So when these preachers shun those who have left their group do you really believe the are Christians. I sure don't. The Holy Spirit doesn't prick the heart of man just once. He pricks the heart continually until you refuse to listen to His promptings. Joyce Leiphon has refuse the Correction of the Holy Spirit. Have you?


  45. I heard the strangest thing out of Joyce Leiphon's mouth. She said you can not pick and chose what parts of the Scriptures you want to believe. Well, I declare isn't that just what she does. Does she ever read a Scripture and explain it in the context it is written. Well if she does I sure have never heard her. I wonder why she never really preaches what Paul preached as the true Gospel of Jesus Christ according to 1 Cor 2:1-5. If those following Joyce Leiphon do as she is telling them and that is to feed on the WHOLE Word of God they will be leaving her church as fast and you can say licky split. They will seek the truth for themselves instead of letting her tell them that what to do when to do and where to do. Then I heard her tell those in her group to leave their families alone until they have receive theirs. Then they can go to their families and say this is what I was talking about. Well my sister is sitting under Joyce's teaching and if she waits until she becomes the richest women in the world she may never have a real relationship with her daughter and granddaughter. I mean when you are over 60 years old how long to you think you will live to receive all you believe the Lord owes you. Does Joyce practice what she preaches? Does she have a relationship with her son who does not follow her teaching? Yes, she does and she has claimed him for her kingdom but is it the truth? She says she has been in ministry for going on 41 years so this son must have been brought up under her teaching and he has rejected what she says. If he hasn't why isn't he in church or at least giving half his income to her.
    Now she says she isn't trying to control you but if you have to stay away from your family because they do not accept her teaching what is she doing if it is not control


  46. Joyce speaks much about love. The more I listen to her preaching and then hear those who have left her clutches I have to wonder if Joyce has ever read or studied 1 cor 13. This is one chapter I think she has torn out of her bibles,. When you refuse to fellowship with family members because they no longer believe what you teach and you call them sinners no matter what is going on in there lives are you showing the Love that Jesus has shown to you? All through the New Testament we are warned about the deception in the Church. The Holy Spirit gave to Paul much to say about this deception. He also states in the last days of the church age it will get worse and worse. The Lord will be returning for His church. Are you so sure that the one you are trusting in is part of the body of Christ as is written in the Word of God, or are you following a false Apostle and preacher? The way Joyce preaches you would believe she has already receive her glorified body. But does she really show love to anyone who does not believe she is “Him” or to those who have left her group. I say no. You see I have been the brunt of her distaste as I would not bow down to her and give her any type of approval. The Word of God says to TEST THE SPIRITS to see if they are of God. The spirit that Joyce is following is not the Spirit of the most High God. Her own spirit and the spirit of the antichrist is working in her life.

    What she preaches is all about self and what self wants, desires. It is all about what you have to do in order to get from God. There is no force of Faith to make God do anything. God blesses those who place all their faith and trust in His Son His only incarnate Son Jesus Christ. Be careful what you believe as it is only your faith and trust in the perfect Man Jesus Christ that will give you eternal life. Not how much money you put in the preachers pocket.


  47. Joyce Leiphon used the Scripture of Act 23:1 as the reason she and her followers can follow their own conscience and be following God. Now if you read the Chapter before this you will realize that Paul is standing before the Council and the high priest. His conscience was clear concerning the Word of God. But like all the other scriptures Joyce uses and pulls out of context she has distorted the truth.
    I know if I depend on my conscience to lead me in the right direction I know I will mess up big time. You see our conscience has been seared by sin. Even though I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior I have to be very careful of what voice I listen to. MY voice the Voice of the Devil or the Voice of God. My conscience may not always want to do what the voice of God calls me to do. Most of the time I believe the voice of the devil sound more righteous then any other voice I may hear. Why do I say that well it just like this. The devil always comes to us as something good never ugly or sinful at first but when we truly examine what is being said to our hearts and mind we can through the Power and Working of the Holy Spirit know which voice to follow. It may not always be a pleasant thing the Lord tells us to do or not to do. But any person who uses the Word of God to twist it to mean what they want it to mean is the same kind of person that Balaam was. He was a prophet for hire. Even though the LORD told him no he continued to ask God to let him go in order to receive great wealth. Joyce and those who preach Word of Faith and Money cometh to the body of Christ are just like Balaam . Just like Balaam wanting the fee for using witchcraft this is what Joyce is using to control the people following her. It is an abomination before the Most Holy God She wants the wealth of the World yet those who are truly born again speak out against this false teacher she warns her followers not to listen as they will loose their Blessing ( Money). She is so afraid that if those who follow her do seek the truth from the Lord and the listen to the truth being spoken to their heart they will leave her and she will not have the great wealth that Satan has promised her. Now I pray all those following Joyce Leiphon and other preaching as she does searches the origin of the message. Search out EW Kenyon and Kenneth Hagin. You will find like our dad did that these men where not teach the truth as it is written in the HOLY Bible but were practicing Witchcraft. In Joyce Leiphon religion she herself is god. She herself is the Lord of her life. Is she your lord and savior. She is if you continue to deny what the HOLY SPIRIT is speaking to you heart when you hear her speak lies and half truths.

  48. Joyce"s followers need to pray the sinner's prayer and let Jesus come into their heart then read the bible and let the Holy Spirit lead and guide them.Joyce is not Jesus or the Holy Spirit, she is just another human being. Look at 1Cor.15 especially verses 20-28, as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all shall be made alive. The last enemy that will be abolished is death.Look in verse 50-58 see when and how this will happen.Look in Rom. 8;18-23 Christ's redemption plan is for all creation not just for man and to make man rich. Also we the believer are now waiting eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodys.In 1 John 4:9 God has sent His ONLY begotten Son into the world ( only= UNIQUE, only one of His kind) so that we might live through Him.Man is mortal and even when he puts on immortality will never be God.No matter which preacher says it or how many times they confess it.Jesus is the only one that was free from sin and the only one that could be the sacrifice for sin of all mankind. Jesus is The Truth and The way and The Life, not Joyce or any other HUMAN BEING. So one need to put their trust in Him and His Word and allow the Holy Spirit to apply it to your life.JC


  49. I have plenty to say about how Joyce preaches on money. However, now I want to give a testimony on how much God has blessed me. First let me say because of what Joyce is preaching is a lie from the pit of hell I have spent much time researching the Scriptures in order to put the truth on this blog as I understand. I was forced to retire in 2009. the factory where I had been working for 20 years closed. As most of you know there were not many jobs to be had and especially if you were my age. I retired at 62 was also granted disability from the many work injuries I had received. During my time working God has healed me of cancer with only surgery. No Chemo or radiation. I was told by two doctors I should have been dead long before seeking medical help. I do not like going to the doctors however, I do listen to my body and go when needed. To make a long story short as possible, a couple of years ago I was listening to Jimmy Swaggart. They were having a share-a-thon to raise money to pay for TV air time. As I listen my heart ( spirit) kept saying donate $10.00. Well I thought that it was just me wanting to help get the Gospel of Our Lord out to anyone who wanted to hear the truth. I listened all day and finally I gave the $10.00. The next day I received a $10.00 check in the mail where I had overpaid a bill many years before. I have to admit that I did not continue to give $10.00 every month. As I was searching the Scripture I realized I was to give that amount every month. I wasn't tithing I was giving as the Lord Had laid the amount on heart. I have not been faithfully giving as I should have been giving but the Lord Blessed me as he knew my heart was to give all that I could to HIS work. This year starting in January I donated what the Lord placed on my heart and I will give this amount each and every month. Even if it means I have to do with out something I want. So far I have been in need of nothing as MY God has supplied all my need. In January I did donate $20.00 not really having the extra as two of grandchildren stay with me. They had needs and I prayed for God to Bless me so I would have the means to take care of these children. Well I was just given $400.00 to help supply the need of my grandchildren. I believe if my math is correct isn't that a 2000 percent increase? Unlike what Joyce teaches, I was blessed greatly but could only give sparingly. God wanted me, not the little money I had and He has supplied all my need. By having this money to help with the children I can now give more then. $20.00. 20*2000%=400
    I will depend on the LORD to place the amount in my heart and will do as I understand His word. So to those who are following Joyce Leiphon and giving her half their income what is the percentage of your return blessing? Are you giving to God with the Right motive or are you giving to Joyce so you can become rich. The LORD knows the truth that is in your heart even if you will not admit it yourself.

  50. Listening to Joyce Leiphon preaching on Sunday February1st she said that if you have any questions about what she teaches to go to the Lord and ask Him to give you the understanding and if you still do not understand come to her and she will help you understand. Is that the truth? Will she answer your question or does she tells you as she has said in the past you cannot ask her questions? She has the final authority over the Word of God. I have a many questions yet she refuses to answer them and if she were a true called Woman of God she would be willing to set down with me and go over the scriptures she claims she has her faith and trust in. So is she telling the truth that she will and can help you understand what she is preaching?

    She also made the statement that she is responsible for all that she teaches you. Meaning if she does not teach you the truth God will hold her accountable. This is a true statement from the Word of God. Now we all will be accountable for what we believe as we all have the responsibility to know the Word of God for ourselves not depending on any preacher to preach the truth. Joyce claims you have to be a mature Christian before God can Bless you. Isn't that just another way of telling you that since you are not mature in her teaching you will not receive the return on the money that you give? She also at the end of the teaching made a statement that you who were following her were not giving enough money. She also said you have to give more even if you don't have it to give. Now, she claims to have hundreds of thousands of dollars coming into her hand every year. What is she doing with all that she receives? Is she helping the poor and those in need especially those who attend her church or is she using it for personal gain? Who are the accountants in the church? I have been told it is her daughter. Will her daughter contradict what Joyce says? From what I have been told Joyce has total control of all money that comes into the church. I have this question also. IF she is doing what she is supposed to do and she has nothing to hide why then did she stop the people from placing their cash on her pulpit so the whole world could see how much these people are giving. They now place it so no one can see just how much cash is there. What is she hiding and who is she hiding it from? She also made the comment that all the famous people like movie star, football player who have great wealth have the wealth that belongs to those who follow her and her teaching. As she believes these are the only one that are truly saved. But the Bible says “ whomsoever will”. The God I serve blesses those that are truly His. HE gave His Only Son that "whomsoever" believes on Him and Him alone will be saved. Now what I hear Joyce preach is that you have to give large sums of money or you are not being obedient to God. You have to do what she says to do or you are disobeying God. Are you for sure that the doubts about what Joyce preaches is from your flesh , or the devil, or could it be the HOLY SPIRIT pricking your heart to leave such false teaching

  51. When Jesus Christ and Him crucified is preached souls get saved and lives change. When you preach money comth to the body or Christ you are preaching to the flesh of all men. Did you accept Jesus Christ as you Savior because you knew you were a sinner on your way to hell and that you needed a Savior? Or did you accept Jesus Christ so you could be rich as so many pastors are preaching today?
    Winning souls to the Lord should be the work of all Christians, should be not be money, power and many possessions. I know Joyce Leiphon will not say she is preaching a false gospel but when the emphasis is on Miracles, power and wealth in this life is she preaching the truth? What about getting souls saved and Baptized in the HOLY SPIRIT? If people are not getting save in a so called church it is not a real Church that God recognizes. Yes, as of lately Joyce has been having an alter call but is anyone getting saved under “ her anointing”. You she does not own the “ anointing” it belongs to the Holy Spirit and He “ anoints” Whom HE chooses. We are all anointed to do the work of the Lord and that work believe it or not is to bring souls into the knowledge that they are sinners needing a Savior and Jesus Christ is the one the only one who can save a soul from hell. Or is it as Joyce preaches money comth.


  52. If you really want to know the truth about what Joyce is teaching go to and order his book on False Doctrine. In this book you will receive the truth about the Word of Faith which Joyce teaches along with the false teaching of the Purpose-Driven Life-Church and the Government of 12. Bro Swaggart unlike so many so called men and women of God never claims to be living a sinless life now that He understands the Blood Atonement of Jesus Christ. The forgiveness of sin did not come because Jesus Rose from the dead as Joyce really believes and teaches but the Resurrected life comes from the Atonement on the Cross of Christ when Jesus Said it is “ finished” and said “Father I commend my Spirit into Your Hands”. If Jesus had to go to hell before He was raised from the dead why then was He able to commend His Spirit into the Hands of the Father before being raised from hell as Joyce believes. If you are depending on the Resurrection Life to keep you safe in the coming days you may be depending on the wrong thing. You see Jesus is coming back for HIS Church. Not the church made by man. Look at the World around you can you really believe the world is going to get better because you say “ money cometh to the body of Christ? Do you really believe you will come out of this world with all your wealth? Why would you need all the wealth of the World that Joyce says belongs to you if Jesus is going to return for His Church and the way the world looks today He could be coming at any time. Will you be going? Or are you going to stay behind so you can gain the wealth of the World.


  53. I have heard a lot of things come out of Joyce Leiphon mouth as if it was the Lord speaking to the people. However, listening to Wednesday February 4th teaching in it entirety what she says the Lord told her to tell the people is totally unscriptural. She said the Lord told her to tell those who follow her to give lots of seed (money) to her man of God and of course to herself. She say if you do not have the money to sow large amounts to go borrow it. Is that truly a word from the Lord when 2Cor 8 :12 which says, “ For if there is first a willing mind, it is accepted according to what one has and not according to what he does not have.” Now this scripture is talking about giving, is really telling you to go borrow money or does it say if you do not have it and your heart is willing to give the seed ( money) it is accepted by God? How many more so-called words from the Lord that Joyce has said to her peeps that have not come to pass. According to her own preaching none of them have come to pass. She blames the people not her so called word of god. When I heard her say these things I was sick in my spirit and started grieving in the Holy Spirit for her. I am not so sure today if she has not cross the line. God is the only one who knows for sure. However, When we come to the Lord knowing we are lost with out Him does our desires of our heart stay the same as they were before knowing that He Jesus died on the cross for our sin debt? I don't know about you but my desires over time change no longer wanting the things of this world but wanting everyone I know to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and His perfect sacrifice. If you are still wanting the things you always wanted I doubt that you understand the Cross of Christ. I know Joyce doe not believe the Blood atonement took place when Jesus said it is “ finished” on the Cross. She believes is took place three days later at His resurrection. She states Jesus had to take His Blood to God the Father. Oh my goodness that is saying truly that Joyce believes Jesus was a sinner on the Cross and dies spiritually. Is that the truth or the Hersey of the Word of Faith religion.


  54. This morning while listen to Jimmy Swaggart message, he made a statement that I have not thought of in years. My dad is a saint in Heaven and I know he prayed while on this earth that all his children be saved and come to know the Jesus of the bible. Now that he is in Heaven with the LORD I know he is still praying for His children to come to know the same Jesus that saved him. The true Jesus Christ of the Bible not the Jesus that is preached in the Word of Faith religion or the Money cometh religion. That they come to know the true Gospel of Jesus Christ that is truly written in Context of the Holy Bible not the twisted gospel of the Word of Faith and Money cometh false gospel of these religions. Not the religion of the Kingdom now, or we have dominion over the earth as Joyce and other teach. My dad did not believe in tithing as Joyce preaches. He did believe in giving to the work of the Lord. He did not believe we were to make preacher rich. When ever He preached He preached the true gospel of the LORD Jesus Christ for free. None of His children ever knew how many souls he reach by just preaching Jesus Christ and Him crucified for the sin of all men. He renounce the Catholic religion, he renounce the Word of Faith religion. Had he still been alive when the prosperity gospel became the money cometh gospel he would have refused to accept it as part of the truth. My dad has several children following these false gospels and at least one is preaching the false gospel. I thanked my dad while he was still living for sharing the true Gospel with me. Though it took many years for me to realize the truth. I pray God to answer the prayers of my father and set the captives in our family free from the false religion they have placed their trust in. I know there must be many in heaven praying for their lost loved ones also.

  55. I was wrong about my Dad praying in heaven for His children. However, I know all the prayers of all the saints are being lifted up to God as a sweet smelling aroma. Whether it is our prayer for the salvation of Our lost loved ones or if it is our Prayer of Come Lord Jesus, God is hearing these prayer. I want to thank my brother who corrected me on my dad praying for his children, yes he did while he was alive on this earth.

  56. As one looks in the Word of God and finds that Adam was given a free Will to obey or disobey God. And Satan and a third of the angels chose to disobey God.Then in the ministry of Jesus He forced no one to follow Him just said come follow me.Then at the crucifixion restored man to a relationship with the Father.Look at John chapter 10, He is the Good Shepherd the door etc., also read Matt. 6. If after reading these scriptures and one allows Joyce or anyone to control you I doubt your salvation.John,Peter, Paul never took control over anyone, but now one is to believe that God has given this authority to Joyce!!!! JC

  57. Just listen to just a few minutes of Joyce Leiphon teaching on Sunday Feb 8. Now if I were sitting in her church I would be totally confused. At one time she preached you have to leave the cross yet on this teaching she said you have to go to the cross everyday. Now my question to Joyce is this; Which is it? Do you leave the cross or do you go to the cross every day. I also have to wonder why anyone is still in her church when she teaches two different things.
    I had to turn her off shortly after she made this statement

  58. I do believe the devil comes to steal, kill and destroy all of our lives. However, I believe the biggest thing he comes to kill, steal and destroy is our faith in the total Redemption plan of God that is written in the whole Word of God from Genesis to Revelation. Now when you believe as Joyce and other teach that there is money in every scripture that they read or the “ seed time and harvest” is about money I believe they have transferred their faith from the truth of the Redemption plan of God to faith in money. There is prosperity in the true Gospel of Jesus Christ if our faith and trust is properly place in the Finished work of Jesus Christ on the Cross. He is the provider of all our need. He is never late and does not give to little to those who Trust in Him for their every need. Does that meany every believe will be millionaires? Of course not but it does mean He will provide the need. If your faith is in money cometh as Joyce teaches you have left the Jesus of the Bible.

  59. Again I listened to the rest of what Joyce Leiphon was teaching of February 8. She said “ the truth YOU know will set you free”. She first read John 8:32 which says : “ and you shall no the truth and the truth shall make you free” but if you go to verse above this one you will see it is not the truth that YOU know that make one free. But it is the truth that is in the Word which is Jesus Christ and Him crucified that makes one free. According to Joyce if you are in a false religion and the facts they teach you, and you believe what they teach you then you know the truth and you will be free. Is this truly what John 8:31-32 means? Is your faith totally in the Word of God or is it in what you preacher says.

  60. The more I listen to Joyce Leiphon and her teaching I realize how delusional she truly is. No where in the bible can I read that we or those who follow her teaching will rule and reign on the earth during this the Church age. She claims we are to live like Kings and Queens on the earth. I pray for her to come to know the Jesus of the Bible because the one she is preaching is not He. Read Revelation 3:14-22. Unlike Joyce I believe we are living in the last of the last days and the Church age is about to end. Where will you be when Christ returns. Will you still be following what man says God as saying to you or will you truly put all you faith and trust in the one who died for you Jesus Christ. He Jesus gave His all for us on the Cross. That is where all our Blessing comes from not from giving larges sum of money so Preachers like Joyce can brag about how blessed they are. How can you say you are a preacher of the Word of God and that you love the LORD yet cannot be around anyone who does not agree with your teaching. Pride will be the downfall of this church if the IRS doesn't get it first.

  61. Jesus Christ and Him Crucified vs Money cometh to the body of Christ. Which will you believe?
    God or Man

  62. Joyce Leiphon says she knows god. I have to ask this question which god is it that she knows. The god of this world twist scriptures to mean what he wants it to mean. Joyce Leiphon twist scriptures to mean what she wants it to mean. She even states that John the Baptist was offended by Jesus as He, Jesus, did not come and deliver him from prison. I cannot find that in the word of God. Then she preaches nothing but money cometh. She hasn't preach this false gospel as she did this past Sunday February the 8, for some time now. Oh yeah she says money cometh but not the way she preached this time. She and her followers did the money pull. It was if they were in Vegas pulling on the one arm bandit. Making Jesus nothing more then and ATM Machine. I guess her money is falling off so she must start preaching MC2U again or else her man of God has rebuked her for not preaching his gospel of lies.
    This is part of the Apostasy that must take place before the “ catching away” of the true church of Jesus Christ. Joyce has not changed one bit from before knowing Jesus Christ as she says she knows him, then when she was a pagan! Still after money wanting to be treated as though she is a Queen. It is so sad that anyone says they have read and studied the Bible for over 40 years and has never learned anything or should I say has stayed the same as when they were lost.

    She also states that Satan was trying to get Jesus to prove He was the Son of God. Matthew 4:1-10 According to Joyce Jesus was not tempted in all points as we but just to prove he was God. Satan was trying to use the same lie Joyce is following, the same lie Eve trusted as truth. Satan was trying to get Jesus to act out of himself not out of the Will of the Father. Again Joyce states “ we are god in the earth” isn't that the same lie Eve fell for? I also heard her tell her followers their lives depended on them doing what she has taught them to do. They need to get all the money cometh books an CD'S and study them to do them. If this isn't one of the most dangerous false teachers at this present time I do not know who is. Wolves in Sheep clothing! When you preach money as this and others preach I have come to the conclusion they do not have any true knowledge of the Word of God and they do not Trust in the one and only true Living God to provide all their need. They are not content with what they have as the Bible says to be but they want all the wealth of the Whole world into their pocket. What a shame to be just like Eve believing the lie. I personally would rather have nothing as far as the World is concerned if it means I would have to give Up my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to become rich with this worlds goods. Isn't that what Joyce and those who do the money comet pull are doing? Haven't they sold their soul to Satan for all the wealth of the World. You can put lipstick on a pig but it is still a pig. You can put Jesus name on the false teaching but it is still false teaching.
    Joyce can claim to be called of God to preach the Gospel, but which God has called her and whose gospel is she preaching?

  63. While reading Psalm 23 this morning I had to ask myself is Jesus really my Shepherd or do I follow another? Searching my heart I realized today more the ever when I depend on what anyone other then Jesus Christ to lead and guide me to all His truth, I am listening to another shepherd. Jesus Christ is the Good Shepherd who will not lead His sheep into destruction, but Blessing. Why did Jesus refer to those who LOVE him as sheep? According to what I have found is that sheep really are dumb. They are afraid of their own shadow. They have to be lead to the pasture and the water. I wonder how many of us who Claim Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior really trust in our Great Shepherd to lead and guide us into all truth? How many of us depend on the preacher to tell us the truth? Are we not like the sheep who wonders away from the protection of The Great Shepherd, when we follow another shepherd or so called shepherd? When I truly believe I am right in every decision I make am I really following what the True Great Shepherd has told me through His written Word? Will I really need the wealth of the Wicked to follow the one True Shepherd? Will not the “ widow's “ mite be enough to bring me all the Blessing the Lord has for me? Do you have to be rich to get the rich to trust in the Salvation offered by Our Great Shepherd as some preach? Or is the the Holy Spirit that truly draws all men to Jesus Christ. Is it money and materials wealth we should be seeking? Or is it the Spiritual wealth that is written in the most Holy Word of God where all blessing come from? There is a song that has been song in my family for years. It says “ I rather be in a deep dark grave and know the my poor soul was saved then to live in this world in a house of Gold deny my God and loose my soul.”

    When we seek after the Blessing no matter how we say it are we truly seeking the face of our God because we know we need His help to live in this sin-filled world or are we seeking His Blessing so we can live like “ kings queens” as some preach in this life? These are just some of the questions I had to ask myself this morning. Whose report will I believe? The preacher or the Word of God? I know that over the past 40 years since I asked Jesus to be the LORD of my life, I have missed it many times. Not truly knowing the Word of God and following what everyone told me I should do. I no longer follow the preacher unless every Word from their mouth lines up in contest with the Holy Bible.


  64. Most people may think the Holy Spirit pricks our heart just once and then we come to know the Love of God. Yet I know for fact the Holy Spirit pricked my heart many time before I even had smidgen of what He was doing in my heart. There is so much being taught in the church today that is not of God that it saddens those who's heart have been changed,. There are many false doctrines out there, it is hard to write about each one on this blog. I can say with a clear conscience that Joyce Leiphon ascribes to almost all of them. She teaches sinless perfection, saying you do not have to confess sin as Jesus has already paid for every sin. This is a truth however, when she says you do not have to confess your sin she is denying that there is still sin in all our lives even hers. Many who preach this doctrine are actually denying the Cross of Christ for Believer's. We are all responsible for what we place of faith and trust in. I truly believe those who preach as Joyce Leiphon do not have a real relationship with the Most Holy God. They have chosen as Eve did in the garden to believe the Lie as they want to be the god of their lives. Doesn't Joyce says she is a “god” on the earth?
    I John 1:8-10 says “ if we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His Word is not in us.

    I know there is nothing I can say or do to change Joyce Leiphon mind on what she is teaching. However, I do know that as long as she has breath God can prick her heart and hear the truth and stop preaching the same lie Eve believed. If by my writing on this blog what I believe in my heart the Lord has spoken to me which is the truth written in His Holy word and anyone is brought out of the false and into the truth it is well worth not having a relationship with my three sisters. If I ever post something that I find not to be the truth I will correct those statements. Joyce Leiphon and others who preach such as she unless God intervenes will never admit they could ever be wrong in what they teach.

  65. It is obvious to me that Joyce Leiphon is listening to Jimmy Swaggart and the Message of The Cross. There are Phrases this “ Anointed Man of God” Jimmy Swaggart, uses that so often I hear Joyce use. She has never used them until after Jimmy Swaggart has used them. I pray she was listening to his teaching today on 1 John. If she did she just might really get saved and come to know the truth of the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


  66. Does your pastors have their head in the sand? Are they telling your or preaching the soon return of the Lord Jesus Christ? Are you reading and searching the Holy Bible to know the truth? Are you content to believe that you will escape the wrath that is coming to this world? Can't you see that things will never get better until after the 2nd coming of the LORD. It really doesn't matter how much money you have or do not have this world is getting worse and worse as we can see if our eyes are open. Do you really believe you have time to gain much money as Joyce Leiphon is preaching. Why do these money preachers only preach that they will make things better so Christ can come back to the earth? Or that they and their followers are the only ones that know the truth all the rest are believing the lie! Why do they never preach on the “ Catching away” of the Church? Are you truly ready for the Lord to return when you follow Joyce Leiphon and others who are preaching such as she? What good will their money do them if they are not ready when the Lord returns. Will you be like the five virgin who were waiting for the bridegroom but ran out of Oil ( Holy Spirit). They were not ready are you ready Joyce, Susan and Betty. Are you rejecting the truth by not listening to anyone but those who tickle your ears? Are you truly seeking the Lord and His truth when you can only listen to your preacher and anyone preaching different then they are you will not entertain this could be the real Gospel not the one your preacher is teaching? So sad that so many want their ears “ itched” because they do not want the truth but want what is truly in their hearts . To have more wealth then others. Wonder why these preachers never preach ont the third chapter of 2 Tim? I know do you?


  67. Don't those who are preaching Money cometh to the body of Christ actully worshiping the golden Calf. You can also put Jesus name of it but it is still baal worship. Wasn't Israel taken into captivity by worshiping baal. Read about baal worship in Ex 20. Didn't this happen more then once. Joyce Leiphon talks so much about how blessed David, Abraham and many other in the Old Testament but she never tells about all the captivity they went in because they worship other gods.

  68. I have been praying about whether to say this or not but the more I hear Joyce Leiphon the false that she teaches the more I realize just how dangerous this preacher is.
    I have heard Joyce tell her members that if they hear something they think is from the Holy Spirit and it does not line up with what she preaches then it is not the Holy Spirit! Is she saying they are hearing from the devil?

    Then Joyce said that born-again people do not have to confess their sin. How can this be since when so much in the Bible tells us to confess our sin. Even the LORD'S prayer says “ forgive us this day of our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. So if others sin against us what make anyone think we do not sin against the LORD. The Bible does not teach “ sinless perfection” as Joyce and other claims they have obtained.
    Joyce also made the statement that you have to leave the cross. Then after a week or so Joyce said to go to the cross daily. I have been asking the Holy Spirit can Satan counterfeit the Holy Spirit. Then I heard a preacher say that He has heard someone pray in tongues but felt a check in His spirit that this was not the right Spirit. I wondered how could this be! When you ask God to bless you with His Spirit is he going to allow Satan to fill you? The more I have sought the Lord on this matter I realized that if you leave the truth that is written in the Word of God meaning if you leave the Cross of Christ for any other Gospel you have left the protection of the Most Holy God and the Precious Blood of our Dear Savior. I have been born-again for over 40 years. It took me over 25 years to realize it is not about me but about Jesus Christ. I was saved while I was a sinner. Do I sin daily? I pray God that I don't but since I still have a “ sin nature I have the ability to sin. When I first got saved I had no knowledge of the Word of God. I had so much false teaching that it took many years to clean all the false from my heart. I also got involved with the same junk Joyce Leiphon is teaching but the Holy Spirit pricked my heart and showed me that I cannot live the righteous life that Jesus lived and is now seated at the Right hand of God. But if I do yield to the Holy Spirit and allow HIM to live HIS life through me He will. Does this mean that I should be treated as a Queen in this life as Joyce Leiphon preaches because she is a child of god? Though I have been saved by the Blood of Jesus Christ I can never be “ HIM” on this earth as Joyce Leiphon and other teach. I know there is a remnant that is the true Church that Jesus will be coming back soon for, but is it the church that Joyce Leiphon and others claim is the remnant?

  69. I have been searching the Holy Word of God looking to see when we will become the Glory of God. So far I cannot find anywhere in the Inspired Written Word of God where I will ever be the Glory of God. I do understand from studying the Word of God that Jesus Christ is the express Glory of God on and in the earth. No other human being no matter what they say have become or ever will become the Glory of God. Joyce Leiphon how can you claim to have the love of God or to be able to show anyone the love of God and that you are “ His Glory” then treat you niece as you do. You will not allow her to participate in any family functions. You will not allow those in your church including your sister to have any type fellowship with her child and grand child. How are you showing anything but contempt for another child of the Most High God. Yes, your niece left your church because she has realized that even God does not take your free will. But under your teaching she had to give her free will to you. When you finally realize you have been sitting under false doctrine and you leave as the Holy Spirit prompts you to do who are you to follow. The false teacher or the Holy Spirit of God which is the Promise Jesus said the Father would give to those who believe. Joyce you are not a god of any kind. You are leading many souls into destruction.
    Your have no right to shun any one. You say you are living in this earth the way Jesus did when He walked this earth. He never treated anyone as you treat your niece. Now He did call people like you a brood of vipers, hypocrites but he never treated anyone the way you treat people. I have been told by my own daughter that she has seen you treat waitresses badly. You have run their legs off and would not give a decent tip because they did not treat you with the respect you think you deserve. Wake up Joyce repent turn to the LORD and ask Him to change your heart to become His child. Pride is the root of all sin and when you become as self-righteous as you have become you are in deep trouble. You see I have never seen a change in you not ever. Even as a little girl you thought you deserved to be treated special. So now that you have become a grown up you still believe in yourself not in the Most Holy God. Not in Jesus Christ the ONLY Son of God. Joyce the false that you teach is coming from demon spirits. I have to wonder if you have ever truly Accepted Jesus Christ as you LORD, Savior and your Master. It sure doesn't appear to me you have. Though the things I say sound harsh it is because I have the Love of God in my heart and do not want any one I love or those who God send into my life to be lost. You Joyce are headed in an evil direction. Repent and turn from you evil wicked ways and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ the Savior of your Soul.

  70. Jesus Christ is the Savior of the World. He is a unifier. He brought sinful man back into a relationship with God the Father throught His death on the Cross. He opened heaven! How can any preacher shun or tell their followers to shun members of their own families. It doesn't matter if these family members or saved or lost. We show the LOVE of God to all men. That does not mean we condone their sin or the sinfilled life but we do not shun anyone for any reason other then what the Word of God says. From My reading of the Bible it is preachers such as Joyce Leipphon that is to be shunned!!!!

  71. Joyce Leiphon teaches that Jesus went to Hell for man. She got that from EW Kenyon, K Hagin, K Copeland that Jesus died spiritually. If anyone will go to the Bible and look at the Crucifixion of Jesus Matt. 27, Luke 23, Luke 16, rich man poor man, Heb. 9&10, Eph 4, these chapters show that the Blood Of Jesus paid the price at the Cross for man, it was finished there.And Jesus set the captives free in Abraham's bosom (Paradise). Do your own study on the word of faith doctrine. If you want the truth and seek the Lord He will see that you get it. The question is do you really want "The Truth ". JC

  72. The above statement by JC is so true. If you research the true origins of the Word of Faith you will find it is nothing but withccraft. And Like JC just said if you really what the truth you will look into it for yourself. I did. there is a good book Written by D.R. McConnell called a " Different Gosple" that will help greatly. This doctrine of Word of Faith goes back much then E.W. Kenyon and the others.

  73. Joyce Leiphon tells her peeps not to confess sin. She tells them not to give to the poor only give to the rich.. Joyce Leiphon even this past Sunday says many told her not to start the church. She according to her own words and been rebuked by many. ( the rebuke is from the Lord) Yet she refuses to repent.
    She has become like Pharaoh and harden her heart against the LORD.

    Proverbs 12: 12 – 13.The wicked covet the catch of evil men. But the root of the righteous yields fruit.
    The wicked is ensnared by the transgression of his lips. But the righteous will come through trouble.

    Proverbs 28: 13 He who covers his sin will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy.

    Proverbs 28: 27. he who give to the poor will not lack, But he who hides his eyes will have many curses.

    Proverbs 29: He who is often rebuked, and hardens his neck, Will suddenly be destroyed and that without remedy.

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.


    1. I did not know that according to the bible you had to stay in a certain church. I understand in the Word of God we are all given a free will to choose. If that is the case as Joyce Leiphon believes and teaches they why Joyce, did you leave the Catholic Church. You are not preaching much different then what that religion preaches. Everyone has to do as you say just like all Catholics has to do what the Priest say. I would guess the reason Joyce left the Catholic Church is because she could not be a pastor. I have this question for Joyce Leiphon. I know she will not answer it. Joyce, Would you preach this gospel you preach if you were not getting money to preach it? I know you would not because you believe you deserve all the money you can get your hands on. Any way you can get it. It is so sad that while My Savior in a unifier you are a destroyer. You destroy families because of your Greed. Your own sister shuns her only child because of you. The Child she shun is more Christian then the both of you. You tell you followers to show others the love of God yet how can they when the others do not believe your teaching. They cannot have anything to do with so called “sinners”. I just had a conversation with one of your former members. This person has said the same at another person who left your church. God gave them a Free Will but they had to give it up to you or you pulled them aside to tell them that God had not confirmed to you that they could do this or that. Joyce YOU are not God, Jesus, David, or Moses or the Blessed Virgin.. According to your preaching if you have not blasphemed the Holy Spirit you are dangerously close. When you attribute the working of the HOLY SPIRIT as being the work of the devil as you have done you are on very dangerous ground. The bible says not to even pray for such a one. If you have and God is the one that will judge that there is no forgiveness. That is the only sin that has no forgiveness for. All other sins can and will be forgiven if we confess them to the LORD.

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.


  76. I have been thinking for sometime about Joyce Leiphon always going to Genesis 1:26. She uses this passage often to prove we are co-creators with God. The more I think about her using this to prove she is a god of any kind I have asked the LORD how to speak about this on the Blog. This morning while watching Frances and Friends on the program I realize that God being a one God with three Divine Persons in that one God, we are made in His image and likeness by having a Spirit, soul and Body. Never ever to become a god of any kind. We are created beings therefore we are not co-creators with the Most Holy God. We cannot speak anything into our hearts or mind or body or into this world. We cannot co-create, as we are created beings. Joyce and those following her are on dangerous ground. When a preacher claims to be god on the earth or God's mouth piece or to be co-creators,they are placing themselves on the same level as God. IS this the truth that is truly written in the Word of God?


  77. Rev 3:17-18
    Because you say “ I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing- and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked.
    18. I counsel you to buy from ME gold refined in the fires, that you my be rich and white garments that you may be clothe, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed, and anoint your eyes with eye salve ,that you may see.

    I wonder how many that are members of Light of the World Church realize this is what the Lord Jesus Christ is saying to them. Do they not claim they are rich and have the worlds goods and that have need of nothing?
    Most of all churches are where this church is today. They have placed there faith in their own words and works and believe they are gods of their own lives.
    They do not read the Word of God for themselves and are willing to accept anything out of the preachers mouth even if it does not line up totally with the Word of God. So sad.

  78. "Wealth Won't Save Your Soul"




    Our Dad used to sing this song!! While Joyce seeks wealth Our dad sought the LORD in everything he did. Even the songs he sang.


  79. Listening tonight while a preacher was giving His testimony making reference to the Prodigal son. Made me think about something that Joyce Leiphon often says or screams. “ He's alive” He's alive!!!Yes Jesus is alive! Yet she also preaches since he is dead she and those who follow her teaching can have their inheritance now. Just like in Luke 15 the son wanted his inheritance now even though the owner ( his father) was not dead.
    Now since Joyce and I both agree that Jesus is alive how can she claim all that belonged to Jesus belongs to her and her church now. Doesn't she claim Jesus is alive. In order to receive and inheritance one has to have died right, isn't that what Joyce Leiphon preaches. Jesus died so now she can claim her inheritance. It cannot be both ways either Jesus is dead to Joyce or He is alive and still has control all that the Father has given to Him. Has Jesus really given all He has to each one who claims that inheritance? Yes He did give His life's Blood for the sin of all men, yes he was buried but the fact that He raise from the dead to me makes it clear He is still the owner of all that is HIS.
    I realize that we can have all that we need for life and godliness but does it really mean we have it all while living in this life? I truly believe He provides all my need when I need it. He is never late. HE is never just enough but always on time and in abundance as we have need.
    We those of us who are his have been promised a home in Heaven. We those of us who are His have been promised a Glorified Body. Do we have that home here and now? Do we have the Glorified Body today? No we do not. So how can a preacher stand at the pulpit and say they are living the life Jesus says to live when their best life is to come in the next life. That is if they make it into the next life with the Glorified Body. When a preacher stands and claim all the wealth of the wicked is theirs are they truly seeking the money and not the LORD? When a preacher stands on the pulpit and tells those following her that she is living as Jesus did while He was on the earth is she saying she has the HOLY SPIRIT in the same measure as Jesus? Does the HOLY SPIRIT truly speak to her every time she says HE is? When you believe as Joyce Leiphon teaches that Jesus died so you could have his Inheritance and she has receive it why then does she scream “ He's alive!!!? How can you receive that inheritance when the owner ( Jesus Christ ) is still alive? I have receive the part that He has given me. I will receive all when He comes back for me either in death or at the " catching" away of the Church. HIS Church!!!! The work we are to do is to Believe the one the Father has sent and that one is Jesus Christ!


  80. I wonder how many people who claim to know the LORD Jesus Christ is in any way like Judas. Judas walked with Jesus. He believe Jesus was the Savior of the whole World. Why then did he betray the Lord the Savior of all the world. Could it be the same as some of us? Could it be he didn't want a suffering Savior? Could it be he realized that Jesus was not going to rule over the Romans and the whole world, but He would die on the Cross? Could it be HE wanted to be on the side of those in power? Could it be He like so many of us saw a way to become RICH? Have you sold Jesus for the thirty pieces of Silver just as Judas did? Had Judas asked forgiveness of his betrayal I am sure he would have been forgiven. Are some of us like Judas, to proud to ask for forgiveness?


  81. I have a hard time listening to Joyce Leiphon and her preaching. The one thing I know that I know that I know is Jesus Christ did not go to hell in my place as Joyce and other teach. When you teach this you are really teaching that “ Jesus died spiritually” meaning that Jesus became a sinner not the “sin offering:. In order to truly believe what Joyce Leiphon and other teach you have leave the Blood Sacrifice of the Cross. Actually you are denying the Blood atonement of Christ. God is the judge of our hearts.
    Do some research on the “ Jesus went to hell in our place”, doctrine. " Jesus Died Spiritually" did he?

  82. What follows is a very brief listing of some of the Doctrines of the Word of Faith movement:
    Positive Confession – The belief that what is spoken can be brought into literal existence. Believers may simply speak the things which they desire of God and He is obligated to give it to them; hence the label “Name It and Claim It” gospel. If this sounds eerily like God’s act of creation in Gen. 1 and 2, it is.
    Little gods Doctrine – The belief that man was created to be an exact duplicate of God. Believers, then, are little gods on the earth.
    Spiritual Death of Jesus – The belief that Christ’s physical death was insufficient to atone for sin. He also had to die spiritually. Of course, if Jesus died spiritually, then He ceased being God and if He ceased being God even for an instant, He never was God to begin with.
    Revelation Knowledge – The belief that God dispenses to certain believers, apart from the Scriptures, secret knowledge of Himself. This is a modern day version of the ancient heresy of Gnosticism against which the New Testament repeatedly warns.
    Health & Wealth – The belief that all believers have the right to walk in perfect, divine health and prosper financially. This stems from the erroneous view that sickness was paid for by Christ’s spiritual atonement in hell and that prosperity is a cosmic law ordained by God respectively.
    Heresy is never promoted in a manner which exposes its darkness for all to see. Rather, its poison is wrapped in familiar Christian language to make it more palatable. The Word of Faith movement has craftily packaged its counterfeit gospel to look like the real thing. It is making alarming inroads into all Christian churches, including Southern Baptist churches. Many honest, sincere, born-again Christians are being deceived and hurt.
    - See more at:

  83. Word of Faith Error #3: Humans Are Little Gods

    Human beings are created in the image of God and are "little gods", some WOF preachers claim. They imply that people are capable of controlling a "faith force" and have the power to bring their desires into being. They cite John 10:34 as their proof text:

    Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your Law, 'I have said you are "gods"'? (NIV)

    This Word of Faith teaching is blatant idolatry. Jesus Christ was quoting Psalm 82, which referred to judges as "gods"; Jesus was stating that he was above judges as the Son of God.

    Christians believe there is one God only, in three Persons. Believers are indwelt by the Holy Spirit but are not little gods. God is creator; humans are his creations. To attribute any type of divine power to humans is unbiblical.

    (Information in this article is summarized and compiled from the following sources: and

  84. Joyce Leiphon has gone even further then just the above posts. She claims real born- again Christians do not have to confess sin. Claims to be a co-creator of God. Thinks that Romans 8:19 means when the son of God are manifested on the earth will be transformed by their power. But is you continue to read further you will see the all of Creation is waiting until Jesus returns which will be the time all will quit moaning and groaning. I believe this is at the 2 Coming of Christ. It will be heaven on earth then and not until then. Wake up Joyce. The truth that you know could very will be your true demise along with all those who follow your false teaching.

  85. I have to wonder how many people following preachers such as Joyce Leiphon are getting tired of being told all you have to do to become rich or to become the manifest Sons of God. According to the Scriptures I read if we place All Our Faith and Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and HIS finished Work on the Cross we only have to keep Our Faith in HIM and HIM CRUCIFIED. If we could do all the stuff Joyce and others say then would there have been any need in Jesus Going to the Cross. The old testament gave us ten Commandments, are any of us able to keep those ten? I say not because as Jesus states if we even think about lustful thing we have committed them in our hearts. Is your heart pure and clean? Seek the Face of God and ask him to show you your true heart. I believe many of us will be shocked at what He shows us. Could there be " greed" in our heart? Could there be envy in our heart? Many other things we truly are not aware of!


  86. Commercial
    Cults that use commercial gain as their base are called “cults of greed”. They will promise you that if you join them and follow their special program for success then you will become very rich. Often they will hold up their leader as an example and explain that if you do what he or she says then you will be successful too. Commercial cults use mind control to get you working for them for free, and to make you pay for an endless stream of motivational tapes, videos, books and seminars all of which are supposedly designed to help you succeed, but in reality are designed to enhance the cult’s mind control environment and keep you believing in their almost impossible dream of success. Of course they never mention that the primary way the leaders make money are by selling these motivation materials to their group!

    Isn't this what Joyce tells you to look to your leader. Look to Joyce Leiphon and her leader Leroy Thompson. This is a "greed" cult for sure.

  87. Well well wonder how many have left Light of the World church in the past couple of years,. Just finished listening to Joyce tell the people that if they are giving to receive they are giving for the wrong reason. They are to give even if they never receive any money back. My what has changed? Could it be some are finally realizing Joyce is fleecing them? She has always preached to give and expect 30,60, or 100 fold back. Now she is saying something different!! How many will continue to give money that they will never have any type of return. God does not bless the false teaching that is coming out of Light of the World Church. It appears to me some have realize the truth is not being preached and have left. How can you show the LOVE of God to those who no longer believe Joyce Leiphon is preaching the truth when you are not allow to have contact with them? Joyce is constantly contradicting her own statements. Joyce Leiphon has always taught “ do what I did and you will have what I have”, now she is stating something different. Your heart has to be right? Does Joyce get to judge Your heart?


  88. In the last preaching of Joyce Leiphon at Light of the World Church that I listen to, Joyce made a statement that people were leaving the church because the were not getting their money blessing. The people I have been in contact with who have left this church have all said it really had nothing to do with money as much as it had to do with the false teaching coming out of Light of the world Church. They had the choice to continue to believe the lie or to read and study the Word of God for themselves. They exercised their God given Free Will to choose. Like I said this is the reason those whom I have talked with left What Joyce Leiphon teaches. Money, not so much, false teaching was the whole reason and this did include the MONEY cometh that Joyce teaches. Being co-creator with God. Not having to confess sin, and much more. I have no doubt that these people did as Joyce does preach and that is to read and study the Word of God and ask God to lead and guide you into all truth. These people have done just that and the Spirit of the Most High God has lead them out of Light of the World Church.

  89. The Apostle Paul was a very learned man. He was a “ Hebrew of the Hebrews” yet when He met the LORD Jesus Christ, He lost everything he ever thought was dear just to gain Christ. Now in the 3rd Chapter of Philippians the 9-11 verse tells us what he wanted more then anything else in this life.

    Verse 9 and be found in HIM not having my own righteousness which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ the righteousness which is from God by Faith. 10 That I may Know HIM and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering being conformed to HIS Death
    11. if by any means I may attain to the resurrection from the dead.
    Paul no longer lived by his experience, HE live by the power and working of the Holy Spirit. God bless this man and gave him the truth of the New Covenant.

    Now according to Joyce Leiphon she trust in her experience. Says she has had to many to not trust in those experiences. What a shame. To be so unteachable depending on your own experience instead of the truth that is written in the Word of God. She also said there is nothing or no one who can or will ever change her mind. Joyce you keep trusting in your man of god but I will keep my Faith and Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and HIM Crucified. I would give all I have just to be the lowest servant in HIS KINGDOM. It would be a privilege to wash the feet of every saint that has ever lived. I do have heaven on this earth because the true Holy Spirit of God lives in me. I do not need to have people put large sums of money in my hand to know I am in the Will of God. Or that I am being Blessed by My God. It seems to me you are more concerned about living like a queen in this life and not concerned about you next life. So sad Joyce as you have been warned many time and you reject those the Lord has sent to you. Are you truly seeking to know HIM as Paul spoke of or are you just wanting heaven here on this earth with not thought of Heaven when Jesus Returns for HIS Church. Joyce said she didn't have to wait until she got to heaven to have all that she has a right to she wants it now.

  90. Decreasing for His Purpose
    He must increase, but I must decrease. —John 3:30

    If you become a necessity to someone else’s life, you are out of God’s will. As a servant, your primary responsibility is to be a “friend of the bridegroom” (John 3:29). When you see a person who is close to grasping the claims of Jesus Christ, you know that your influence has been used in the right direction. And when you begin to see that person in the middle of a difficult and painful struggle, don’t try to prevent it, but pray that his difficulty will grow even ten times stronger, until no power on earth or in hell could hold him away from Jesus Christ. Over and over again, we try to be amateur providences in someone’s life. We are indeed amateurs, coming in and actually preventing God’s will and saying, “This person should not have to experience this difficulty.” Instead of being friends of the Bridegroom, our sympathy gets in the way. One day that person will say to us, “You are a thief; you stole my desire to follow Jesus, and because of you I lost sight of Him.”

    Beware of rejoicing with someone over the wrong thing, but always look to rejoice over the right thing. “…the friend of the bridegroom…rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom’s voice. Therefore this joy of mine is fulfilled. He must increase, but I must decrease” (John 3:29-30). This was spoken with joy, not with sadness— at last they were to see the Bridegroom! And John said this was his joy. It represents a stepping aside, an absolute removal of the servant, never to be thought of again.

    Listen intently with your entire being until you hear the Bridegroom’s voice in the life of another person. And never give any thought to what devastation, difficulties, or sickness it will bring. Just rejoice with godly excitement that His voice has been heard. You may often have to watch Jesus Christ wreck a life before He saves it (see Matthew 10:34).

    Whereas there is among you jealousy and strife, are ye not carnal? — 1 Corinthians 3:3

    No natural man knows anything about carnality. The flesh lusting against the Spirit that came in at regeneration, and the Spirit lusting against the flesh, produces carnality. "Walk in the Spirit," says Paul, "and ye shall not fulfil the lusts of the flesh"; and carnality will disappear.

    Are you contentious, easily troubled about trifles? "Oh, but no one who is a Christian ever is!" Paul says they are, he connects these things with carnality. Is there a truth in the Bible that instantly awakens petulance in you? That is a proof that you are yet carnal. If sanctification is being worked out, there is no trace of that spirit left.

    If the Spirit of God detects anything in you that is wrong, He does not ask you to put it right; He asks you to accept the light, and He will put it right. A child of the light confesses instantly and stands bared before God; a child of the darkness says – "Oh, I can explain that away." When once the light breaks and the conviction of wrong comes, be a child of the light, and confess, and God will deal with what is wrong; if you vindicate yourself, you prove yourself to be a child of the darkness.

    What is the proof that carnality has gone? Never deceive yourself; when carnality is gone it is the most real thing imaginable. God will see that you have any number of opportunities to prove to yourself the marvel of His grace. The practical test is the only proof. "Why," you say, "if this had happened before, there would have been the spirit of resentment!" You will never cease to be the most amazed person on earth at what God has done for you on the inside.

  92. Maintaining the Proper Relationship
    …the friend of the bridegroom… —John 3:29

    Goodness and purity should never be traits that draw attention to themselves, but should simply be magnets that draw people to Jesus Christ. If my holiness is not drawing others to Him, it is not the right kind of holiness; it is only an influence which awakens undue emotions and evil desires in people and diverts them from heading in the right direction. A person who is a beautiful saint can be a hindrance in leading people to the Lord by presenting only what Christ has done for him, instead of presenting Jesus Christ Himself. Others will be left with this thought— “What a fine person that man is!” That is not being a true “friend of the bridegroom”— I am increasing all the time; He is not.

    To maintain this friendship and faithfulness to the Bridegroom, we have to be more careful to have the moral and vital relationship to Him above everything else, including obedience. Sometimes there is nothing to obey and our only task is to maintain a vital connection with Jesus Christ, seeing that nothing interferes with it. Only occasionally is it a matter of obedience. At those times when a crisis arises, we have to find out what God’s will is. Yet most of our life is not spent in trying to be consciously obedient, but in maintaining this relationship— being the “friend of the bridegroom.” Christian work can actually be a means of diverting a person’s focus away from Jesus Christ. Instead of being friends “of the bridegroom,” we may become amateur providences of God to someone else, working against Him while we use His weapons.

  93. Maintaining the Proper Relationship
    …the friend of the bridegroom… —John 3:29

    Goodness and purity should never be traits that draw attention to themselves, but should simply be magnets that draw people to Jesus Christ. If my holiness is not drawing others to Him, it is not the right kind of holiness; it is only an influence which awakens undue emotions and evil desires in people and diverts them from heading in the right direction. A person who is a beautiful saint can be a hindrance in leading people to the Lord by presenting only what Christ has done for him, instead of presenting Jesus Christ Himself. Others will be left with this thought— “What a fine person that man is!” That is not being a true “friend of the bridegroom”— I am increasing all the time; He is not.

    To maintain this friendship and faithfulness to the Bridegroom, we have to be more careful to have the moral and vital relationship to Him above everything else, including obedience. Sometimes there is nothing to obey and our only task is to maintain a vital connection with Jesus Christ, seeing that nothing interferes with it. Only occasionally is it a matter of obedience. At those times when a crisis arises, we have to find out what God’s will is. Yet most of our life is not spent in trying to be consciously obedient, but in maintaining this relationship— being the “friend of the bridegroom.” Christian work can actually be a means of diverting a person’s focus away from Jesus Christ. Instead of being friends “of the bridegroom,” we may become amateur providences of God to someone else, working against Him while we use His weapons.

  94. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. —Matthew 5:8

    Purity is not innocence— it is much more than that. Purity is the result of continued spiritual harmony with God. We have to grow in purity. Our life with God may be right and our inner purity unblemished, yet occasionally our outer life may become spotted and stained. God intentionally does not protect us from this possibility, because this is the way we recognize the necessity of maintaining our spiritual vision through personal purity. If the outer level of our spiritual life with God is impaired to the slightest degree, we must put everything else aside until we make it right. Remember that spiritual vision depends on our character— it is “the pure in heart” who “see God.”

    God makes us pure by an act of His sovereign grace, but we still have something that we must carefully watch. It is through our bodily life coming in contact with other people and other points of view that we tend to become tarnished. Not only must our “inner sanctuary” be kept right with God, but also the “outer courts” must be brought into perfect harmony with the purity God gives us through His grace. Our spiritual vision and understanding is immediately blurred when our “outer court” is stained. If we want to maintain personal intimacy with the Lord Jesus Christ, it will mean refusing to do or even think certain things. And some things that are acceptable for others will become unacceptable for us.

    A practical help in keeping your personal purity unblemished in your relations with other people is to begin to see them as God does. Say to yourself, “That man or that woman is perfect in Christ Jesus! That friend or that relative is perfect in Christ Jesus!”


  95. I was thinking about no longer listening to Joyce Leiphon and her false teaching. The more I listen to and Frances and friends I know that I have a responsibility to stand up for the truth of Gods Word against all false teaching even if it is from my sister. I do not mean to be making what I say personal issues between Joyce and myself, but I feel I must confront her lies that she states from her pulpit. I am concerned not only with Joyce and her soul but all those who are following her false teaching. I have been crying out to the LORD to do what He wants done in her life to bring her into the true Gospel of Jesus Christ and him Crucified. Some time ago one of my daughters asked me if I had anything in my heart against Joyce. My answer then as it is now is no, there is nothing in my heart against Joyce personally but I do have much against Her false teaching. So with saying this I will continue to listen to what Joyce preaches,and with the help of the Holy Spirit write the truth as it is written in the Word of God. I will have to say that I do not have all the answers but I do have a real relationship with the one that does. I will continue to seek the face of God in order to be obedient to His Word. I am truly concerned about souls being lost following the false teaching of Joyce Leiphon and other teaching as She.


  96. Listening to Joyce teaching on March 25th I do have to make this comment. Revelation of the Word of God comes only through the Holy Spirit. Just like the scripture she used Matthew 16:15 about Peter answering Jesus saying, “ That thou art the Son of the Living God”. Yet she made a big emphasis on Peter's statement about having that “ revelation” but failed to go on and tell that in a few verses down, Jesus rebuked Peter even calling him Satan, because Peter didn't want a suffering Savior.
    Jesus had told Peter that flesh and blood had not revealed to him that Jesus was the Christ but by My Father who is in heaven! So we must line all revelation we think we are receiving up with the whole of the Word of God. We all must get the Revelation of Jesus Christ of who He is and what He has done for all men. That is the greatest of all Revelation. However this is only the beginning. Has Jesus Death on the Cross become Real in your Life? Or do you really believe as Satan believed, and Eve fell for that you too can become like God. You can demand anything you desire from God. Is it truly stuff that Jesus Died for or was it to save our souls from sin? Didn't Peter go on later and Deny the Lord not once but three times? When you leave the truth that is written in the Word of God for the so called truth that is being preached in so many pulpits today are you not doing just as Peter did? Are you not truly denying the Lord Jesus Christ? When you want to be like God talk like God and Create like God and you putting yourself in the same place as God on the earth have you not denied the only Son of the Living God Jesus Christ? Now Joyce said we have to finish the Work Jesus Started! Now how can we finish something that has already been finished? Did Jesus not say “ It is Finished?
    The is just one Scripture she used on Wed the 25th. I will write more on the others she used later.


  97. I have a question, I wonder how to find the answer from preachers such as the ones that are being spoken about on this blog? If we can become like God in the way that is being taught from many pulpits why was it a sin for Adam to want to be like God and eat of the fruit from the knowledge of good and evil? Aren't these preachers also committing the same sin as Adam, want to be just like God to be and do all that God can do?

  98. Indeed the hour is coming…that you will be scattered… —John 16:32

    Jesus was not rebuking the disciples in this passage. Their faith was real, but it was disordered and unfocused, and was not at work in the important realities of life. The disciples were scattered to their own concerns and they had interests apart from Jesus Christ. After we have the perfect relationship with God, through the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit, our faith must be exercised in the realities of everyday life. We will be scattered, not into service but into the emptiness of our lives where we will see ruin and barrenness, to know what internal death to God’s blessings means. Are we prepared for this? It is certainly not of our own choosing, but God engineers our circumstances to take us there. Until we have been through that experience, our faith is sustained only by feelings and by blessings. But once we get there, no matter where God may place us or what inner emptiness we experience, we can praise God that all is well. That is what is meant by faith being exercised in the realities of life.

    “…you…will leave Me alone.” Have we been scattered and have we left Jesus alone by not seeing His providential care for us? Do we not see God at work in our circumstances? Dark times are allowed and come to us through the sovereignty of God. Are we prepared to let God do what He wants with us? Are we prepared to be separated from the outward, evident blessings of God? Until Jesus Christ is truly our Lord, we each have goals of our own which we serve. Our faith is real, but it is not yet permanent. And God is never in a hurry. If we are willing to wait, we will see God pointing out that we have been interested only in His blessings, instead of in God Himself. The sense of God’s blessings is fundamental.

    “…be of good cheer, I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). Unyielding spiritual fortitude is what we need.

  99. I truly believe that if you are seeking your stuff or the Blessings of the Lord you are no longer seeking Him for who He is and What he had done on the Cross of Calvary but for the signs and wonders and miracles you no longer seek HIM.

  100. His Agony and Our Access
    Jesus came with them to a place called Gethsemane, and said to the disciples…."Stay here and watch with Me." —Matthew 26:36, 38

    We can never fully comprehend Christ’s agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, but at least we don’t have to misunderstand it. It is the agony of God and man in one Person, coming face to face with sin. We cannot learn about Gethsemane through personal experience. Gethsemane and Calvary represent something totally unique— they are the gateway into life for us.

    It was not death on the cross that Jesus agonized over in Gethsemane. In fact, He stated very emphatically that He came with the purpose of dying. His concern here was that He might not get through this struggle as the Son of Man. He was confident of getting through it as the Son of God— Satan could not touch Him there. But Satan’s assault was that our Lord would come through for us on His own solely as the Son of Man. If Jesus had done that, He could not have been our Savior (see Hebrews 9:11-15). Read the record of His agony in Gethsemane in light of His earlier wilderness temptation— “…the devil…departed from Him until an opportune time” (Luke 4:13). In Gethsemane, Satan came back and was overthrown again. Satan’s final assault against our Lord as the Son of Man was in Gethsemane.

    The agony in Gethsemane was the agony of the Son of God in fulfilling His destiny as the Savior of the world. The veil is pulled back here to reveal all that it cost Him to make it possible for us to become sons of God. His agony was the basis for the simplicity of our salvation. The Cross of Christ was a triumph for the Son of Man. It was not only a sign that our Lord had triumphed, but that He had triumphed to save the human race. Because of what the Son of Man went through, every human being has been provided with a way of access into the very presence of God.

  101. he Collision of God and Sin
    …who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree… —1 Peter 2:24

    The Cross of Christ is the revealed truth of God’s judgment on sin. Never associate the idea of martyrdom with the Cross of Christ. It was the supreme triumph, and it shook the very foundations of hell. There is nothing in time or eternity more absolutely certain and irrefutable than what Jesus Christ accomplished on the Cross— He made it possible for the entire human race to be brought back into a right-standing relationship with God. He made redemption the foundation of human life; that is, He made a way for every person to have fellowship with God.

    The Cross was not something that happened to Jesus— He came to die; the Cross was His purpose in coming. He is “the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Revelation 13:8). The incarnation of Christ would have no meaning without the Cross. Beware of separating “God was manifested in the flesh…” from “…He made Him…to be sin for us…” (1 Timothy 3:16 ; 2 Corinthians 5:21). The purpose of the incarnation was redemption. God came in the flesh to take sin away, not to accomplish something for Himself. The Cross is the central event in time and eternity, and the answer to all the problems of both.

    The Cross is not the cross of a man, but the Cross of God, and it can never be fully comprehended through human experience. The Cross is God exhibiting His nature. It is the gate through which any and every individual can enter into oneness with God. But it is not a gate we pass right through; it is one where we abide in the life that is found there.

    The heart of salvation is the Cross of Christ. The reason salvation is so easy to obtain is that it cost God so much. The Cross was the place where God and sinful man merged with a tremendous collision and where the way to life was opened. But all the cost and pain of the collision was absorbed by the heart of God.

  102. Why We Lack Understanding
    He commanded them that they should tell no one the things they had seen, till the Son of Man had risen from the dead. —Mark 9:9

    As the disciples were commanded, you should also say nothing until the Son of Man has risen in you— until the life of the risen Christ so dominates you that you truly understand what He taught while here on earth. When you grow and develop the right condition inwardly, the words Jesus spoke become so clear that you are amazed you did not grasp them before. In fact, you were not able to understand them before because you had not yet developed the proper spiritual condition to deal with them.

    Our Lord doesn’t hide these things from us, but we are not prepared to receive them until we are in the right condition in our spiritual life. Jesus said, “I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now” (John 16:12). We must have a oneness with His risen life before we are prepared to bear any particular truth from Him. Do we really know anything about the indwelling of the risen life of Jesus? The evidence that we do is that His Word is becoming understandable to us. God cannot reveal anything to us if we don’t have His Spirit. And our own unyielding and headstrong opinions will effectively prevent God from revealing anything to us. But our insensible thinking will end immediately once His resurrection life has its way with us.

    “…tell no one….” But so many people do tell what they saw on the Mount of Transfiguration— their mountaintop experience. They have seen a vision and they testify to it, but there is no connection between what they say and how they live. Their lives don’t add up because the Son of Man has not yet risen in them. How long will it be before His resurrection life is formed and evident in you and in me?


  103. This is taken from the It is the commentary of David Guizk Study Guide on 1 John. This is just and excerpt from his writing. I pray all who read this will see the truth that is not being taught at Light of the world church by Joyce Leiphon and those who teach as she. You cannot have fellowship with other Christians because do not follow Joyce Leiphon I have to question your relationship with The LORD Jesus Christ.

    But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.
    a. But if we walk in the light: This means to walk in a generally obedient life, without harboring known sin or resisting the conviction of the Holy Spirit on a particular point.
    i. John's message here means that a walk in the light is possible. We know that on this side of eternity, sinless perfection is not possible. Yet we can still walk in the light, so John does mean perfect obedience.
    ii. The Christian life is described as walking, which implies activity. Christian life feeds upon contemplation, but it displays itself in action. "Walking" implies action, continuity, and progress. Since God is active and walking, if you have fellowship with Him you will also be active and walking.
    b. As He is in the light: Since God is light (1 John 1:5), when we walk in the light we walk where He is. We are naturally together with Him in fellowship.
    c. We have fellowship with one another: We would have expected John to say, "We have fellowship with God." That is true, but already in the idea of walking together with God in the light. John wants to make it clear that fellow Christians who walk in the light enjoy fellowship with each other.
    i. This leads to an important idea: if we do not have fellowship with one another, then one party or both parties are not walking in the light. Two Christians who are in right relationship with God will also naturally be in right relationship with each other.

  104. I posted the above as there are several in my family who belong to Joyce Leiphon's Church, and some to are following her. The problem is they profess to be a Child of the most High God yet will not truly fellowship with anyone who does not follow Joyce and her teaching. Joyce uses scripture out of context to put fear in the hearts of those who follow her that they cannot discuss anything that is contrary to her teaching. They will not even talk about Jesus at all with those who do not trust Joyce teaching. Joyce has put so much fear in them they cannot have a relationship with their own children or other family members. They are so afraid of losing their so called "blessing" which is all the money they have put in Joyce Leiphon pocket hoping they will become rich. Well according to the Word of God " it ain't gonna happen". Only the one preaching as Joyce does is getting rich off the backs of those who follow her. I pray to " bind the spirit that has control of them and loose the Holy Spirit to open their eyes to the truth as it is Written in the Whole Word of God. Not the false truth you are hearing from preachers such as Joyce Leiphon and others.

  105. While reading in the “ Word of the Day” by Jimmy Swaggart this morning, I realize more the ever that those who preach as Joyce Leiphon and others are more like Elisha's servant Gehazi. Naaman wanted to an tried to pay Elisha for the healing he had received. Gods Blessing and gifts are free for all who would believe God and His Word ( Jesus). You can read about this in 2 King 5. Elisha was a type of Christ. Gehazi lied to Naaman said Elisha had changed his mind. Elisha being a type of Christ Gehazi tried to destroy the type of Christ the Elisha was. When you believe what is being taught at Light of the world church that you are to make your preacher rich then you will become rich isn't the preacher the same as Elisha's servant? Are they not trying to destroy the Work of Christ that is in you. All that God is and all that God has for those who believe in the Cross of Christ is free cost you nothing but Love and death of self. How can anyone say they have died to self when they want to be rich and have more then enough. When the Word of God says “ He will supply all our need” There are conditions to the Blessing. Just like there was a condition for Naaman to be healed. Naaman had to wash 7 time in the dirty water of the Jordan river. Are you being washed in the Blood of Christ or are you being washed in the same sin that Gehazi was filled with. Whether it is greed or any other reason it is still the same sin yes I did say Sin. Trying to change the Christ of the Bible for one that is not real or is false, another Jesus.

  106. The desire to be rich can really only be satisfied in Jesus Christ, and satisfied with spiritual riches rather than material ones. Everything else falls short.


  107. I have been listening to Joyce Leiphon for sometime now. What amazes me is how she can twist the scripture to mean what she wants it to mean. Like she is always talking about how Blessed with material wealth that Abraham, David and many of the Great men of the Bible. But she never talks about what happen to them when they disobey the Lord. Abraham had to send His son away, David's son with Bathsheba died, or the fact that Moses did not enter the Promised land because of His disobedience. She never speaks of the curses that were placed against the people who claimed to be God's child for their disobeying His Laws. Now just like back then we have the same problem. When the Priest of that day disobeyed the Lord and did their own thing many people followed their example. Which was doing it all their way. ( self). While there were some who still followed all the Lord and said to them by having their hearts turned to the God of all the living they suffered under the curses that the Priest and other spiritual leaders placed them under. Do you think it will be any different today ? When preachers such and Joyce Leiphon and others preach your best life now instead of preaching the truth about what Jesus did at the Cross of Calvary. Will you by following these teachers be like most in the old Testament turn from the truth and worship other gods instead of placing all you faith and trust in the Truth that is “ Jesus Christ and HIM Crucified” and that all our need is met there and only there at The Cross? Have you not reject the Lord Jesus Christ no matter how much you profess His name when you claim that you have become a “ little g god? When you believe you can make God do as you tell him to do by speaking His Word back to Him? That you can visualize what desire and God will have to give it to you? You pretend to be living just as Jesus lived on this earth while rejecting those who no longer trust you are speaking the Truth. Do you love others as yourself when you cannot discuss any Scripture with those who do not follow your teaching and will not allow your followers to discuss Scripture? Who did Jesus reject? Was it now the religious leadership of His day? I truly believe if Jesus has become Real to you the most important thing in your life is telling all your loved one the truth that the Lord and shown you. It is not about you or what you think or want it is all about what Jesus has done and given to you for FREE. It is so sad that many are rejecting Jesus Christ and His perfect Sacrifice while claiming to know Him yet still are seeking about gold and silver. Wanting to be God on the earth. Isn't wanting to be God on the earth the same thing Adam wanted?

  108. Matthew 16:26 Mark 8:36 Luke 9:25 I wonder how many that follow Joyce and others who teach such as she does have any Idea what Jesus is saying here. Many are preaching you can have your best life here in this life. But is that truly what the Word of God is saying? How can any life in this the Church age compare to the life we will live when Christ returns and we live with Him eternally? Do you truly want you best life now? Doesn't that mean you will not be spending eternity with the LORD since you have your best life now? So many questions I have for Joyce and those who follow her yet no answers. No one can ask questions of Joyce and what she teaches. I wonder if the others who are teaching as she does has told the people they cannot question anything that they teach? From what I understand coming from the pulpit at Light of the World church that you can't ask God any Questions either!! I ask my Father in Heaven questions all the time. Sometime the answer comes quickly and other time it take a lot of Searching the Word of God for the Answer. Sometime I do hear the LORD say no not now. I also have learned over the years I cannot take one Scripture and make a doctrine out of it. Just like the above Scriptures you need to read the whole chapter and maybe several before and after to get the complete meaning. Just like Chapter of Deut 28:1-15 and then ignoring the rest of the Chapter about what happens if you do not follow the first 15 verses. I have heard many preacher say there is always some truth in all false teaching yet the false will always destroy the truth. Is it true you can't ask God why He hasn't answered your Prayer?

  109. "All heaven is interested in the Cross of Christ, all hell terribly afraid of it, while men are the only beings who more or less ignore its meaning." --Oswald Chambers in Biblical Ethics from The Quotable Oswald Chambers


  110. I have to wonder how many families have been impacted in a bad way by the preaching of Joyce Leiphon and others preaching such as she. Do other preachers stand on their pulpit and tell their followers they cannot be around “ sinners”? Do other preachers exclude other family members from family Holiday gatherings because they no longer follow their teaching? Do other preachers take advantage of the elderly parents by convincing them to give money to them? Do the other preachers also tell their followers what the can and cannot do because like Moses God speaks to them and they the preacher tells the people. Do other preachers make plans when their parents or parent come to visit and exclude family members from the gatherings or do not contact them to let them in on the plans that are being made to include that family member. I will call these preachers the same thing Jesus called the religious leaders of His day. You hypocrite, you brood of vipers. The book of Isaiah says this about the religious leaders of Jesus day and also of preachers such as Joyce Leiphon. Isaiah 29:13 says,”These people draw near to Me with their mouth. And honor Me with their lips But their heart is far from Me and in vain they worship me, Teaching doctrines the commandments of men”.

    When any preacher believes and teaches they are more spiritual then anyone else, that they are here on this earth to tell you what God is saying today to their followers they are no longer following the True Word of God. According to the Whole Word of God I am not to have anything to do with preachers such as Joyce Leiphon. Preachers such as she are the ones we should be praying for but never have anything to do with and never support that ministry. These preachers are tools of Satan period. Do you really want to support the work of Satan?

    Now since Joyce Leiphon is my sister, she tells others that I am crazy and not to listen to me. I really do not care what anyone thinks about me. I will Stand for the Truth that is written in the Word of God and shout from the House tops that Jesus Christ is my Lord and My Savior. Jesus says “ If I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me. Who does Joyce lift up. It sure isn't Jesus Christ!!! Yes and I have told my family that follow Joyce if they do not repent of their sin they are in danger of losing their souls. Of course Joyce has not spoken to me in going on ten years. She will not answer any question. It grieves the Holy spirit in my to know that my family members are preaching and accepting a false gospel. Yes God is love and He loves His creation. He has sent a REDEEMER!! His only Son to save all those who place and keep their faith and trust in Jesus Christ. It is not the Word of Faith and Money cometh Religion yes Religion. Made made rules and commandments!!!

  111. The Greatest Source of Power

    Whatever you ask in My name, that I will do… —John 14:13

    Am I fulfilling this ministry of intercession deep within the hidden recesses of my life? There is no trap nor any danger at all of being deceived or of showing pride in true intercession. It is a hidden ministry that brings forth fruit through which the Father is glorified. Am I allowing my spiritual life to waste away, or am I focused, bringing everything to one central point— the atonement of my Lord? Is Jesus Christ more and more dominating every interest of my life? If the central point, or the most powerful influence, of my life is the atonement of the Lord, then every aspect of my life will bear fruit for Him.

    However, I must take the time to realize what this central point of power is. Am I willing to give one minute out of every hour to concentrate on it? “If you abide in Me…”— that is, if you continue to act, and think, and work from that central point— “you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you” (John 15:7). Am I abiding? Am I taking the time to abide? What is the greatest source of power in my life? Is it my work, service, and sacrifice for others, or is it my striving to work for God? It should be none of these— what ought to exert the greatest power in my life is the atonement of the Lord. It is not on what we spend the greatest amount of time that molds us the most, but whatever exerts the most power over us. We must make a determination to limit and concentrate our desires and interests on the atonement by the Cross of Christ.

    “Whatever you ask in My name, that I will do….” The disciple who abides in Jesus is the will of God, and what appears to be his free choices are actually God’s foreordained decrees. Is this mysterious? Does it appear to contradict sound logic or seem totally absurd? Yes, but what a glorious truth it is to a saint of God.
    Jf Cecil

  112. What does love your neighbor as yourselves mean? Does it mean you can shun those who do not believe what you believe? Does it mean you have the right to treat them as though they are less then you? Does it mean you can treat them as though they are “ sinners”. Are you treating your neighbor as yourself when you will not allow family members to join in family gatherings? How would you feel when the family gathered together but excluded you no matter the reason? I am asking this question because the Pastor of Light of the World church had her mother who is 92 years old to come to visit Fla. However, she and other members of the family did everything possible to exclude a family member who no longer follows the teaching of this pastor. They did not contact this family member about the visit of the Grandmother. When they wanted to bring the grandmother to visit this person was given no notice and they were unable to allow the visit. This pastor and other family members knew the only day this other family member could visit was on a Monday before the grandmother was to go back to Ky. When someone from KY called to talked to them they all lied and said they had tried three times but could not make arrangements for the grandmother to visit the other family member. I just cannot wrap my head around how any one who claims to know the Love of the Lord Jesus Christ could treat any person in this way. Even harder to understand is how they could treat their own child this way. This is what goes on in the the Church that is being lead by Joyce Leiphon. This is a cult that the Preacher has to have totally control of all who follow her. They lie to protect their preacher they shun anyone who will not submit to her teaching. How doe this show anyone outside of this church the Love of Jesus Christ? If I have to treat others as dirt in order to be what Joyce Leiphon claims to be and to teach I sure do not want to be one as it sure doesn't show me that Christ lives in these people. Who did Jesus reject? From all I understand in the Holy Bible it was people like Joyce Leiphon and her two sisters who follow her and anyone one in her church who shuns their family for not following Joyce Leiphon. Are you really Following Jesus teaching by doing what Joyce tells you to do? Or are you rejecting the truth for the lie? Jfcecil

  113. Getting There (2)

    They said to Him, "Rabbi…where are You staying?" He said to them, "Come and see." —John 1:38-39

    Where our self-interest sleeps and the real interest is awakened. “They…remained with Him that day….” That is about all some of us ever do. We stay with Him a short time, only to wake up to our own realities of life. Our self-interest rises up and our abiding with Him is past. Yet there is no circumstance of life in which we cannot abide in Jesus.

    “You are Simon….You shall be called Cephas” (John 1:42). God writes our new name only on those places in our lives where He has erased our pride, self-sufficiency, and self-interest. Some of us have our new name written only in certain spots, like spiritual measles. And in those areas of our lives we look all right. When we are in our best spiritual mood, you would think we were the highest quality saints. But don’t dare look at us when we are not in that mood. A true disciple is one who has his new name written all over him— self-interest, pride, and self-sufficiency have been completely erased.

    Pride is the sin of making “self” our god. And some of us today do this, not like the Pharisee, but like the tax collector (see Luke 18:9-14). For you to say, “Oh, I’m no saint,” is acceptable by human standards of pride, but it is unconscious blasphemy against God. You defy God to make you a saint, as if to say, “I am too weak and hopeless and outside the reach of the atonement by the Cross of Christ.” Why aren’t you a saint? It is either that you do not want to be a saint, or that you do not believe that God can make you into one. You say it would be all right if God saved you and took you straight to heaven. That is exactly what He will do! And not only do we make our home with Him, but Jesus said of His Father and Himself, “…We will come to him and make Our home with him” (John 14:23). Put no conditions on your life— let Jesus be everything to you, and He will take you home with Him not only for a day, but for eternity.

  114. I wonder if Jesus walked into Light of the World Church and started speaking against what Joyce Leiphon teaches would she and other be able to recognized Him or would she escort him from the church under the threat of being arrested? Just a thought I have. Wonder how many times Jesus has gone into any church and been rejected? You know it is not impossible for this to happen!

  115. Beware of Criticizing Others

    Judge not, that you be not judged. —Matthew 7:1

    Jesus’ instructions with regard to judging others is very simply put; He says, “Don’t.” The average Christian is the most piercingly critical individual known. Criticism is one of the ordinary activities of people, but in the spiritual realm nothing is accomplished by it. The effect of criticism is the dividing up of the strengths of the one being criticized. The Holy Spirit is the only one in the proper position to criticize, and He alone is able to show what is wrong without hurting and wounding. It is impossible to enter into fellowship with God when you are in a critical mood. Criticism serves to make you harsh, vindictive, and cruel, and leaves you with the soothing and flattering idea that you are somehow superior to others. Jesus says that as His disciple you should cultivate a temperament that is never critical. This will not happen quickly but must be developed over a span of time. You must constantly beware of anything that causes you to think of yourself as a superior person.

    There is no escaping the penetrating search of my life by Jesus. If I see the little speck in your eye, it means that I have a plank of timber in my own (see Matthew 7:3-5). Every wrong thing that I see in you, God finds in me. Every time I judge, I condemn myself (see Romans 2:17-24). Stop having a measuring stick for other people. There is always at least one more fact, which we know nothing about, in every person’s situation. The first thing God does is to give us a thorough spiritual cleaning. After that, there is no possibility of pride remaining in us. I have never met a person I could despair of, or lose all hope for, after discerning what lies in me apart from the grace of God.

  116. I took my grand children to VBS this week. The Pastor was teaching the children on the Prodigal Son. Luke 15:13
    As I was thinking about what he was telling the Children I wondered how many “ Christians” are just like the Prodigal Son wanting all of their Inheritance now instead of waiting until the LORD Returns. So many teach to have your best life now, to live like Royalty now,To confess until you get, live like a millionaire now. I was thinking if people do these things are they not doing just what the Prodigal Son did? Jesus is not dead so how can we or anyone receive our inheritance while living in this the natural body when Jesus is alive? The inheritance is still belonging to Jesus Christ. What truly is the inheritance we have or will receive from our LORD and Savior? Isn't it eternal life with HIM, or is it your best life now and you can be a millionaire or live like one? Is it really that you can think like God do like God, Speak like God? OR like Adam become just like God. Is commanding money to come to you what Jesus truly said. Did he not tell the rich young ruler to sell all he had and give it to the poor? Or did He tell the rich young ruler that he was keeping all the commandments and he deserved all that he had? Are we truly seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness or are we seeking for material wealth? Are we changing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and HIM Crucified to mean what we want it to be?

  117. What is this new thing now that this so called pastor is doing posting a link for others to partner with her? She states that Jesus is the "senior partner". I thought Joyce was always the "senior partner". Another one of her scams to fill her pockets?

  118. Is the pastor working on husband number 6 yet?

  119. I have my grandchildren for the summer. I do not listen to Joyce Leiphon while the children are here. I do not want them to hear all the garbage she is preaching. Their young mind do not have the ability to understand that not everything that is preached from the pulpit is truth. I did look at her website a few minutes ago and I can not find the link the above post is mentioning. Or is it the on line giving app? So sad to distort the truth that is written in the Word of God for nothing but the flesh, and man made " religion".


  120. Perhaps if you type in the word partnering and lotwc you will see it. It shows a picture of Joyce staring holding a Bible and in big bold print says something about partner with the anointed to reach the world or something to that effect.

  121. Thanks I found it. what a joke. she must be hurting for money and will go after any way she can. So sad

  122. I wonder how many people will be foolish enough to fall for it.

  123. I pray not many! I do believe in giving to the Ministry of God those who are preaching the real truth and not putting most of the money in their own pockets as this and other ministries are doing. I am sure Lotwc will never allow anyone to see where all the money goes. I went to a church once where the Pastor asked " Who want to be a millionaire" then proceeded to tells us if we wanted to become rich we had to give large sums of money to his church. I did not believe that then nor do I believe anything that come out of LOTWC. It is all flesh, all about self about bring God down to the level of humans. So sad.

  124. Don't know whether or not she's working on husband 6; but after what this whacko woman threatened to do to husband 4, it didn't take too long to figure out why number 5, ironically a pastor, made such a hasty exit and left Florida.

  125. The Inevitable Penalty

    You will by no means get out of there till you have paid the last penny. —Matthew 5:26

    There is no heaven that has a little corner of hell in it. God is determined to make you pure, holy, and right, and He will not allow you to escape from the scrutiny of the Holy Spirit for even one moment. He urged you to come to judgment immediately when He convicted you, but you did not obey. Then the inevitable process began to work, bringing its inevitable penalty. Now you have been “thrown into prison, [and]…you will by no means get out of there till you have paid the last penny” (5:25-26). Yet you ask, “Is this a God of mercy and love?” When seen from God’s perspective, it is a glorious ministry of love. God is going to bring you out pure, spotless, and undefiled, but He wants you to recognize the nature you were exhibiting— the nature of demanding your right to yourself. The moment you are willing for God to change your nature, His recreating forces will begin to work. And the moment you realize that God’s purpose is to get you into the right relationship with Himself and then with others, He will reach to the very limits of the universe to help you take the right road. Decide to do it right now, saying, “Yes, Lord, I will write that letter,” or, “I will be reconciled to that person now.”

    These sermons of Jesus Christ are meant for your will and your conscience, not for your head. If you dispute these verses from the Sermon on the Mount with your head, you will dull the appeal to your heart.

    If you find yourself asking, “I wonder why I’m not growing spiritually with God?”— then ask yourself if you are paying your debts from God’s standpoint. Do now what you will have to do someday. Every moral question or call comes with an “ought” behind it— the knowledge of knowing what we ought to do.

  126. Joyce Leiphon is the ultimate sociopath.

  127. I have to say that Jesus Christ died for Joyce Leiphon even if she is not preaching the truth. Even if she is not treating her neighbor as herself we must pray for her salvation. That will come with her repentance by turning from her evil wicked ways and follow the ways of the LORD.

  128. Actually, the term sociopath as applicable to Joyce Leiphon is incorrect. There are a few sociopaths who do possess a small degree of conscience. Psychopaths have no conscience whatsoever. Therefore, it's quite obvious that Joyce Leiphon is a full blown psychopath. In time, all of those who are following her will figure that out.

  129. Wonder why Joyce never preaches on the Words of Jesus that come against the Religious leaders of His day. Such as Matthew 15 and Matthew 23 just a few to mention. The Religious leaders of Jesus day where just as dangerous as the so Called Religious ministers of today who teach to give your first fruit offerings failing to realize that Jesus Christ fulfilled all the offering with His death burial and resurrection. You do not have to ask forgiveness for sins after becoming " born again" or that the Holy Spirit does not convict saved people of sin. Or if the Holy Spirit tells you something different then what they are preaching from the pulpit then it isn't the HOLY SPIRIT. Could it be that these preachers are not preachers of the true Gospel just like the "religious" leaders of Jesus day did not obey the LORD and His commandments but put a heavy burden on the regular people? Are they not also like those of Jesus day who believed that if you were rich you were blessed of God but if you were not rich you were not being blessed?




    Let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together… —Hebrews 10:24-25
    We are all capable of being spiritually lazy saints. We want to stay off the rough roads of life, and our primary objective is to secure a peaceful retreat from the world. The ideas put forth in these verses from Hebrews 10 are those of stirring up one another and of keeping ourselves together. Both of these require initiative— our willingness to take the first step toward Christ-realization, not the initiative toward self-realization. To live a distant, withdrawn, and secluded life is diametrically opposed to spirituality as Jesus Christ taught it.
    The true test of our spirituality occurs when we come up against injustice, degradation, ingratitude, and turmoil, all of which have the tendency to make us spiritually lazy. While being tested, we want to use prayer and Bible reading for the purpose of finding a quiet retreat. We use God only for the sake of getting peace and joy. We seek only our enjoyment of Jesus Christ, not a true realization of Him. This is the first step in the wrong direction. All these things we are seeking are simply effects, and yet we try to make them causes.
    “Yes, I think it is right,” Peter said, “…to stir you up by reminding you…” (2 Peter 1:13). It is a most disturbing thing to be hit squarely in the stomach by someone being used of God to stir us up— someone who is full of spiritual activity. Simple active work and spiritual activity are not the same thing. Active work can actually be the counterfeit of spiritual activity. The real danger in spiritual laziness is that we do not want to be stirred up— all we want to hear about is a spiritual retirement from the world. Yet Jesus Christ never encourages the idea of retirement— He says, “Go and tell My brethren…” (Matthew 28:10).

  131. The Spiritually Vigorous Saint

    …that I may know Him… —Philippians 3:10

    A saint is not to take the initiative toward self-realization, but toward knowing Jesus Christ. A spiritually vigorous saint never believes that his circumstances simply happen at random, nor does he ever think of his life as being divided into the secular and the sacred. He sees every situation in which he finds himself as the means of obtaining a greater knowledge of Jesus Christ, and he has an attitude of unrestrained abandon and total surrender about him. The Holy Spirit is determined that we will have the realization of Jesus Christ in every area of our lives, and He will bring us back to the same point over and over again until we do. Self-realization only leads to the glorification of good works, whereas a saint of God glorifies Jesus Christ through his good works. Whatever we may be doing— even eating, drinking, or washing disciples’ feet— we have to take the initiative of realizing and recognizing Jesus Christ in it. Every phase of our life has its counterpart in the life of Jesus. Our Lord realized His relationship to the Father even in the most menial task. “Jesus, knowing…that He had come from God and was going to God,…took a towel…and began to wash the disciples’ feet…” (John 13:3-5).

    The aim of a spiritually vigorous saint is “that I may know Him…” Do I know Him where I am today? If not, I am failing Him. I am not here for self-realization, but to know Jesus Christ. In Christian work our initiative and motivation are too often simply the result of realizing that there is work to be done and that we must do it. Yet that is never the attitude of a spiritually vigorous saint. His aim is to achieve the realization of Jesus Christ in every set of circumstances.

  132. The person who gave Joyce Leiphon $10,000 so that she and her daughter could go to Italy; are they still a member of this cult worshiping her or have they finally come to their senses and left this group?

  133. I believe they finally got smart and left this con woman.

  134. as far as I know they are still at that cult church. Most of the other money people have left

  135. Sorry. I could have been mistaken. I thought that I had read somewhere that they had left. But if they are still worshiping this cult leader, hopefully they will wise up and figure it all out.

  136. I think this couple have been with this cult from the being. No unless God moves drastically in their lives they will continue to give Joyce what ever it is she wants. The believe they are doing the will of God as Joyce tells them. They do not seek the face of God for their own self but trust in the woman that lies to them.

  137. All I can say then is that this couple had better watch their backs if they ever piss Joyce off or get on the wrong side of her, because this mentally unbalanced pastor is crazy enough to do anything.

  138. Joyce is careful not to make these people mad. She has put them under the bondage of her lies and half truths. They are afraid to cross her. I know how delusional Joyce is and you are right she is capable of anything. I pray that the Holy Spirit remove the blinders form the eyes of the people following her. Joyce is what Jesus spoke of about the " blind leading the blind"

  139. I truly believe there are houses and cars and material blessing in the Cross of Christ. Matthew 6 tells us to seek first the KINGDOM of God all all these will be added to you. God knows all our need. Most of us believe if we want it, it must be something the Lord has told us we can have. Because He knows all my need. What do we all need more the material blessing? In my heart and mind I know I need Jesus Christ in my heart more then I need material blessings. I am blessed just with knowing that Jesus Christ on the Cross made it possible for me to have a real relationship with the Father. When Jesus died on the Cross the veil in the temple of God was torn from top to bottom. ( Matt 27:51) Opening up heaven to all who would believe and accept the redemption that Jesus was offering to all men. Does that mean I will be rich in material goods, maybe but not necessarily. Does this mean I will never be sick or in pain because there is Healing in the cross. Absolutely not. Does healing that is part of the redemption plan of God depend on if I have enough faith to believe. I do not believe this is so. Why because God heals who He wills to heal. I do believe in miracles and I have receive a great healing not just in my body ( cancer) but in my heart. I know longer want what I want I only want what my God my Lord my Master My Savior wants for me. The only way I can determind what that is, is by seeking the face of God, by searching the truth that is written in the HOLY Word of God for myself not taking the word of another human being. Yes the Lord does use people to point us in the right direction, God has people praying for those He knows will turn to Him and accept His Son and His redemption plan. When anyonr stand on the Pulpit and tells you if you want what I have you have to do what I have done. Isn't that perosn telling you it is okay to sin? If you want what you preacher has ( money) and you do not have the means as the preacher has to steal money from those following them are you not practicing Covetousness just like your preacher? Isn't your preacher also practicing Covetousness because she is wanting your money. Yeah she does say she deserves it because she spends so much time traveling and reading and studying so she can tell you how to get what she has. You know something, I would rather be homeless, penniless then be what Joyce Leiphon has become.You can read what she has become in Galatians the first chapter. She is preaching another gospel it is called “ Money cometh.” Is your Faith truly in Christ Jesus or is it in what you profess?

  140. I would advise anyone, whether they still worship this woman, or whether they have been delivered and left the cult, to watch their backs. Joyce Leiphon actually threatened to poison one of her many ex-husbands, so she is not past doing anything. This is not here-say. I learned this from a highly credible source who actually witnessed Joyce making the threat. Don't trust her for a second.

  141. Oh my goodness. He should have had her arrested for threatening to kill him. Yes I know Joyce is capable of anything just as we all are. We can profess Jesus all we want but that does not mean we are one of HIS. It has been proven that she is still the same old person she has always been by the way she has treated her family members. She truly must believe she is god.

  142. Joyce spends so much time in the Old Testament it surprises me that she can not see that God sends people to correct those whom He loves. Did God not send Nathan to tell David of His great sins? Did David reject that correction? (2 Sam 7). No David accepted the correction and repented. David grieved over his sin that is what you read in Psalm 51. David just like we all suffered the consequence of sin, Because of the Sin of Adultery David's son died along with much disruption in his family. His own children sought to kill him.

    According to the Law of Moses there was no sacrifice that could be offered for mass murder which David had committed. Adulterers and Murders were to be stoned to death. Yet God in His loving Kindness and His great mercy made a way for David.
    As Children of the Most high God we are corrected or chastened by God when we wonder off on our own. Just as David was chastened by God.
    Out of the pastor of Light of the World Church own mouth she has admitted many have come to tell her she is not preaching the true Word of God, the True Gospel of Our Lord and Savior, Did she do as David did, or did she reject the chastisement of God. According the the preaching I have heard from her she has rejected everyone God has sent to her. Only a person who believes they are equal with God and is Proud will reject what the LORD sends. We all think of greiving because a loved one has died but have you ever greived over your sin as David did. Doing a study while preparing to write this paper I realized so much about the sin in my life and had to ask myself have I ever truly greive over my sin. I can say I have over some and not over others. I pray that we all can do as David did and truly grieve over our sin which is true repentence. Jesus Christ is and was the only Perfect human being that has every lived. The Word of God says all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. Yes Jesus paid the price for our redemption but our lives if we are truly one of HIS does not go without chastisement. Hebrew 12:1-29.

  143. A very evil, mean spirited woman. A real sicko, but not so sick that she doesn't know how to prey on her followers and rip them off. Too bad they are so blinded and brainwashed that they can't see it. Leiphon must truly have them under her absolute total power and control. Exactly as a cult operates.

  144. While I only listen to a portion of what Joyce preached on Sunday August 2, It was refreshing to her in these few minutes preach the truth. However, with saying this using some of the Scriptures she used I have to ask How can you preach on forgiveness ( Matthew 6:12) yet treat family members as she does. For one she will not speak to some members others she will not allow them to attend family function. I have heard her say she cannot be around sinners!! How can you believe what she preaches when she does not walk the walk but just talks the talk. Joyce talks about we have no right to take offense. Well, when her niece, exercise her free will that God has given her and He will never take away, left Joyce's church and Married the man the LORD sent to her. When Joyce told her God never told her ( Joyce) this was the one. From all I have heard her preach she thinks all those following her teaching, she is always right and her followers cannot exercise their God given free will. Sound to me like she is the same kind of Leader of Iran. What he says is the truth and if you do not agree with him on all matters you are an infidel. According to Joyce if you do not agree with all she says and allow her to control all that you do you are a sinner. Out of her own mouth she has said many have come to tell her what she is doing is not the Truth that is written in the Word of God. With saying this How can anyone stand on the pulpit as she does and teach on forgiveness when this woman does not forgive anyone but causes offenses ( causes others to sin). Luke 1:1,2 pertains to Joyce, as she has caused many to sin against God. She shuns those who tell her the truth and those who no longer worship her as their God.

  145. This woman's thinking and logic has become so demented and so deranged (in her mind, everyone on the face of the planet EXCEPT Joyce Leiphon is totally wrong and everyone on the face of the planet EXCEPT Joyce Leiphon is a sinner), isn't this extremely dangerous mindset just like that of a terrorist?

  146. It's interesting how this pastor tells others that they cannot be around sinners. With all of the evil acts this woman has committed, then everyone needs to stay clear of her as well. Joyce Leiphon is the classic example of a psychopath; everyone is wrong except them.

  147. I probably will not listen to the rest of what Joyce was saying about forgiveness. I have heard enough. she is preaching on this subject to use it as an excuse to shun those who have left her control and other family members. Just because a family member no longer obeys you is not the reason to shun them. Just because family members love you and tell you the truth is no reason to shun them either. If Joyce truly had the truth she and her followers could sit down with others and go through the bible with them and prove the Words they speak are the truth according to the Whole Word of God not just a few scriptures taken out of the context there. She refuses to do this and will not allow her followers to do so. She is leading many souls to destruction no matter how you cut it. She is preaching another gospel and another Jesus. She is following deceiving spirits. We are warned even by Jesus himself about the wolves in sheep clothing those who preach such as Joyce Leiphon and others. If you say you love someone but will not go the extra mile to show them the truth but avoid them and say they are the in the wrong is that truly showing the Love Christ as shown us all? Joyce and Her followers do not want the truth. Everything we have need of is in the Cross of Jesus Christ as we place all our faith and trust in HIS finished work. NOT in what we declare decree or demand.

  148. The more I think about Joyce and the message on forgiveness from Sunday the more I know she is a hypocrite. In the past she has spoken of how much she learned from our Dad. Our dad renounced the Roman Catholic church along with the Word of Faith and the Prosperity Gospel. He burned every book he had that was written by E.W. Kenyon, Kenneth Hagin. Ken Copeland. However, with saying this our dad never shunned Joyce or other family members who chose to keep following these false teachers. As a matter of fact after he retired he spent a lot of time with Joyce and her family in Fl. It has only been since our dad went on to be with the LORD that Joyce has become such a hypocrite as to shun anyone who does not believe what she teaches. I know our Dad rebuked her and other family members following these wolves in sheep clothing. Joyce was told that the God in the Bible is not the god that the Catholic church and the Word of Faith and prosperity gospel teach. They are teaching another Gospel and another Jesus. Our dad continued to show the Love of God to all no matter what they believed. He told the truth according to the whole Word of God. It is only when you do not have a true understanding of the true Gospel that you are tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine. Joyce is following every wind of false doctrine she can get her hands on. If you put counterfeit money next to the real you can tell the difference. So if you but the Real Gospel of Jesus Christ next to the counterfeit gospel that Joyce preaches you will soon see the real. That is the reason she will not sit down and go over the Whole Word of God with someone who does not believe what she teaches. She will be proven to be a Counterfeit. Our dad was the most loving and forgiving man I have ever know after the LORD touched his life.. He had plenty of excuses to shun many of us and he never did. That is what Joyce is offering excuses to shun those who do not follow her.

  149. Our Lord has a special place in Heaven for his true children, those who love Him, believe in Him and follow Him. Satan has a special place in Hell for people like Joyce Leiphon. The day will come when she will receive her due for the way she has treated people on this earth.


  150. This is an email that was forward to me. This person sent this email to Joyce.

    Please!!!  Leave my family alone!!!  I am begging you!!!  You have already ruined Deanna and Susan's life. Just stop it now!!!  What is wrong with you?!!  You used to be so nice. Now, all you care about is money???  I so wish Grandaddy could see what you were doing to his family. He would be appalled!!!  There is a better and more honest way to make money than praying on others. The only one getting rewarded is you. Stop this selfishness. You don't care that your sister is living in a trailer, lost her only daughter and granddaughter?  You don't care that you are ruining my family's life?  Ha!  The more they give the more THEY will be blessed. Sounds like you are the only one blessed here. Yes, you need these poor souls to pay your mortgage for a house that you don't need. What about helping the needy?  Spending money in less fortunate places???  Huh???  No, all I see is free money on your part. Spending time soaking up the rays, traveling to exotic places. You disgust me!!!!  I used to love you and thought you hung the moon. Something is seriously wrong with you and you need help. As a preacher, you should be showing are the complete opposite. God help your soul for your selfish ways!!!!

  151. I heard from a reliable source that Joyce is no longer giving to Leroy Thompson or running to his conferences.
    Does anyone know for a fact this is true?

  152. I have to wonder since most of the People that follow Joyce Leiphon and believe every word that comes out of her mouth have ever check the IRS tax code on “ gift Giving”. Many would be surprise that they are breaking the Law if they do not report this “ gift” on their income tax return. I have spent the last two days researching this. I even sat on Hold with the IRS for over an hour seeking answers. I am sure this is not the only preacher breaking the Tax code Law. If you give your pastor over $14,000 this year, you owe the IRS a “ gift tax”. If you have given over $12,000 if the previous years and not declared on you tax form you are in volation of the Law.
    If your Preacher has not declared this on their tax forms they are breaking the Law of the Land. It is called Income tax evasion. If you the giver does not declare this “ gift” on their tax forms they also are breaking the Law. It doesn't matter what the preacher says it is what the Law says. Wake up people research not only the tax laws but what the Word of God says about Paying to Caesar what is Caesars and to God what is Gods. Is your preacher putting you in trouble with the IRS.

  153. forgot to say even cash money can be traced.

  154. It is so sad that any mother would choose Joyce Leiphon over their children and Grandchildren. I can understand choosing Jesus Christ over any person, place or thing but never another person especially a preacher. 2Tim 3:1-9 tells us evil men (women) will creep into households and make captive of gullible women. How many woman are following Joyce Leiphon as though she is God. How many women shun their own daughters because the do not adhere to Joyce teaching? How many have left this church because the could not disown their children in order to please Joyce. I was just wondering how many more families will be destroyed because of the Greed of this woman. I wonder how long it will take for the Authorities to shut her down for operating a pyramid scheme.the money flow from her followers into her pocket and the rarely if ever get the return she promises. this is also multi level marketing. Joyce is pimping the word of God for her own personal Gain. Is that truly what the NEW Covenant teaches?

  155. Section 102(c) of the tax code tells us that a "gift" shall not include...
    "any amount transferred by or for an employer to, or for the benefit of, an employee."
    There are 2 exceptions to this rule:
    De minimis so insignificant in value that accounting for them would be unreasonable or administratively impracticable. [IRC132(e)]   An employee gift of a ham or turkey would be a good example of this rule. Such a "gift" would not be taxable to the employee...but a Christmas cash bonus would be taxable. (Cash, gift cards, or other cash equivalents are not de minimis gifts, regardless of how small the value). See more on the tax consequences of staff gifts.
    Employee achievement awards...requires a written, nondiscriminatory award program, which provides awards either upon attaining longevity goals or safety standards and meets other requirements for type of gift and limits on amounts.

  156. Properly Handling Love Offerings:
    We also have the following IRS court cases that lay a foundation of guidelines for determining when a "gift" is considered nontaxable to the recipient and nondeductible to the donor:
    Duberstein and Bogardus, both Supreme Court decisions; Banks v.Comm, 62 T.C.M. 1611; and an 8th Circuit case, Goodwin v. U.S. 67F.3d 149.
    From the preceding cases we find the following guidelines for nontaxable "gifts":
    1. It cannot be for a service performed
    2. Must be spontaneous in nature
    3. Cannot be solicited
    4. Cannot be a tax deduction for the donor
    In the Goodwin case and the Banks case the courts ruled that the special love offerings given to the pastors on special occasions such as Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries, etc. were taxable income based on these factors:
    Source of the "gifts".
    The gifts were not spontaneous but part of a "highly structured program" for transferring money to the minister on a regular basis.
    Were made by the whole congregation and not by individual donors.
    Two weeks before the special occasion envelopes were given out for the "gifts" (Goodwin case)
    Gifts were not counted or processed thorough the church's records. (Goodwin case)
    Size of the "gifts".
    In the Banks case, the love gifts totaled more than $40,000 annually and were in addition to the pastor's regular salary.
    In the Goodwin case, the love gifts totaled around $12,000 to $15,000 for the 3 audited years. The pastor's salary for those 3 years was $7,800 to $16,835. So the court noted that the gifts were a substantial past of the pastor's overall compensation.
    The church members stated they contributed to the special occasion love offerings to show their appreciation, love, and respect for their pastor.
    So the court ruled that the offerings were compensation for services rendered (and therefore taxable) rather than a tax free gift proceeding from a "detached and disinterested generosity" (guidelines set from the Duberstein case).
    Why should this matter to your church? of the number one issues that hurt churches in an IRS audit is improperly paying employees or non-employees.
    Those weekly or monthly love offerings you give your church musicians or pastors could potentially turn into a financial nightmare for them and your church...because the gifts could be considered payment for a service performed and it definitely is not a spontaneous gift.
    So you would need to either include these amounts in their W-2s...or...if over $600 paid annually to non employees...send 1099s to these recipients.
    I know there will be many of you that disagree with me and as I have stated several times....never take what you read on the internet at face value.
    Do your own research and for the sake of your church and staff....educate yourself on the proper documentation and handling of love gifts.
    However, be aware that even CPAs that do not specialize in church accounting may not know all the complex rules and regulations surrounding churches and related matters such as love offerings. Case in point is this article written by Raul Rivera of StartCHURCH about love offerings given to pastors.
    In an article written by Frank Sommerville, JD, CPA, Benevolence: The right help given the right way he states:
    ...“love offerings,” pastoral appreciation gifts, Christmas gifts, anniversary gifts and birthday gifts that flow from the church to the church employee are always taxable. Even retirement gifts are taxable to the recipient. No exceptions to this rule exist.
    Dan Busby, CPA, author of the book: Zondervan 2013 Church and Nonprofit Tax and Financial Guide
    Richard Hammer, J.D., LL.M, CPA author of Church and Clergy Tax Guide

  157. Hope everyone who knows someone follow Joyce Leiphon tell them to check it out and see if this is not the truth. Go see a Tax lawyer then could be in big trouble with the IRS.

  158. Found this on facebook would this man be welcomed in your church? Or would he be treated the same as these so called Christians treated him?

    Pastor Jeremiah Steepek transformed himself into a homeless person and went to the 10,000 member church that he was to be introduced as the head pastor at that morning. He walked around his soon to be church for 30 minutes while it was filling with people for service....only 3 people out of the 7-10,000 people said hello to him. He asked people for change to buy food....NO ONE in the church gave him change. He went into the sanctuary to sit down in the front of the church and was asked by the ushers if he would please sit n the back. He greeted people to be greeted back with stares and dirty looks, with people looking down on him and judging him.
    As he sat in the back of the church, he listened to the church announcements and such. When all that was done, the elders went up and were excited to introduce the new pastor of the church to the congregation........"We would like to introduce to you Pastor Jeremiah Steepek"....The congregation looked around clapping with joy and anticipation.....The homeless man sitting in the back stood up.....and started walking down the aisle.....the clapping stopped with ALL eyes on him....he walked up the altar and took the microphone from the elders (who were in on this) and paused for a moment....then he recited
    “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’
    “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
    After he recited this, he looked towards the congregation and told them all what he had experienced that morning...many began to cry and many heads were bowed in shame.... he then said....Today I see a gathering of people......not a church of Jesus Christ. The world has enough people, but not enough disciples...when will YOU decide to become disciples? He then dismissed service until next week.......Being a Christian is more than something you claim. I'ts something you live by and share with others.


  159. I have had a family member refer to Joyce and her follower as a “ Jim Jones” cult. What more evidence is needed when family members disown their own children because they speak the truth. Light of the world Church is a cult. It is a religion where Joyce Leiphon has become her members God. Just like Jim Jones did. The Government finally started and investigation and he left the USA. Beware, if you are following Joyce Leiphon, I am positive there will be an investigation sooner or later. If not Please do not sell everything you have and go with Joyce anywhere, be careful not to drink the kool aide. Even if the government doesn't get her for income evasion, we as true Christians are to obey all the law of the Land unless they are ungodly law. Paying your taxes is not against the Word of God. But cheating on you taxes is. She says she is a follower of Jesus Christ. I say she is not following the truth that has been written in the word of God but following her hearts desire to be rich at the expense of all who she gains control over.

  160. You know I could never understand how someone could ever believe they are so super spiritual that only they can listen to other preachers but tell you that you cannot because it could confuse you. Listening to Joyce the other day, I heard her use again a phrase I know she has gotten for Jimmy Swaggart and His program on and the Message of the Cross that he teaches. This sounds so much like the cult church that even Joyce said she has renounced. How is it that Joyce can listen and then use phrases that are being taught by Jimmy Swaggart, but her followers after almost 10 years are not mature enough to listen to another preacher?

  161. Listened to Joyce Leiphon message from Wednesday night teaching August 12, 2015. Again she is listening to Jimmy Swaggart and his progroms of Study of the Word and the Message of the Cross. She is using much of what he is teaching about the Cross. One comment she said was His exact works. “1.Jesus Christ is The Source of All Blessing.” She fails to tell anyone to go listen to all he has to say on this subject. The reason she doesn't tell her followers to listen to His teachings is because He and many other preachers come against all she is teaching. Has this preacher denied Jesus by adding to His Gospel by still saying we can decree what ever we want. She tells her follower that their marriage will be restored if they only believe. There relationship with their children will be restored if they only believe. You know the devil himself believes in Jesus and what He did on the cross. Joyce even said if you are trying to control any situation it is “ witchcraft” . When she herself is the one that controls what you can and cannot accept as the truth. She doesn't encourage her followers to Listen to anyone but herself. Some of her followers marriages are falling apart they have disowned their own children from what Joyce tells the they must do. Some marriages have already ended in divorce because they listen to this teaching from Joyce. I say if you truly Love the Lord and I am sure that many do you will go to and listen for yourself what the man is saying and compare it to what you preacher is saying. Just Like Jimmy Swaggart says no one person has all the truth but when you listen to Joyce doesn't she try to convince you that her teaching is all that there is concerning the Word of God. What if Joyce is not teaching the Truth but only a partial truth and you miss something the True Whole Word of God is saying to all who place their Faith and Trust in Jesus. Yes, Jesus said “ it is finished”. Meaning His work that the Father sent him to do was Finished. He would never ever have to be offered as a sin offering again. Now our work in keeping our Faith and our Trust totally in Him has begun when we asked Jesus to be our Lord and Savior Our Master. It will only be finished when we receive our “ Glorified Bodies”.

  162. I watched a recent "preaching" video of Joyce Leiphon. She took on this sudden aura of a wild look like she was demon possessed. She then started shouting all this weird jibberish that could not be understood at all, along with a bizarre "whirring" sound like that of an exotic bird in a jungle. She looked as though she was completely crazed. What was this all about?

  163. What Joyce is doing is called " flesh" She wants people to believe she is super spiritual. She is craving attention which is not what God wants from any of us.
    She may well be demon possessed at this point. But more likely demon oppressed which makes her do these things. Only the devil will take your free will. So if she cannot stop acting as though she is drunk or whatever else she does then I would have to say it is all "flesh" wanting to be center of attention to keep her sheep under control.

  164. Just like the “ religion” that Joyce and the rest of my family was born into so are those who follow Joyce. We were not allow to listen to anyone who was not apart of that “ religion”. How has things changed in the life of those following Joyce, believing that she and only she and those who preach similar to her have the trulth? Have they changed for the Better? According to my family members if you do not follow what Joyce teaches they can no longer have anything to do with you. Of course they believe anyone who does not follow exactly as Joyce tells them to they will be doomed to hell as they are not true followers of the LORD. If they have a relationship with the ones who do not follow Joyce they will be contaminated. If they speak or have any dealing with those in the family that come against what Joyce is teaching they are being disloyal to God. Now I have to wonder who is their God is it truly the one and only God or is it as some have said “ Joyce is their God.” In the booklet that Joyce prepared for her followers before they could join her church she had them sign a “ covenant” with her. Meaning that they have to abide by everthing thing she says or else they will be breaking a covenant with God.
    You have to give as she says give. You have to wait on her hand and foot even if it causes problems in you marriage and with your chidren. Where in the Bible does it say we cannot speak to those who do not believe the Word of God. Why do I care if my family members want to be a member of this Cult. It is mainly that I love them and I want the to be blessed by the one true God. I am afraid if they continue as they are they are in danger of not only loosing all they have but also eternal life with the LORD Jesus Christ the one that died for them. Does it matter to Joyce Leiphon if your marriage falls apart? It will only if it effects how much money you can give to her. Does it matter to her that you have cut your children out of you life? No as she still has her children in her life. They can sin all they want and it is okay by her as she has spoken life into them. Has she truly become “ Him” as she has claimed in her book let? I would post that booklet but is has 30 pages. If anyone wants a copy email me at jfcecil2009@gmail and I will send you a copy. Or email you one. So sad many are allowing this woman to destroy their lives all in the name of Jesus. Mattew 7/21-23 “ Go away I never knew you”. Joyce wake up before it is to late for you. The Lord has given you many warning which you have ignored. The next time you may not recover and then my dear sister where will you be?

  165. Thank you jfcecil for explaining Joyce's bizarre behavior. Wow. I must admit that just watching that video was more frightening to me that anything I had ever encountered as a former police officer. Truly disturbing.

  166. You are so right about being " Truly disturbing" but to me the most disturbing is that some few people that follow her are giving her not God half their income. Shunning anyone who tries to show them she is a false teacher. She truly believes she is above everyone else.

  167. Just read an article on facebook where a long time member of a church received a letter from the Pastors telling her she was no longer a member of that church because she had not been giving her tithes and not attending the services.
    This woman was 92 years old. Sounds a lot like Joyce Leiphon when member decided to stay home and read a book by Kenneth Hagin called the “ Midas touch”. This pastor called him to ask where her $300 was since he didn't come to church that day. She also told him that book was from the Devil himself. Now if anyone would read the book you would see the Kenneth Hagin who is one of the founders of churches like the one Joyce has it will show you those who follow Joyce Leiphon is taking advantage of those following their teaching. Kenneth Hagin tried to correct His error before he died. I wonder if Joyce Leiphon will. It has become a sad day in America when the church teaches and preaches MONEY, money and more money. When will they stop teaching their followers to be covetous, idolaters. Don't you have to worship Joyce Leiphon in order to be a member of her church? That is what her covenant workbooks says.

  168. Several months ago while watching Joyce's service I heard her share that she and one of her sisters prayed, and God answered and gave her sister a new car, FREE AND CLEAR. I have since found out that in fact her sister's husband is making payments on the car. It is not the model that they asked for.Since God of the bible is a God of truth, why are they lying.
    Also found out that this sister while at a service at Leroy's church fell and broke her arm in two places, has had surgery. All the time Joyce is declaring that she is healed, her sister also declaring that she is healed. I guess they are blind, bewitched,or dumb, stupid. The sister claims to be be reading the bible for forty years. And she doesn't know that God either causes or let's every thing that happens to a person happen, maybe the lying caused the broken arm. Better still the FALSE DOCTRINE that she is a part of.If she is reading the bible it would be a good idea to read it context of verse and chapter then the book of the bible also how that what you are believing goes with the rest of the bible. If one will look up The International Inductive Study bible it will give information on Observation, Interpretation,Application, this will help one to rightly divide the word of truth. In Jesus's love JC

    1. I watched the same service. Yes it is true they both lied. The sister's husband bought the car and it wasn't the car the sister was demanding God give her. But she said it was the same just a different name on it. This same sister is also giving to Joyce half her income while causing all kinds of dysfunction in Her family. If you don't believe what she and Joyce says she can't have anything to do with you. Like the other sister, she also has disowned her only daughter. Is this the Love of Jesus being shown to anyone? If you have to do what they do in order to be a Christian I surly do not want to be apart of it. I mean if you have to lie cheat and steal, cause others to be hurt I do not need it. Who did Jesus die for? Did he not die for those who knew they were sinners? Yet these people believe they are even above God. So sad. Still praying for all those who are following this false teacher.

  169. I have often heard Joyce say that only preachers are to speak out against false teaching, or are the watchman on the wall as Ezekiel 33, also Matt 28 Jesus told his disciples to go tell “HIS Brethren”. Who are the disciple and who were the 12. All of us who are the true Body of Christ have the commission from the LORD to go into all nations and preach the Good New that the Redeemer has come and delivered all Who would believe His Truth from “sin and death”. So with Joyce saying only preachers are the Watchman on the Wall of truth does she know what she is talking about. There are many Preachers who have over the last 30 or 40 years spoken out against this Word of Faith. Jimmy Swaggart, Loren Lawson, Mike Muzzerall, plus Joyce own dad and older Brother. They are all ordained Ministers of the True Gospel. While Joyce never comes out and says Jesus died spiritually she does say that Jesus went to hell in our place. That means Jesus died spiritually,. No, Jesus went to the Cross and gave His life for all who would believe. The Cross is what redeemed us from sin and death. The Resurrestion was the proof the Sacrifice had been accepted. One sister following Joyce Leiphon, called her niece and told her how sinful her own daughter was ( this sister no longer has contact with this daughter). This sister told her niece the I was not the Gosple police. These are the exact words of Joyce Leiphon. So who truly are the Watchman on the Wall? Is it people who believe and teach that Jesus went to hell and died spiritually? If what Joyce preaching is true then we are all on our way to hell. When the Redeemer goes to hell and the devil beats him up is anyone truly saved from sin and death? I choose to believe the truth which is Jesus death on the Cross where the veil was rent, not his going the hell freed me from Sin and death. Yes, I am a watchman on the Wall. Standing up for the truth. I tell everyone the truth no matter if they are Word of Faith, Roman Catholic, or any other “ religion.” Yes Word of Faith is a “ religion.” If that means I cannot have a loving relationship with my sisters that is the price Jesus tells us we who are His will pay. I do and will not shun anyone who does not believe what I preach or says concerning the Death of My Lord and Savior. I will contine to speak the truth that is Written in the Holy Word of God. I do not have all the answers but I do know what Joyce teaches is a lie from the pit of hell.

  170. Not surprising to hear the ridiculous story about the "free and clear" car. For as long as I have known Joyce, 30 years, she has always been a pathological liar and a drama queen.

  171. Whoever the person is that sent Joyce Leiphon the email telling her that something was seriously wrong with her and that she needed help, NO TRUER WORDS HAVE BEEN SPOKEN. Know that there are tons of people who agree with you.


  172. I just listen to Joyce preaching of this past Sunday. She says she has never read in the Bible where Jesus attacked anyone. Well Joyce you better read Matthew 23. I believe this whole chapter was written for preachers like yourself. Or have you torn this chapter out of your Bible. Jesus had much to say about the wickness you are teaching. Of course Joyce was speaking about the truth that I write on this blog. I cannot destroy her or do I want to. But I do know the man who Can. His name is Jesus Christ the only Son of the Living God. Jesus has all Authoirty to bring down everyone that exalts themselves above the Living God. I speak against all the false she teaches. She does not have enough faith in what she teaches to sit down with members of her family that she comes against. She just remarks about their lifestyles. Yet she does not know anything about their lifestyle. She said it out of her own mouth she has nothing to do with us. She will not answer any questions oops I forgot you are not to question her. She is not secure in her teaching or she would be able to hold her own against the Whole Word of God not just the portion she uses. I am not atacking anything but the false teaching she subscribes to. All true memebers of the true Body of Christ have to speak out against the working of the devil who is destroying the True Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I will not stop putting the truth on this blog until the LORD closes down your pulpit from the pit of hell!!!! And close it down HE will. His true church is the one the “ Gates of Hell will not prevail against.”


  173. Joyce says she was going to preach on the benefits of the Cross of Christ on her video from Sunday August 16th. I listen to her and all I gain from her preaching was complaining about me. She complains that I am trying to destroy her and her followers. My goodness, she has more faith in my power to bring her down then I do. She condemns me for speaking the truth about what she preaches. Now she has commented about my lifestyle and she chooses not to be around me. Let me say this. I have not seen Joyce in the last 25 years more the three or four time. I have not spoken to her but maybe two or three time since 2006. So how does she know anything about my lifestyle of today?
    She says she can be contaminated by being around people who do not agree with her teaching. Could it be she is afraid she will be shown the truth as it is Written in the Whole Word of God. Then she would not be able to preach the lies she is now. How can you determine anyones Lifestyle if you never speak to them or are around them? She presumes that I still live the same lifestyle I have always lived just as she is now doing? I know she is still living the same lifestyle she has always lived by the fact of what she preaches. The fact she will not speak to or have anything to do with anyone who disagrees with her. Isn't that the same reason she has stayed away from most of her family most of her adult life? Joyce has caused problem in all her families life that she claim she is trying to help. She has done everything she could to destroy my children and our relationship. She also tried to harm Betty and her daughters relationship. That has happen recently when Betty disowned her daughter because she will not accept that is Joyce God. Joyce Leiphon is one of the most evil persons I have come in contact with. Let me tell you I have met many but none as evil as she is. What makes her so evil is she used the Holy Name of God for her own personal well being. The ones I have met never claim to know the Lord as Joyce does. I am coming against Joyce lifestyle because it is not one the LORD has called us to live. Joyce is still all about self. This is the plain and simple truth, she will use anyone to get what she wants just as she always has. So Joyce from what comes out of your mouth when you preach tells me you are still all about yourself. So I am telling if you do not want to be destroyed by our own words repent of your evil deeds. Turn to the Cross of Christ and ask Him to give you the truth. Stop standing on the teaching of other false teachers such as EW Kenyon and Kenneth Hagin. Look at the source of all you believe. Everyone is a liar except you and those who follow their teachings? You will not look at anything that shows you could be wrong. Joyce are you serving others as Jesus did or are you having other serve you. Your lifestyle today is the same as always. You truly do not understand the Cross of Christ and the benefits given to all them that Believe and trust in HIS finished work. Because I do not follower her teaching I am not saved. Because I do not follower her teaching I do not have a relationship with the LORD Jesus Christ. That is what I take from all Joyce is preaching. You must follower her or you are lost and you lifestyle doe not measure up to hers.


  174. Joyce says that because I come against all that she is teaching that I am jealous of all that she has. I would rather be homeless blind, deaf and dumb before I would want anything that Joyce has. I cannot steal from those who say they Love the Lord Jesus Christ or anyone for that matter. Unlike Joyce she would take the food out of a babies mouth in order for her to live the lifestyle of Royalty. I am truly blessed by the Lord not because of what I can or cannot do but because of all He has done in my life to change my heart from one self centered and selfish to one that now relies only on Him to change me. I have not rejected the Cross of Christ as Joyce has done. The proof is in what she preaches, money cometh, as the true Gospel. I pray come Lord Jesus make you home in my heart. I am not claiming to be anything other then a human being, who is saved by the blood of Christ and am being saved daily as I go to the Cross. I have to ask the Lord to show me myself as only He can see me. Unlike Joyce who sees herself as having “ become “ Him” and everyone has to obey her as though she is God. This Country is in the shape it is in because of preacher like Joyce. Jealous, no but Joyce must be jealous of the knowledge as limited as it is that I have of the HolyWord of God to be able to point out the false from the truth.

  175. After reading a copy of the LOTWC membership covenant that one signs to be a member. I have to believe that no one in this group is born again. Joyce has these people give up their free will and obey her in all things. God the Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit none of these have done this. Not with the Angels or with man.And with Adam's willful disobedience man now has a sin nature, I believe Joyce and this group are still ruled by this.It can only be broken with a true relationship with The Lord Jesus Christ not another Jesus. Because of Jesus's sacrifice on the Cross the power of the sin nature is broken, but will be revived if one's faith is in anything other than what Jesus did on the Cross.Such as confessions, fasting, Claiming money cometh to me now, any other works to get from God.Listed in this booklet also are all the birthdays, holidays, etc. one is to give gifts plus tithes and offerings.The only one that is getting the money is Joyce not God nor the people of this group.Joyce is not called of God as a minister of the true gospel and she knows it.She is running a ponzi scheme, network marketing etc business. JC

  176. I agree with the above statement.


  177. Joyce says that because I come against all that she is teaching that I am jealous of all that she has. I would rather be homeless blind, deaf and dumb before I would want anything that Joyce has. I cannot steal from those who say they Love the Lord Jesus Christ or anyone for that matter. Unlike Joyce she would take the food out of a babies mouth in order for her to live the lifestyle of Royalty. I am truly blessed by the Lord not because of what I can or cannot do but because of all He has done in my life to change my heart from one self centered and selfish to one that now relies only on Him to change me. I have not rejected the Cross of Christ as Joyce has done. The proof is in what she preaches, money cometh, as the true Gospel. I pray come Lord Jesus make you home in my heart. I am not claiming to be anything other then a human being, who is saved by the blood of Christ and am being saved daily as I go to the Cross. I have to ask the Lord to show me myself as only He can see me. Unlike Joyce who sees herself as having “ become “ Him” and everyone has to obey her as though she is God. This Country is in the shape it is in because of preacher like Joyce. Jealous, no but Joyce must be jealous of the knowledge as limited as it is that I have of the HolyWord of God to be able to point out the false from the truth.


  178. I recently heard Joyce say that if she is wrong God would correct her. She has admitted several time that people have come to her and told her what she is preaching is wrong. She dismissed them would not listen.
    When you reject the people that God send your way to share the truth and you reject that person could you be rejecting the Lords correction. All through the Bible God used people to show others what they were doing was “sin”. While reading the bible I have found that when a person even those who do not claim to know the Lord refuses to listen to the Spirit of God he has always sent a human being to confront them. To show them the error of their ways. Joyce often speaks of David and that He has a heart for God. Yet he was and adulter, a mass murderer, while he continued to be King of Israel and did not listen to the LORD God sent Nathan to tell him of his wrong doing. I wonder how many who follow Joyce have ever truly read the 12th chapter of 2 Samuel. David being a man who had a heart after God as Joyce often says listen to the person that the Lord sent to correct him. Since David would not listen to the Lord by the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Wonder what would have happened to David had he done as Joyce does. “ If I am wrong God will correct me.” David didn't do that! David said “ I have sinned against my Lord”. David listen to the one God sent to Him. Yet Joyce refuses to listen to the truth that so many including her Dad, who I know has told her what she has believed and what she now preaching is a lie from the pit of hell. Just because someone adds Jesus Christ and Him crucified and make much of the Blood are you truly speaking the truth. David truly had a heart after God yet he did much evil in the sight of God. But unlike so many today David listen to the person God sent to confront him on his wicked evil ways. Joyce refuses the correction of the LORD. Is she not professing to be god in her own sight? Is she waiting for Jesus to stand in front of her and tell her she is teaching “sin” instead of teaching His truth? She often says she sees Jesus standing in front of her and the have great conversations. Would she listen to Him if He told her she is wrong? I believe that if you cannot accept correction that God sends to you through people you would not accept the truth even if Jesus Himself tells you, that you are preaching a lie. Joyce shuns anyone who comes against what she preaches. What does that tell anyone about Joyce?


  179. Sitting here remembering so many things that my dad taught, I finally realized after all these years why he shut down the prayer meetings he was having in his home. The house was over flowing with large crowds.
    He had been teaching the Word of Faith doctrine. When the Lord showed him through reading and studying the bible even though he had all the Kenyon and Hagin books, he believe the True Written Word of God in context in which it was written. Dad did all he could to right the wrong he had done by teaching the Word of Faith Doctrine and closed down the meeting. He began His ministry after shutting down with one on one fellowship. Many have come to the Lord Jesus Christ because he was not afraid to admit he was or could be wrong. I miss my daddy, He has been with the Lord now going on 26 years. The knowledge of the Scripture he was Blessed with would today make most preachers ashamed of what they teach. It truly takes a “ humble” man or woman to admit they are Wrong. I am happy that he is with the Lord today as I know he had finished the work the Lord Saved him to do. I wonder if Joyce ever thinks about how disappointed our dad would be to know she is still following and teaching the lie. The same lie that our Dad renounced. Just wondering.

  180. Joyce is NOT going to ever change, period. She is too greedy. Even if there was definite proof that the Lord was going to return tomorrow, she wouldn't repent because Joyce is right and everyone else in the world is wrong. And if Jesus is standing in front of her and they are having great conversations, then she must be smoking some really bad stuff.


  181. Hebrew 11:1 I wonder if this verse really means I can believe I can have whatever it is I want and God has to give it to me if I truly believe what Joyce said this morning. It all depends on what the word “is,” is. Sounds to me as though she is taking lessons from Bill Clinton. Now when I read the above Chapter and verse it makes me realize even though I do not have all the promises of God that is in the Bible today, I know as long as I keep my Faith and Trust in Jesus and His Sacrifice and not in what I think be or do then I have all that I need. The evidence is the Fact of God Word ( Jesus Christ) said so. Not what I said or what any preacher preaches but only What the Whole Word of God says. So if you are following Joyce Leiphon do you truly have your faith in the Prefect Sacrifice of Jesus or is in the fact you claim you are heal and you are not. That you claim you are a millionaire and you are not. You claim you have been give a new car yet some one is having to pay for it. Accoding to Joyce you can have what ever it is you are believing for. But is that truly what the Word of God says or does it depend on what the defination of “is” is. I really could not listen to any more of her garbage today Maybe tomorrow I will be able to if the LORD is willing for me to hear the rest.

  182. I saw on the news recently where a sweet little 9 year old girl, for her birthday, raised money to donate to a children's hospital. And then there are the greedy gluttons like Joyce Leiphon. ��


  183. What man is there among you who, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? —Matthew 7:9
    The illustration of prayer that our Lord used here is one of a good child who is asking for something good. We talk about prayer as if God hears us regardless of what our relationship is to Him (see Matthew 5:45). Never say that it is not God’s will to give you what you ask. Don’t faint and give up, but find out the reason you have not received; increase the intensity of your search and examine the evidence. Is your relationship right with your spouse, your children, and your fellow students? Are you a “good child” in those relationships? Do you have to say to the Lord, “I have been irritable and cross, but I still want spiritual blessings”? You cannot receive and will have to do without them until you have the attitude of a “good child.”
    We mistake defiance for devotion, arguing with God instead of surrendering. We refuse to look at the evidence that clearly indicates where we are wrong. Have I been asking God to give me money for something I want, while refusing to pay someone what I owe him? Have I been asking God for liberty while I am withholding it from someone who belongs to me? Have I refused to forgive someone, and have I been unkind to that person? Have I been living as God’s child among my relatives and friends? (see Matthew 7:12).
    I am a child of God only by being born again, and as His child I am good only as I “walk in the light” (1 John 1:7). For most of us, prayer simply becomes some trivial religious expression, a matter of mystical and emotional fellowship with God. We are all good at producing spiritual fog that blinds our sight. But if we will search out and examine the evidence, we will see very clearly what is wrong— a friendship, an unpaid debt, or an improper attitude. There is no use praying unless we are living as children of God. Then Jesus says, regarding His children, “Everyone who asks receives…” (Matthew 7:8).

  184. Joyce Leiphon has never lived among her friends and family as "God's child" yet professes to be such a "good Christian". Is that the worst kind of hypocrite or what?


  185. Joyce, where in the world did you get the notion that the spirit of man has been with God since before the foundation of the World. That God sends these spirits to the earth in a earth suit. I have heard you say this a few times, I guess it went over my head. But don't you realize that the Spirit of man comes into a person when they are conceived? The spirit is not there floating around on cloud waiting for God to say OK now you can have a body, so you can lead all men to the truth. Did you get this from some Eastern false religion? Oh I know you got a direct revelation from God right? Now Joyce even said that when God made Adam He God breathe into Adam and he became a living soul. Now according to what Joyce said about the spirit that living soul had been with God from the beginning but that is not what the Written Word of God says does it? I could not listen to all of what she is preaching as it is hard to listen to the false. Now according to Joyce what ever you believe for you can have. I guess that only goes for those who follow her teachings and others that teach like her. So what she is saying even though I am an elderly person and I believe God is telling me I can be the owner of Ford Motor Company I will be the Owner of Ford Motor. Or like someone I recently talked to said that also means if I want to be a Rolls Royce I will become a Rolls Royce right. Joyce is pulling this out of her own vain imagination. Joyce say she knows the LORD and if she is wrong God will show her she is Wrong. But When you refuse God and His correction you get what she just said. Our spirit has always been with God then he sent them in a earth suit to the earth. More proof to me that Joyce has no clue about the truth that is written in the Word of God she is one of the gullible women that is spoken about in 2Tim 3:1-7. Verses 6-7 says, “ For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of GULLIBLE women loaded down with sins, lead away by various lusts. Always learning and never abe to come to the knowledge of the truth.” If you can preach that the spirit is floating around heaven as you have then yes Joyce you are a Gullible woman.

  186. I don't know about gullible, but without question this woman is just plain nuts.

    1. No I do not believe she is nuts. she has just learned over the years how to manipulate others and make some think she knows what she is talking about. She loves the sound of her own voice. We had a nick name for her as she would never shut up. Still the same old Joyce as always. She is so in love with herself that anyone that disagrees with her will become a target and she will do anything she can to destroy them. Just like in her church she is destroying or trying to destroy family who do not agree with her.

  187. What is a narcissistic person?
    Quick Answer
    A narcissistic person is someone who thinks he is more important than and superior to other people. Narcissists need to be the center of attention, think they are entitled to special treatment, and have a hard time getting along with others, because they lack empathy.
    While I do not subscribe to psychology I truly believe this is who and what Joyce Leiphon is.

  188. What you describe is not only a narcissist but also a psychopath.

  189. Maybe so. All I know for sure is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost are all three in one. They have never manipulated or tried to control any human being. God has never violated a persons free will. Joyce has continually tried to control every person she comes in contact with. If she cannot control, and manipulate them she calls them the children of the Devil and advises those who follow her to cut them out of their life. It doesn't matter who it is. Wife, Husband, or children. When you cannot question what a person teaches you are in deep trouble if you continue to follow them. Wonder how many following Joyce remember Jim Jones? Do you think these people ever gave it a thought that he would murder over 900 people. First he talked the good talk then he took control of everything just like Joyce is doing. I pray God will open the eyes of her followers to the truth and stop following her teaching but come to know the truth behind what Joyce is teaching

  190. Amen, my sister in Christ. Everything you just said is the absolute truth and I couldn't agree with you more.


  191. Joyce says she has followed the principles that she is teaching for 40 years. Or should I say the Spiritual Laws of God for 40 years. I have to ask my two sisters who follow her how have you fallen for this when you know that she left her unsaved husband for another man who also was unsaved. Did she not move to another State to be with her boyfriend before she was divorced? How soon we choose to over look the same behavior in some people but decide that in others we cannot overlook their past? I truly believe when a soul comes to the LORD Jesus their past sins are no longer remembered by God. But when you continue to do the same thing over and over have you allowed the LORD to Change you heart or are you still living as you always did. Our Dad wrote a song many years ago called “ Are you really born again” in this song dad wrote “ or did you say the words to please some of your kin.”. I wonder today if he was talking about many of our family members. Before Joyce married her children father our dad counseled her not to marry as we are not to be “ unequally yoke with unbelievers.” She rejected that counsel. Is she still not rejecting the counsel of others the Lord has sent as a correction just as now she says if she is wrong God will correct her? Does she still reject anyone that does not agree with her? Self is more a determent to living a life with God then any of us realize including Joyce. Self is the hardest part to allow the Lord to kill. He will if we yeild to the Holy Spirit. The true Holy Spirit not the one we conjure up in our minds to be lead by. Or demonic spirits we have allowed to control us.The Lord is allowing for now Joyce to exeresice her free will to chose the truth or the lie. We all will be called to account for all our actions at some point and time. Will it be in this life or the next is totally up to us. God will not violate our free will !

  192. I have noticed in some of Leiphon's videos that her followers are not shown. You might see just the backs of one or two people holding up their arms and swaying, but you don't see the faces of all of her sheeple. Why is this?

  193. well since I have listen to a lot of what she preaches I am sure many have left her church. She doesn't want anyone to no how few people are following her. Then when she does show several members getting prayed over she will make the comment that many are out of town. I believe the Lord is shutting her down. She has gone from what I have been told from 40 members down to maybe 8 or 9. So she really can't afford to show the world how few there are that follow her.

  194. I kind of suspected that was the reason, that she doesn't want to advertise how few are continuing to follow and worship her. Praise the Lord that people are coming to their senses. These cons like Joyce eventually always bring themselves down by their own hand because of their greed.

  195. What role does Joyce's adult daughter play in this operation?
