Friday, May 10, 2013

Joyce Leiphon and Mother's Day at Light of the World Church (another money cometh scam)

As Mother's Day approaches once again this weekend, I want to extend a Happy Mother's Day to all.  Mom's are very special people, but if you are part of Light of the World Church in Ft Pierce, FL. Mother's Day takes on a different meaning.

While I was there, we would plan a mother's day celebration, not for the mom's in the church, but for Joyce Leiphon the pastor of LOTWC.  This is how it works:

All of the core group would receive an email from one of Joyce's assistants extolling the virtues of the pastor and how much of a blessing to us she is and how she means so much to us etc.  We would have a list of items of appreciation to contribute to.  All these items were approved by Joyce herself or a close family member.  Actually there was a "gift fund" we would put additional monies in each week/month for these special occasion's. This in addition to the other offerings to Joyce Leiphon.  I remember we had a private meeting and some of the families who were struggling in their finances wanted to make something simple, you know, something from the heart, a simple card or handmade gift.  A big NO was the answer they got!  Our pastor deserves the very best and we will not do anything less than that!

So on Mother's Day, Joyce Leiphon would receive lavish gifts, one year it was a big screen tv, an I-pad, cash money etc.  The leadership, (I was one) would give a small speech and sing a song to her for all she did for us.  Imagine that, a song of praise to a person, (I've since repented and sing only songs of praise to the only one of whom all praise is deserved!) Then, those who wanted to say something and give her a gift would be able to speak.  One of the only times anyone was able to speak (with gift in hand).  We would even call Joyce Leiphon our "spiritual mother".  The spiritual mother thing always bothered me and even then I was uncomfortable calling Joyce Leiphon, "Mom".

I'm not against showing appreciation to anyone, however in the case of hijacking Mother's Day and using it to take more money in the name of Jesus is just plain WRONG!  Calling Joyce Leiphon "my spiritual mother" was off base and elevating her to a higher level than deserved was totally WRONG!

I'm glad and thanks be to God that my eyes were opened and set free from this false gospel that is really a cult.  Celebrate your Mom this weekend.  Joyce Leiphon, you are not special and do not deserve the worship you demand from your followers.  Hijacking Mother's Day is another example of why I left this cult.