This was what expected on New Year's Eve under Joyce Leiphon. If you didn't participate, you would be missing god and could have an impact on how your year would go. I remember when several of our worship team decided not to come and was instructed to sit them down as a form of discipline.
We would show up several hours before the midnight to set everything up. Everyone was asked to bring a dish of food to share with the group. We again were asked by the event coordinator to bring a gift and some money for Joyce. It was important to sow your money to Joyce at the beginning of the New Year!
Joyce would have her man of gawd, Leroy Thompson Money Cometh video playing on the big screen to set the mood. We'd eat and fellowship, talk about those who didn't show up, and all they'd be missing out.
We would join hands in a circle, read a bunch of scriptures placing Joyce Leiphon's on high in praise to her and what she'd done for us in the previous year. We'd go on for maybe 30 minutes or so, then as Joyce would walk around the room praying in tongues, we would follow her every move. Some of her personal assistants would actually shadow her in case she would lose her balance. She'd be drunk in the spirit and sometimes would be held up. She'd blow on people and they would faint to the floor. I wondered why no one fell when the catchers weren't in place to catch them?
We'd do the countdown to midnight......then shout out loud, "Money Cometh to Me Now", sometimes we'd do the "money pull", we'd jump up and down, run around acting as if we were rich.
Yes, her followers would try to be the first to give her money in the new year. She would recognize those to the rest of the group who gave much money. It seemed we were in competing for her blessing on us as we'd try to outdo each other in our giving.
Pretty exciting New Year's Eve yes? Nothing but the money, didn't do much for the lost, the hurting, the poor. It was all about Joyce Leiphon. Things may have changed since Joyce is now streaming her shows online at LOTWC.......No, I don't think so, it's all about the money, has been, always will be.
Happy New Year!
Pastor Jason Baumgardner
13 years ago